phpwcms System

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Basic System Setup:

Docu: The article center

The site-structure is the basis of the system and is reflecting all parts of the site. These entries (also modelling your navigation later on) are commonly called Levels or Categories. These pages are automatically displayed in the navigation with the text from category title and the link name from alias this category

Each of this structure level (or category) will get assigned a template, containing the HTML-Code and all necessary place holders for the different main content sections {HEADER}{RIGHT}{FOOTER}{LEFT}{CONTENT}.

The template must contain the place holder {CONTENT} at least, otherwise the system doesn't know where to place the content to be displayed.

Anticipating the displaying of article:
In Number of Top-Articles you can set the mode in which the displaying of articles will take place (Detail = -1 or List > = 1).

  • In Detail Mode always the first article will be displayed completely, with all summary text and all Content Parts.
  • In List Mode all articles of the particular structure or level will be displayed with only the summary and the chosen picture and a read more link, linking to the complete article.

The next step: articles

A category can contain one or more articles, which will be displayed depending on the selected display mode.

An article is consisting of the article head with title, subtitle, start and end date, page alias, templates, teaser text (summary) and two pictures (one for being displayed within the article's summary itself and one for the list mode display) to name the most important.


An article can contain several Contentparts (CPs), which will be displayed (this is the default) in an hierarchical order.

Hierarchy in Detail Display Mode:

- Category (Article amount = -1)
— Article (Displaying all Content)
—– Contentpart
—– Contentpart
—– Contentpart

- Category (Article amount = -1)
— Article (Displaying all Content)
—– Contentpart
—– Contentpart
—– Contentpart

Hierarchy in List Mode:

- Category (Article amount > = 1)
— Article (Displaying the teaser text (summary) and [read more])
—– Contentpart
—– Contentpart
—– Contentpart

— Article (Displaying the teaser text (summary) and [read more])
—– Contentpart
—– Contentpart
—– Contentpart

— Article (Displaying the teaser text (summary) and [read more])
—– Contentpart
—– Contentpart
—– Contentpart

- Category (Article amount = -1)
— Article (Displaying all Content)
—– Contentpart
—– Contentpart
—– Contentpart

Find the ID:

Short link overview

english/phpwcms-system.txt · Last modified: 2018/06/03 18:09 (external edit) Creative Commons License Valid CSS Driven by DokuWiki do yourself a favour and use a real browser - get firefox!! Recent changes RSS feed Valid XHTML 1.0