In CP images <div> only the first thumb of all is to be displayed. All large pictures should be visible in the LightBox using (next/prev).
Only the first thumb is visible, all other are hidden.
Screenshot taken from Images <special> because the function is identical.
Since version 1.4.6 r402 with all patches, see download docu ”DEV - Versionen im ZIP Format”.
Forum: Bilder einfügen mit nur 1 Vorschaubild
Edit appropriate template of the CP and drop the following into the style definition of the enclosing container:
[PHP]if ('{FIRST}' == '') echo 'display: none;';[/PHP]
“display: none” is set for all <div> enclosing container, except the first.
E.g. in a “Images special” template:
<!--IMAGES_ENTRY_START//--> <div id="img{IMGID}" class="imageEntry" style="float:left;padding:5px;border:1px solid #CCCCCC;margin:{SPACE}px {SPACE}px 0 0; [PHP]if ('{FIRST}' == '') echo 'display: none;';[/PHP]"> {IMAGE} [CAPTION]<p>{CAPTION}</p>[/CAPTION][CAPTION_ELSE]<p>{IMGNAME}</p>[/CAPTION_ELSE] [INFOTEXT] <!-- auto <p>info text</p> text --> {INFOTEXT} [/INFOTEXT] [INFOHTML] <!-- pure HTML info text --> {INFOHTML} [/INFOHTML] </div> <!--IMAGES_ENTRY_END//-->
The number of columns in BE must be at least as large as the number of images, since the ID (FIRST) = <!-- First Image --> will be placed on a column top.
There are no more scripts needed.
See also “Images <spezial>” One thumb - several largesize