How can I create a multilingual site?
Version: V1.2.7 - 1.x.x
An example using the two languages english [en] and german [de] (IDs are coincidentally selected).
------------------------------------ L E V E L -: : : : : -0 1 2 3 4 <- LEVEL-No.) -: : : : : -+ home : : ID=0 -+--+ en ID=01 -+--+--+ en_category_01 ID=02 -+--+--+ en_category_02 ID=03 -+--+--+--+ en_category_02_01 ID=05 -+--+--+--+--+ en_category_02_01_01 ID=07 -+--+--+--+--+ en_category_02_01_02 ID=08 -+--+--+--+ en_category_02_02 ID=06 -+--+--+--+ en_category_02_03 ID=09 -+--+--+ en_category_03 ID=04 -+--+--+ en_category_04 ID=10 -: : : : : -+--+ de ID=11 -+--+--+ de_Kategorie_01 ID=12 -+--+--+ de_Kategorie_02 ID=13 -+--+--+--+ de_Kategorie_02_01 ID=15 -+--+--+--+--+ de_Kategorie_02_01_01 ID=17 -+--+--+--+--+ de_Kategorie_02_01_02 ID=18 -+--+--+--+ de_Kategorie_02_03 ID=16 -+--+--+--+ de_Kategorie_02_03 ID=19 -+--+--+ de_Kategorie_03 ID=14 -+--+--+ de_Kategorie_04 ID=20 category -: : : : : -0 1 2 3 4 <- LEVEL No. ------------------------------------
Level based: The level is relatively addressed by using a divided navigation, (e.g. horizontal and vertical). More see “Level-Lift” at the bottom.
Every language [en] & [de] has its own category trees (ADMIN → site structure).
And every language [en] & [de] has its own template.
<note important> Please create the templates first
It turned out as meaningful to finish the side in one language and then copy then the complete language tree for the use of other languages. Afterwards the languagespecific category title and alias name are given to the copied categories.
We need two links in every template for a switch to the other language.
Simple version:
<!-- ===== Language-Switch [en] //--> <div id="language_switch"> <a href="index.php?de" target="_self">Switch to german</a> | english active </div> <!-- ===== End Language-Switch //-->
<!-- ===== Language-Switch [de] //--> <div id="language_switch"> Deutsch aktiv | <a href="index.php?en" target="_self">umschalten nach Englisch</a> </div> <!-- ===== End Language-Switch //-->
In this example I use little flag images 23x15px (CSS inserted).
In your [en] template please insert e.g.:
<!-- ===== Language switch //--> <div id="language_switch"> <div id="flag_de"> <a href="index.php?de" target="_self"><img src="img/leer.gif" border="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" alt="german" width="23" height="15" title="switch to german" /></a> </div> <div id="flag_en_act"> <a href="index.php?en" target="_self"><img src="img/leer.gif" border="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" alt="english" width="23" height="15" title="enlish active" /></a> </div> </div> <!-- ===== End Language switch [en] //-->
In your [de] template please insert e.g.:
<!-- ===== Language switch [de] //--> <div id="language_switch"> <div id="flag_de_act"> <a href="index.php?de" target="_self"><img src="img/leer.gif" border="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" alt="deutsch" width="23" height="15" title="Deutsch aktiv" /></a> </div> <div id="flag_en"> <a href="index.php?en" target="_self"><img src="img/leer.gif" border="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" alt="englisch" width="23" height="15" title="umschalten nach Englisch" /></a> </div> </div> <!-- ===== End Language switch [de] //-->
A simple verticle navigation at the right/left using the navigation tag {NAV_LIST_UL:F ……..
E.g. The horizontal output
+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [en_category_01] [en_category_02] [en_category_03] [en_category_04] | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
en: <div class="nlu_horiz1">{NAV_LIST_UL:F,01,1,act_path,active}</div> de: <div class="nlu_horiz1">{NAV_LIST_UL:F,11,1,act_path,active}</div>
(one level deep).
E.g. the vertical sub output for an active en_category_02 using the Level-Lift.
[en_category_01] [en_category_02] [en_category_03] [en_category_04]
+----------------------+ | [en_category_02_01] | | [en_category_02_02] | | [en_category_02_03] | +----------------------+
Please copy this snippet into every language template.
You can lift an ID based navigation to an level based navigation.
I called it Level-Lift. (Have a look too - NAV_LIST_UL (CSS) at the end.
[PHP] if(isset($GLOBALS['LEVEL_ID'][1])) { $level_id = $GLOBALS['LEVEL_ID'][1]; echo '<div class="nlu_navi1">'.LF; echo '{NAV_LIST_UL:F,'.$level_id.',,act_path,active,,,}'; echo '</div>'; } [/PHP]
Where LEVEL_ID'[X] is the level.
You only need this switch if every language has its own domain.
There is a switch working with two domains and generating an HTTP Status Code:
HTTP Status Code: HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Please use only this entry in config:
$phpwcms['site'] = 'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].'/';
$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] should always contain the current called Domain.
Copy this snippet into the folder include/inc_script/frontend_init/
Condition: → /config/phpwcms/
Your Domains- and starting alias names you must be registered in the script.
(A short version of this script you will find in: /template/inc_Script/frontend_init/disabled/domaincheck.php).
<?php // compare against current domain and redirect to correct if neccessary // // Installation: Put this snippet into the folder /frontend_init/ // and switch at $phpwcms['allow_ext_init'] = 1; // E.g.: // Startpoint from is the ID=01 -> $LEVEL_ID[1] = 1 // Startpoint from is the ID=11 -> $LEVEL_ID[1] = 11 // // PHPWCMS_URL -> // returnGlobalGET_QueryString() -> ?alias // $aktion[0] == 0 -> pointer at the root level if(isset($LEVEL_ID[1])) { // Pointer behind the root level ? // Yes -> check active Domain behind root level if($LEVEL_ID[1] == 1 && strpos(PHPWCMS_URL, '') === false) { // E.g. Using the ID=1 (for but with the domain, than switch back to // E.g. switch to headerRedirect(''.returnGlobalGET_QueryString()); } else { // The same for the domain if($LEVEL_ID[1] == 11 && strpos(PHPWCMS_URL, '') === false) { headerRedirect(''.returnGlobalGET_QueryString()); } } } else { // check root level for active Domain if($aktion[0] == 0) { // pointer on the root level e.g. ?? if(strpos(PHPWCMS_URL, '')) { // Yes, go to my startpage for the domain 1 header( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently" ); headerRedirect('http:/'); } elseif(strpos(PHPWCMS_URL, '')) { // The same for domain 2 header( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently" ); headerRedirect(''); } else { //redirect to "default" -> Fallback if there is an third domain or what ever header( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently" ); headerRedirect(''); } } } ?>