A JS Calendar, which allows to enter a date into a form with an input check. The manual input fields are generated only when the JS in on!
Alternatives that should work with this basic technique also shown here:
Docu: –
Forum: Datumeingabe für Formular-Contenttype
Author: K.Heermann (flip-flop) (30.10.09)
CMS-Version: >= V1.3.x
Version: V1.0 30.10.09
Condition: → /config/phpwcms/
Download: calendardateinput.js (8.33 KiB, 238 downloads) Patch for german date form DD.MM.YYY
Update: V1.1 03.11.2009
Download: calendarDateInputX.js (10.48 KiB, 201 downloads) Patch for german date form DD.MM.YYY, Week number (DIN 1355 / ISO 8601) and many custom vars.
The settings are made at the beginning of the js file.
// Customizable variables ===================================================== var lang_de = 1; // +KH: Language German 0=[Month][Day][Year] and German Text 1=[Day][Month][Year] and English text var myStartDay = 1; // +KH: Calendar start day- default: Sunday = 0 | Monday = 1 var myWeekNo = 1; // +KH: Calendar week No: Off= 0 | On = 1 var DefaultDateFormat = 'DD.MM.YYYY'; // +KH: If no date format is supplied, this will be used instead var HideWait = 20; // Number of seconds before the calendar will disappear var Y2kPivotPoint = 76; // 2-digit years before this point will be created in the 21st century var UnselectedMonthText = ''; // Text to display in the 1st month list item when the date isn't required var spacer = 'img/leer.gif'; // gif transp. , important // Calender Head var ImageURL = 'img/dynCal/dynCalendar.gif'; // Calendar image var NextURL = 'img/dynCal/next.gif'; // Next image var PrevURL = 'img/dynCal/prev.gif'; // Prev image var TopRowBGColor = '#d4d0c8'; // bg Head var CalHeadTxt = 'Zeige aktuellen Monat'; // Calendar grid var DayBGColor = '#aaa'; // hover var CalBGColor = '#f0f0f0'; // grid var DaySelectTextColor = 'color:white;font-weight:bold;'; var DaySelectTextStyle = 'border:1px solid darkred; padding:0px;'; var DayTextColor = 'color:black;'; var FontSize = 12; // Calendar grid [px] var FontFamily = 'Tahoma'; var CalendarGridTd = 'letter-spacing:normal;line-height:normal;font-family:' + FontFamily + ',Sans-Serif;font-size:' + FontSize + 'px;'; // Calendar pull down var CalendarPullDownSelect = 'letter-spacing:.06em; font-family:Verdana,Sans-Serif; font-size:12px;'; var CalendarPullDownInput = 'letter-spacing:.06em; font-family:Verdana,Sans-Serif; font-size:12px;'; var CellWidth = 25; // Cell width of Day No Cell var WeekNoCellWidth = 30; // +KH: Cell width of Calendar week if available var CellHeight = 18; // Height of all cells var WeekNoCellBorder = 'border-right:1px solid #ccc;color:#666;background:#f5f5f5;'; // Style for week Number var ClickToSelectTxt = 'Klick für die Anzeige des '; // var ClickToSelectTxt = 'Click to select today'; var ClickToViewTxt = 'Klick: Anzeige des '; // var ClickToViewTxt = 'Click to view '; var ClickTxt = 'Klick: '; // var ClickToViewTxt = 'Click: '; var CalHideTxt = 'Kalender verstecken'; // var CalHideTxt = 'Hide Calendar'; var CalShowTxt = 'Kalender anzeigen'; // var CalShowTxt = 'Show Calendar'; var TodayTxt = 'heutigen Tag'; // var TodayTxt = 'today'; if (myStartDay) var WeekDays = new Array('Mo','Di','Mi','Do','Fr','Sa','So'); else var WeekDays = new Array('So','Mo','Di','Mi','Do','Fr','Sa'); if (lang_de) var myWeekNoTxt = 'KW'; // Calendar week else var myWeekNoTxt = 'CW'; if (lang_de) var MonthNames = new Array('Januar','Februar','März','April','Mai','Juni','Juli','August','September','Oktober','November','Dezember'); else var MonthNames = new Array('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'); // Customizable variables ====END==============================================
The script generates a hidden field with registered result, This hidden field must be created with the same name in the CP.
For the field type is text (special) highly recommended, because we have the opportunity to catch incorrect entries:
Text (special) with the name entry date_input and these value entries:
type="DATE" default="{DATE_SHORT}" dateformat="d.m.Y"
(See picture below)
The Field Name date_input we find in the script call back.
The template for the calendar looks like this:
{ERROR:date_input}[B]{LABEL:date_input}[/B] <script>DateInput('date_input', true, 'DD.MM.YYYY')</script>
At the end of the template field, the JS file is included:
[PHP] $GLOBALS['block']['custom_htmlhead']['calendarDateInputX.js']= getJavaScriptSourceLink('template/inc_js/calendarDateInput/calendarDateInputX.js'); [/PHP]
(See picture below)
The JS file is only for the form linked to, so do not be entered in the Page Template. (see also: Skript in den <head> Bereich)
The script is located in “template/inc_js/calendarDateInput/calendarDateInputX.js”
Hallo Sir-Oblong-Fitz-Oblong, Name: {name} E-Mail: {email} Ergänzung: ------------------------------ {ergaenzung} ------------------------------ Das Feld Datum: {date_input} ------------------------------ Das war´s - Danke.
<div style="width:610px; margin: 0; padding:10px; border-top:1px dotted #bbb; border-bottom:1px dotted #bbb; background: #f0f0f0;"> {ERROR:name}[B]{LABEL:name}[/B][BR]{name}[BR][BR] {ERROR:email}[B]{LABEL:email}[/B][BR]{email}[BR][BR] {ERROR:ergaenzung}[B]{LABEL:ergaenzung}[/B][BR]{ergaenzung}[BR][BR] {ERROR:date_input}[B]{LABEL:date_input}[/B] <script>DateInput('date_input', true, 'DD.MM.YYYY')</script> [BR][BR] {ERROR:nospam}[B]{LABEL:nospam}[/B][BR]{nospam}[BR][BR] {submitIt} </div> [PHP] $GLOBALS['block']['custom_htmlhead']['calendarDateInputX.js']= getJavaScriptSourceLink('template/inc_js/calendarDateInput/calendarDateInputX.js'); [/PHP]
Since r411 please use
<!-- JS: {TEMPLATE}inc_js/calendarDateInput/calendarDateInputX.js -->
instead of
[PHP] $GLOBALS['block']['custom_htmlhead']['calendarDateInputX.js']= getJavaScriptSourceLink('template/inc_js/calendarDateInput/calendarDateInputX.js'); [/PHP]