NAVIGATION (Ben) (Markus) (Oliver)
Autor: Oliver Georgi (2009/07/04)
Create news
*) Remember - you can use content parts in your template systemwide. So check the ID of the news content part and use {SHOW_CONTENT:CP,ID} in your template.
Autor: markus_s
(Please copy the master template from template/inc_default/news.tmpl to template/inc_cntpart/news/my_news.tmpl)
You can check out Ben's Video as your starting point…
Very important: take care to set up unique tags.
Autor: Ben
I have been playing around with the news template. I have created a news listing and added some CSS if anyone would like to use it.
I have added a border to the image with CSS and made the image a link to the article I have made the article title a link I have removed the main article title added the live date to the article detail with 'created on' and added 'by' as in 'written by' to the template to show the authors name (ideally should have added it to the php file) so it will show as: Written on 31-05-2008 by Ben, Middlesbrough I've also added a horizontal line to separate the teaser listing It has not been tested in IE6
Save this template code as a .tmpl file in template\inc_cntpart\news\
<!--NEWS_SETTINGS_START//--> ; how many news should be listed per row news_per_row = 2 ; teaser text rendered as <p></p> = p ; or just line break to <br> = br news_teaser_text = p ; template for files - the same as used ; for content part files , default: ; files_template_list = default files_template_list = default files_template_detail = default files_direct_download = 0 <!--NEWS_SETTINGS_END//--> news_per_row = 1 <!--NEWS_LIST_START//--> [TITLE]<h3>{TITLE}</h3>[/TITLE] [SUBTITLE]<h4>{SUBTITLE}</h4>[/SUBTITLE] <div class="hrNews"></div> [NEWS_ENTRIES]{NEWS_ENTRIES}[/NEWS_ENTRIES] <!--NEWS_LIST_END//--> <!--NEWS_LIST_ENTRY_START//--> <!-- Changedate: {DATE:d/m/Y H:i:s lang=EN} Livedate: {LIVEDATE:d.m.Y H:i:s lang=EN} Killdate: {KILLDATE:d.m.Y H:i:s lang=EN} //--> <div class="newsEntry[PRIO] prio{PRIO}[/PRIO]"> [IMAGE]<a href="{NEWS_DETAIL_LINK}"><div class="newsImageTeaser"><img src="img/cmsimage.php/120x120x1/{IMAGE_ID}" alt="{CAPTION}" border="0" /></div></a>[/IMAGE] [NEWS_TITLE]<h2><a href="{NEWS_DETAIL_LINK}">{NEWS_TITLE}</a></h2>[/NEWS_TITLE] [NEWS_TEASER]<div class="news_teaser">{NEWS_TEASER}</div>[/NEWS_TEASER] [NEWS_TEASER_ELSE][NEWS_TEXT]{NEWS_TEXT}[/NEWS_TEXT][/NEWS_TEASER_ELSE] [NEWS_DETAIL_LINK]<div class="link"><a href="{NEWS_DETAIL_LINK}">Read more...</a></div>[/NEWS_DETAIL_LINK] <div class="hrNews"></div> </div> <!--NEWS_LIST_ENTRY_END//--> <!--NEWS_LIST_ENTRY_SPACE_START//--> <!-- space between news items --> <!--NEWS_LIST_ENTRY_SPACE_END//--> <!--NEWS_LIST_ROW_SPACE_START//--> <!-- space between rows of news items --> <!--NEWS_LIST_ROW_SPACE_END//--> <!--NEWS_LIST_START//--> [NEWS_ENTRIES]{NEWS_ENTRIES}[/NEWS_ENTRIES] <!--NEWS_LIST_END//--> <!--NEWS_DETAIL_START//--> <div class="news"> <!-- Changedate: {DATE:d/m/Y H:i:s lang=EN} Livedate: {LIVEDATE:d.m.Y H:i:s lang=EN} Killdate: {KILLDATE:d.m.Y H:i:s lang=EN} //--> [NEWS_TITLE]<h1>{NEWS_TITLE}</h1>[/NEWS_TITLE] [NEWS_SUBTITLE]<h2>{NEWS_SUBTITLE}</h2>[/NEWS_SUBTITLE] [NEWS_TOPIC]<p>Written on {LIVEDATE:d-m-Y lang=EN} by [AUTHOR]{AUTHOR}[PLACE], {PLACE}[/PLACE][/AUTHOR][AUTHOR_ELSE][PLACE], {PLACE}[/PLACE][/AUTHOR_ELSE]</p>[/NEWS_TOPIC] [IMAGE] [ZOOM_ELSE] [IMAGE_URL]<a href="{IMAGE_URL}"{IMAGE_URL_TARGET}>[/IMAGE_URL] <div class="newsImageTeaser"><img src="img/cmsimage.php/150x150x1/{IMAGE_ID}" alt="{CAPTION}" border="0" /></div>[IMAGE_URL]</a>[/IMAGE_URL] [/ZOOM_ELSE] [ZOOM] <a href="img/cmsimage.php/640x480/{IMAGE_ID}" target="_blank"{LIGHTBOX}[LIGHTBOX_CAPTION] title="{LIGHTBOX_CAPTION}"[/LIGHTBOX_CAPTION]> <div class="newsImageTeaser"><img src="img/cmsimage.php/200x185x1/{IMAGE_ID}" alt="{CAPTION}" border="0" /></div></a> [/ZOOM] [/IMAGE] [NEWS_TEXT]<div class="news_text">{NEWS_TEXT}</div>[/NEWS_TEXT] [NEWS_TEXT_ELSE][NEWS_TEASER]{NEWS_TEASER}[/NEWS_TEASER][/NEWS_TEXT_ELSE] [URL] <p><a href="{URL}"{URL_TARGET}>[URL_TEXT]{URL_TEXT}[/URL_TEXT][URL_TEXT_ELSE]more[/URL_TEXT_ELSE]</a></p> [/URL] [FILES]{FILES}[/FILES] [NEWS_LIST_LINK] <p class="link"><a href="{NEWS_LIST_LINK}">Back to news section</a></p> [/NEWS_LIST_LINK] </div> <!--NEWS_DETAIL_END//-->
Add this CSS to the frontend.css
/* ------- start news --------- */ .newsEntry { padding: 5px 0 0px 0; } .newsImageTeaser { float:left; border: 5px solid #f6ecee; margin: 0px 10px 5px 0; padding: 0px 0px 0 0; } .newsImageDetail { float:left; border: 5px solid #f6ecee; margin: 4px 10px 5px 0; padding: 0px 0px 0 0; } .news_teaser { text-align: justify; } .news_text{ text-align: justify; } .hrNews{ margin: 0px 0 0px 0; padding: 5px 0 0px 0; height:0; border:0; border-bottom:1px dotted #CCCCCC; clear:both; } /* ------- end news --------- */