Here are presented a number of tags that can be used in the template.
Tags: <!--NO_PRINT_END//--> and <!--NO_PRINT_START//-->
Using the tags <!--NO_PRINT_END//--> and <!--NO_PRINT_START//--> ranges of the side are released or closed for printing.
<!--NO_PRINT_START//--> <div class="header"> {HEADER} </div> <div class="col1"><!-- Column 1 start --> <!--NO_PRINT_END//--> {CONTENT_ABOVE}{BACK_BUTTON}{CONTENT}{CONTENT_BELOW} <!--NO_PRINT_START//--> </div> <div class="footer"> {FOOTER} </div> <!--NO_PRINT_END//-->
The ranges HEADERS and FOOTER would be excluded from the expression.
This is very easy:
Imaging your template:
<div class="col1"><!-- Column 1 start --> <!--NO_PRINT_END//--><!--SEARCH_HIGHLIGHT_START//--> {CONTENT_ABOVE}{BACK_BUTTON}{CONTENT}{CONTENT_BELOW} <!--SEARCH_HIGHLIGHT_END//--><!--NO_PRINT_START//--> </div>
Now you will get the search results highlighted even within the resulting pages - WOW - and not at the results page itself only
Have a look: Wrapper for article-list -and detail view
Tags: <!--IF_LIST_MODE_START//--> and <!--IF_LIST_MODE_END//-->
<!--IF_LIST_MODE_START//--> --> will be shown when in article listing mode --> everything wrapped in ELSE_LIST_MODE will be deleted <!--IF_LIST_MODE_END//-->
Tags: <!--ELSE_LIST_MODE_START//--> and <!--ELSE_LIST_MODE_END//-->
<!--ELSE_LIST_MODE_START//--> --> will be shown when in article detail mode --> everything wrapped in IF_LIST_MODE will be deleted <!--ELSE_LIST_MODE_END//-->