How To Build Custom Menu

Just a little snippet of code of how to build custom ul/li based navigation in phpwcms.

Author: Oliver Georgi 2007/05/13

I think this might be helpful for everybody wants to have more structured navigation. The concept behind is very universal.

[Note: all “numbers” here are structure level IDs]

Create a new file navi_left_right.php in template/inc_script/frontend_render and paste in following code:


// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// obligate check for phpwcms constants
if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) {
   die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day."); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Simple "How To Build Custom Menu"
// Forum:
// Autor: Oliver Georgi 2007/05/13
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Top Navigation
$_mainNavi      = array(0, 1, 2, 3);
// 0 = root, while all others are selected structure level IDs
// Left Navigation
$_leftNavi      = array(4, 5, 6, 7, 8); // left navi IDs
$_mainNaviAll   = array();
$_leftNaviAll   = array();
foreach($_mainNavi as $value) {
   $_mainNaviAll[$value]  = '<li';
   if((isset($LEVEL_ID[1]) && $LEVEL_ID[1] == $value) || (!isset($LEVEL_ID[1]) && $value==0)) {
      $_mainNaviAll[$value] .= ' class="active"';
   $_mainNaviAll[$value] .= '><a href="index.php?';
   $_mainNaviAll[$value] .= empty($content['struct'][$value]['acat_alias']) ? 'id='.$value : $content['struct'][$value]['acat_alias'];
   $_mainNaviAll[$value] .= '">'.html_specialchars($content['struct'][$value]['acat_name']).'</a></li>';
   // @string $parameter = "menu_type, start_id, max_level_depth, class_path, class_active,
   // ul_id_name, wrap_ul_div(0 = off, 1 = <div>, 2 = <div id="">, 3 = <div class="navLevel-0">),
   // wrap_link_text(<em>|</em>)"
foreach($_leftNavi as $value) {
   $_leftNaviAll[$value]  = '<ul>'.LF;
   $_leftNaviAll[$value] .= '   <li';
   if((isset($LEVEL_ID[1]) && $LEVEL_ID[1] == $value)) {
      $_leftNaviAll[$value] .= ' class="active"';
      $_isActive = true;
   } else {
      $_isActive = false;
   $_leftNaviAll[$value] .= '><a href="index.php?';
   $_leftNaviAll[$value] .= empty($content['struct'][$value]['acat_alias']) ? 'id='.$value : $content['struct'][$value]['acat_alias'];
   $_leftNaviAll[$value] .= '">'.html_specialchars($content['struct'][$value]['acat_name']).'</a>';
   if($_isActive) {
      $_leftNaviAll[$value] .= buildCascadingMenu('F,'.$value.', , , active');
   $_leftNaviAll[$value] .= '</li>'.LF.'</ul>';
$content['all'] = str_replace('{NAVIMAIN}', implode(LF.'    ', $_mainNaviAll), $content['all']);
$content['all'] = str_replace('{NAVILEFT}', implode(LF, $_leftNaviAll), $content['all']);

In mind:

// Top Navigation
$_mainNavi      = array(0, 1, 2, 3);
// Left Navigation
$_leftNavi      = array(4, 5, 6, 7, 8); // left navi IDs

Lets see:

[0] Home
    [1] About Us
    [2] Contact
    [3] News
    [4] Product 1
         [] sub1 product 1
         [] sub2 product 1
         [] sub3 product 1
         [] ....
    [5] Product 2
         [] ....
    [6] Product 3
    [7] Product 4
    [8] Product 5

And will render in frontend like this:

<ul>[Home | About Us | Contact | News ]</ul>
<ul html>
[Product 1]
    [sub 1]
    [sub 2]
    [sub 3]
<ul>[Product 2]</ul>
<ul>[Product 3]</ul>
<ul>[Product 4]</ul>
<ul>[Product 5]</ul>

…and so on. Try it - it's pretty simple but flexible and can be styled using CSS.

Use {NAVIMAIN} and {NAVILEFT} in your template at positions the result should be rendered…

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