Tool: phpMyAdmin
Imagine some people who did upload a bunch of files each. What a PITA to sort this mess - well, not really, because it is plain impossible to do so.
But there is help - read the following and get instant relief:
UPDATE TABLE_NAME set FIELD_NAME = replace(FIELD_NAME, 'find this', 'replace with that');
This will translate into (where “2” is the “f_uid” of the second admin e.g. and you yourself are the number “1”)
UPDATE phpwcms_file SET f_uid=REPLACE(f_uid, '2', '1');
Example 1:
All files and folders with an ID > 51.
UPDATE phpwcms_file SET f_uid = REPLACE( f_uid, '2', '1' ) WHERE f_id >51;
Example 2:
All files and folders within the directory with the ID = 66.
UPDATE phpwcms_file SET f_uid = REPLACE( f_uid, '2', '1' ) WHERE f_pid =66;
But this is still a placeholder! Imagine, which wonderful (and terrible) things you can do with that command!
And the result of the above? The folder of the second admin is plain empty and you are the winner
Diving right into it we plainly execute the following:
DELETE FROM phpwcms_file WHERE f_trash=8;
<note important> For deleted files/pictures (only after you have cleared the trash can in filemanager and doing Admin → remove deleted files!!! </note>