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PHP-Script- and function

FIXME translate

Since the release of r282 it is possible to process an own PHP function between the action “submit” and “sending the E-Mail”. This function can read all the form input, modify, and return it. See: PHP function include

In this function, the e-mail address can not be manipulated. If we need this possibility, we have to resort to another method.

A simple script in “template/inc_script/frontend_init/” -folder is processed before the PHP function call from the form.

Processing order:

  1. Deliver the form to the browser
  2. Submit: receiving the form with the user input
  3. Processing the /frontend_init/ -Scripts
  4. Processing PHP function call from the form

Docu: –
Forum: –

Author: K.Heermann (flip-flop) (13.07.2010)
CMS-Version: >= V1.4.1 r282
Version: V1.0 13.07.2010


  • $phpwcms['allow_ext_init'] = 1;


(In the graph: replace the texte-mail by location).

FIXME translate

There are several regions, each is assigned an email address to contact the right person for this region.

  • The region is one of many and can be selected in a pull-down menu. The email address of the contact person is assigned.
  • It often happens that several regions will be managed by one person, thus stored identical email addresses.
  • In the text of the initial email the selected region are shown.

The last requirement excludes the use of the form from PHP function because we can not relate in a typical building a response to the selected region. ($postvar['email'] ⇒ if e.g.

[select email menu] Name: email

Bitte wählen -|-
Babaorum -|-
Laudanum -|- 
Kleinbonum -|-
Aquarium -|-

If the user selects one of the first two places e.g. “Laudanum”, an identical e-mail address is returned to us, we do not know which location the user selects. (Obelix is responsible for both places).

Extended Version:

Bitte wählen -|-
Babaorum -|- <Babaorum>
Laudanum -|- <Laudanum> 
Kleinbonum -|- <Kleinbonum>
Aquarium -|- <Aquarium>

The form PHP function would provide in “$postvar['email'] ⇒”, thus also here no localisation would be possible. (<Laudanum> is filtered by the form Script).

The variable “$_POST['email']” in an frontend_init-Script supplies against it e.g. ””. We can determine the place.

To fix the location in the output text, we place a hidden field “location” with the word “nix” (nothing) into the form. This field can also be used to identify the form, the frontend_init script is executed on every page request!



 if(isset($_POST['email']) AND $_POST['email'] == 'nix') { ...

So kann das Formular zumindest rudimentär identifiziert werden. Dies kann bei mehreren Formularen in der Site wichtig sein.

Der letzte Schritt ist die Filterung des Ortes und Zuweisung zur Variablen “$_POST['ort']”.
Das ist mit einem einfachen preg_replace möglich, je nach Gusto.


 * 13.07.2010 KH:
 * frontend_init-Script: Manipulating the e-mail address
 * - Determining the location and email address in form
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// obligate check for phpwcms constants
    if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) {
        die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day."); }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if( isset($_POST['ort']) AND $_POST['ort'] == 'nix' )  // The right form?
    $email = trim($_POST['email']);
    $_POST['ort']   = preg_replace('/\<(.*)\>(.*)/is','$1', $email); // Cutting out the location
    $_POST['email'] = preg_replace('/\<(.*)\>(.*)/is','$2', $email); //Only for completeness. Is not necessarily needed
} // ---- END if( $_POST['ort']

In der Formular PHP-Funktion wird in der Variablen “$postvar['ort'] der Text “Laudanum” stehen und somit auch in den Text der Ausgangs-eMail im Platzhalter ”{ort}” übernommen.


[E-Mail Aufklappmenü] Name: email

Bitte wählen -|-
Babaorum -|- <Babaorum>
Laudanum -|- <Laudanum>
Kleinbonum -|- <Kleinbonum>
Aquarium -|- <Aquarium>



Hallo {anrede} {name},

E-Mail: {email}

Ort:    {ort}


Das war alles - Danke.



<div style="width:500px; margin: 0; padding:10px; border:1px solid #bbb; background: #C2E7EF;">

{ERROR:anrede}[B]{LABEL:anrede}[/B] *[BR]{anrede}[BR][BR]

{ERROR:name}[B]{LABEL:name}[/B] *[BR]{name}[BR][BR]

{ERROR:email}[B]{LABEL:email}[/B] *[BR]{email}[BR][BR]


{ERROR:nospam}[B]{LABEL:nospam}[/B] *[BR]{nospam}[BR][BR]


english/phpwcms-system/article/contentparts/form/special-applications/php-script-and-function.1279089446.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/03 18:07 (external edit) Creative Commons License Valid CSS Driven by DokuWiki do yourself a favour and use a real browser - get firefox!! Recent changes RSS feed Valid XHTML 1.0