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3rd-party-modules:googlemaps [2013/01/05 05:42]
Peter Bracher
3rd-party-modules:googlemaps [2018/06/03 18:08] (current)
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**Release notes and change log** **Release notes and change log**
-^ Version 3.5\\ 2013-01-??   | Google Maps API V3 \\ **Backend** \\ MOD API load only on demand \\ ADD Store Address of Point not just coordinates \\ ADD Filter Pointslisting by category \\ ADD MS Dropdown for icons preview \\ FIX Listing and edit form detect broken icon links and throw warning \\ DEL Maximized Info Window \\ ADD show number of points in each category in listing \\ MOD better logic for category handling \\ DEL Filtering of category listing \\ ADD Iconsets \\ MOD Allow icon upload without shadow \\ ADD show number if points an icon is used in listing \\ MOD Admin of key handling changed to API Console Key \\ ADD Backend- and Frontend Key  \\ ADD Show in listing where keys are used in CP's \\ DEL Geo Sitemap \\ MOD Javascript/Ajax rewritten \\ MOD Structure of PHP code unified \\ FIX Handling of PHP variables within the module rewritten and unified, no more littering! \\ MOD Some preparation for JQuery switch \\ FIX lots of bugs \\ FIX Tried to seperate code from layout (still work in progress) \\ MOD look and feel \\ MOD Required fields (most) throw warning on blur if invalid values are given |+^ Version 3.5\\ 2013-01-??   | MOD Google Maps API V3 \\ **Backend** \\ MOD API load only on demand \\ ADD Link from point to CP's the point is attached to \\ ADD Store Address of Point not just coordinates \\ ADD Filter Pointslisting by category \\ ADD MS Dropdown for icons preview \\ FIX Listing and edit form detect broken icon links and throw warning \\ DEL Maximized Info Window \\ ADD show number of points in each category in listing \\ MOD better logic for category handling \\ DEL Filtering of category listing \\ ADD Iconsets \\ MOD Allow icon upload without shadow \\ ADD show number if points an icon is used in listing \\ MOD Admin of key handling changed to API Console Key \\ ADD Backend- and Frontend Key  \\ ADD Show in listing where keys are used in CP's \\ DEL Geo Sitemap \\ MOD Javascript/Ajax rewritten \\ MOD Structure of PHP code unified \\ FIX Handling of PHP variables within the module rewritten and unified, no more littering! \\ MOD Some preparation for JQuery switch \\ FIX lots of bugs \\ FIX Tried to seperate code from layout (still work in progress) \\ MOD look and feel \\ MOD Required fields (most) throw warning on blur if invalid values are given \\  **Frontend** \\ ADD Morebutton \\ ADD XML Loader \\ ADD Google Earth plugin \\ DEL Google Search Bar \\ ADD Map Styles (!) \\ ADD Markerclustering (!) \\ ADD Dynamic API Console Key \\ FIX Several Bugs \\ MOD Javascript and AJAX rewritten  \\ MOD Default CSS for Sidebar (more Google like) |
^ Version 3.0\\ 2009-02-22   | ... | ^ Version 3.0\\ 2009-02-22   | ... |
^ Version 2.0\\ 2007-12-26   | ... | ^ Version 2.0\\ 2007-12-26   | ... |
^ Version 1.0\\ 2007-10-08   | ... | ^ Version 1.0\\ 2007-10-08   | ... |
3rd-party-modules/googlemaps.1357360935.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/03 18:06 (external edit)
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