Only for the FCK Editor available!! (since V1.4.2 r308 (07.03.2009)
Short description:
Based on the new experimental function for using filecenter images with the fck wysiwyg editor using in CPs. The height/width image paramters from fck are injected into the used function image_resized.php and carry over into the function cmsimage.php.
Have a look too:
- FCK/CK and the filecenter
- WYSIWYG (F/CK) image resize
This technics is only made for the FCK and- doesn´t run in CK editor.
This technics is made for the FCK and- CK editor.
And is not made for the production of galleries!!
“FCKEditor got support for phpwcms file browser. Use new setting $phpwcms['FCK_FileBrowser'] = 1 in to enable it (thanks Markus Köhl <> for idea and code).”
Forum: –
Author: K.Heermann (flip-flop) 2010/06/25
CMS-Version: >= V1.4.2 r308 (07.04.2009)
Version: V1.0 2010/06/25
Update: V1.1 2011/10/25
Tag: –
Condition: →
n the area *** CUSTOM VAR *** Around line 40:
Version: V1.0 2010/06/25
filename: rt_wysiwyg_cmsimage.php
folder: template/inc_script/frontend_render/
Condition: → /config/phpwcms/
template/inc_script/frontend_render/rt_wysiwyg_cmsimage.php (v1.0)
<?php /********************************************************************************************* rt: image_resize.php -> cmsimage.php_ V1.0 25.06.10 K.Heermann (flip-flop) Since phpwcms V1.4.2 r308 (07.04.2009) Based on the new experimental function for using filecenter images with the fck wysiwyg editor. -> "FCKEditor got support for phpwcms file browser. Use new setting $phpwcms['FCK_FileBrowser'] = 1 in to enable it (thanks Markus Köhl <> for idea and code)." The height/widht paramters from fck are injected into the used function image_resized.php (with jpg quality declared in *********************************************************************************************/ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // obligate check for phpwcms constants if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) { die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day."); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ======================================================================== // Search for all image strings between "<img" ">" $content['all'] = preg_replace_callback("/<img(.*?) \/>/", "image_resize_to_cmsimage" , $content['all']); // ======================================================================== function image_resize_to_cmsimage($img_tag) { if (strpos($img_tag[1],'image_resized.php')) { // image_resized.php available? /********************** CUSTON VAR ************************************* Switches for own JPG quaility, generally function call and generally LightBox - simple image_resized without file storage (low rendered img qualitiy) - img/cmsimage with rendered file stored in content/images/* (better quality) **********************************************************************/ // Switch between quality parameter from config or your own one $quality = 85; // default // $my_quality = $GLOBALS['phpwcms']['jpg_quality']; // The image quality generated by image_resized is very crappy // Switch between simple image_resized = 0 <-> img/cmsimage = 1 $cmsimage = true; $xcrop = 0; // [0|1] crop the image // Using the LightBox generally $xlightbox = true; // [true|false] // Next / Prev in LightBox if there more than one image $xnextprev = true; // [true|false] // 1. Dimensions adjusted in fck image attributes: e.g. height="150" width="200" // 2. Dimensions adjusted direct using the computer mouse: e.g. style="width: 200px; height: 150px;" /**********************************************************************/ preg_match_all('/((height="|height: )(\d+)("|px))|((width="|width: )(\d+)("|px))|filearchive\/([a-fA-F0-9]{32}).([jJpPeEgGnNiIfF]{3,4})"/', $img_tag[1], $temp); // "fck height/width" search and save in $temp[3]/[7] = value // Set search- and replacer //kh Wird erwartet: <img src="image_resized.php?format=jpg&w=100&h=200&q=85&imgfile=test.jpg" alt="" border="0"> //kh Alte Version: $search = '#image_resized\.php\?format\=(.*?)\&q\=(.*?)\&imgfile\=filearchive/(.*?)" #'; $search = '#image_resized\.php\?format\=(.*?)\&q\=(.*?)\&imgfile\=filearchive/([a-fA-F0-9]{32}).([jJpPeEgGnNiIfF]{3,4})"#'; $width = implode($temp[7]); // FCK image width $height = implode($temp[3]); // FCK image height $image[1] = implode($temp[9]); // Filecenter hash name $image[2] = implode($temp[10]); // Filecenter hash extend $img_wrap = array(); $temp = ''; if (empty($cmsimage)) { // using simple image_resized without stored files? $replace = 'image_resized.php?format=$1'.'&w='.$width.'&h='.$height.'&q='.$quality.'&imgfile=filearchive/$3.$4" '; } else { // ====== No,we uses cmsimage // and there we have some paramaters concealed in class names $title = preg_match('/title\="(.*?)"/i',$img_tag[1], $g) ? html_specialchars($g[1]) : '' ; // // ====== LIGHTBOX ?? Set if ($xlightbox) { $xnextprev = ($xnextprev) ? '[xyz]':''; $img_wrap['begin'] = '<a href="img/cmsimage.php/'.$GLOBALS['phpwcms']['img_prev_width'].'x'.$GLOBALS['phpwcms']['img_prev_height'].'/'.$image[1].'.'.$image[2].'" rel="lightbox'.$xnextprev.'" title="'.$title.'" target="_blank">'; $img_wrap['end'] = '</a>'; if (isset( $GLOBALS['phpwcms']['release_date']) AND $GLOBALS['phpwcms']['release_date'] > '2009/11/23') // V1.4.3 r380 initslimbox(); else initializeLightbox(); // start mootools and slimbox } // LightBox END ====== // ====== Thumb with width/height and crop from FCK //kh Wird erwatet: cmsimage.php/%WIDTH%x%HEIGHT%x%CROP%x%QUALITY%/%HASH%.%EXT% $replace = 'img/cmsimage.php/'.$width.'x'.$height.'x'.$xcrop.'x'.$quality.'/$3.$4" '; } // END cms_image $img_tag[0] = $img_wrap['begin'] . preg_replace($search, $replace, $img_tag[0]) . $img_wrap['end']; } // End function return $img_tag[0]; } ?>
Version: V1.1 2011/10/25
filename: rt_wysiwyg_cmsimage.php
folder: template/inc_script/frontend_render/
Condition: → /config/phpwcms/
template/inc_script/frontend_render/rt_wysiwyg_cmsimage.php (v1.1)
<?php /********************************************************************************************* rt: image_resize.php -> cmsimage.php_ V1.0 25.06.10 K.Heermann (flip-flop) Since phpwcms V1.4.2 r308 (07.04.2009) Based on the new experimental function for using filecenter images with the fck wysiwyg editor. -> "FCKEditor got support for phpwcms file browser. Use new setting $phpwcms['FCK_FileBrowser'] = 1 in to enable it (thanks Markus Köhl <> for idea and code)." The height/widht paramters from fck are injected into the used function image_resized.php (with jpg quality declared in V1.1 25.10.2011 KH: Update ********************************************************************** // FCK -> images -> enhanced -> style sheet class: // Classes separated with blanks // - xnolight = lightbox off (if set generally to on) // - xnocrop = crop thumb off (if set generally to on) // e.g. xnocrop xnolight -> using Thumb no cropping and no LightBox ********************************************************************** *********************************************************************************************/ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // obligate check for phpwcms constants if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) { die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day."); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ======================================================================== // Search for all image strings between "<img" ">" $content['all'] = preg_replace_callback("/<img(.*?) \/>/", "image_resize_to_cmsimage" , $content['all']); // ======================================================================== function image_resize_to_cmsimage($img_tag) { if (strpos($img_tag[1],'image_resized.php')) { // image_resized.php available? /********************** CUSTON VAR ************************************* Switches for own JPG quaility, generally function call and generally LightBox - simple image_resized without file storage (low rendered img qualitiy) - img/cmsimage with rendered file stored in content/images/* (better quality) **********************************************************************/ // Switch between quality parameter from config or your own one $quality = 85; // default // $my_quality = $GLOBALS['phpwcms']['jpg_quality']; // The image quality generated by image_resized is very crappy // Switch between simple image_resized = 0 <-> img/cmsimage = 1 $cmsimage = true; $xcrop = 0; // [0|1] crop the image // Using the LightBox generally $xlightbox = true; // [true|false] // Next / Prev in LightBox if there more than one image $xnextprev = true; // [true|false] // 1. Dimensions adjusted in fck image attributes: e.g. height="150" width="200" // 2. Dimensions adjusted direct using the computer mouse: e.g. style="width: 200px; height: 150px;" /**********************************************************************/ preg_match_all('/((height="|height: )(\d+)("|px))|((width="|width: )(\d+)("|px))|filearchive\/([a-fA-F0-9]{32}).([jJpPeEgGnNiIfF]{3,4})"/', $img_tag[1], $temp); // "fck height/width" search and save in $temp[3]/[7] = value // Set search- and replacer //kh Wird erwartet: <img src="image_resized.php?format=jpg&w=100&h=200&q=85&imgfile=test.jpg" alt="" border="0"> //kh Alte Version: $search = '#image_resized\.php\?format\=(.*?)\&q\=(.*?)\&imgfile\=filearchive/(.*?)" #'; $search = '#image_resized\.php\?format\=(.*?)\&q\=(.*?)\&imgfile\=filearchive/([a-fA-F0-9]{32}).([jJpPeEgGnNiIfF]{3,4})"#'; $width = implode($temp[7]); // FCK image width $height = implode($temp[3]); // FCK image height $image[1] = implode($temp[9]); // Filecenter hash name $image[2] = implode($temp[10]); // Filecenter hash extend $img_wrap = array(); $temp = ''; if (empty($cmsimage)) { // using simple image_resized without stored files? $replace = 'image_resized.php?format=$1'.'&w='.$width.'&h='.$height.'&q='.$quality.'&imgfile=filearchive/$3.$4" '; } else { // ====== No,we uses cmsimage // and there we have some paramaters concealed in class names $title = preg_match('/title\="(.*?)"/i',$img_tag[1], $g) ? html_specialchars($g[1]) : '' ; // // -------------------- V1.1 Update 25.10.2010 KH +xnocrop +xnolight // === catch the classes and sort if xnp ist set $class_temp = preg_match('/class="(.*?)"/i',$img_tag[1], $g) ? trim($g[1]) : ''; // cut out all class names $temp = explode(' ', $class_temp); asort($temp); if ($xlightbox) $xlightbox = (in_array('xnolight', $temp))? false : true; if ($xcrop) $xcrop = (in_array('xnocrop', $temp))? 0 : 1; // -------------------- End V1.1 Update // ====== LIGHTBOX ?? Set if ($xlightbox) { // only do if lightbox ist true and xnolight isn´t set. $xnextprev = ($xnextprev) ? '[xyz]':''; $img_wrap['begin'] = '<a href="img/cmsimage.php/'.$GLOBALS['phpwcms']['img_prev_width'].'x'.$GLOBALS['phpwcms']['img_prev_height'].'/'.$image[1].'.'.$image[2].'" rel="lightbox'.$xnextprev.'" title="'.$title.'" target="_blank">'; $img_wrap['end'] = '</a>'; if (isset( $GLOBALS['phpwcms']['release_date']) AND $GLOBALS['phpwcms']['release_date'] > '2009/11/23') // V1.4.3 r380 initslimbox(); else initializeLightbox(); // start mootools and slimbox } // LightBox END ====== // ====== Thumb with width/height and crop from FCK //kh Wird erwatet: cmsimage.php/%WIDTH%x%HEIGHT%x%CROP%x%QUALITY%/%HASH%.%EXT% $replace = 'img/cmsimage.php/'.$width.'x'.$height.'x'.$xcrop.'x'.$quality.'/$3.$4" '; } // END cms_image $img_tag[0] = $img_wrap['begin'] . preg_replace($search, $replace, $img_tag[0]) . $img_wrap['end']; } // End function return $img_tag[0]; } ?>