This program snippet offers the possibility to reorder the HTML source of the three CPs
into separate blocks.
For example now we are able to use current tab extensions for the CP “register-tabs” .
An example for use in CP “Images <div>” is illustrated here: Permanent image click gallery (no JS) (Simple version of the php scripts).
Docu: –
Forum: –
Author: K.Heermann (flip-flop)
CMS Version: >= 1.4x
Version: V1.1 (09.02.2010)
Update: V1.2 (15.02.2010)
* Common cp identifier <!--SORT_INTO_NEW_BLOCKS_V12//-->
* Change first “if statement” to all three 29,31,32
Update: V1.3 (20.02.2010)
* necessary only for very specific JavaScript applications.
* Common cp identifier changed from <!--SORT_INTO_NEW_BLOCKS//--> to <!--SORT_INTO_NEW_BLOCKS_V13//-->
Download-PHP: (1.98 KiB, 97 downloads) (V1.2)
Download-PHP: (2.49 KiB, 112 downloads) (V1.3)
Condition: → /config/phpwcms/
Example Register Tabs:
- Left side FE-Output - Right side Source text shortened
<h3>Register Tab</h3> <dl id="tab84" class="tabs"> <dt id="title-"><b>Reg01</b></dt> <dd id="content-"> <h3>Register 01</h3> <p>Text Reg01</p> </dd> <div style="border-bottom: 1px dotted rgb(170, 170, 170); margin: 0pt 0pt 15px; clear: both;"></div> <dt id="title-"><b>Reg02</b></dt> <dd id="content-"> <h3>Register 02</h3> <p>Text Reg02</p> </dd> <div style="border-bottom: 1px dotted rgb(170, 170, 170); margin: 0pt 0pt 15px; clear: both;"></div> <dt id="title-"><b>Reg03</b></dt> <dd id="content-"> <h3>Register 03</h3> <p>Text Reg03</p> </dd> <div style="border-bottom: 1px dotted rgb(170, 170, 170); margin: 0pt 0pt 15px; clear: both;"></div> <dt id="title-"><b>New Title</b></dt> <dd id="content-"> <h3>Register 04</h3> <p>Text Reg04</p> </dd> <div style="border-bottom: 1px dotted rgb(170, 170, 170); margin: 0pt 0pt 15px; clear: both;"></div> <dt id="title-"><b>Reg05</b></dt> <dd id="content-"> <h3>Register 05</h3> <p>Text Reg05</p> </dd> <div style="border-bottom: 1px dotted rgb(170, 170, 170); margin: 0pt 0pt 15px; clear: both;"></div> </dl>
- Left side FE-Output - Right side Source text shortened
<h3>Register Tab</h3> <dl id="tab84" class="tabs"><!--new_sort_order//--> <div id="SECTION-01"> <dt id="title-1"><b>Reg01</b></dt> <dt id="title-2"><b>Reg02</b></dt> <dt id="title-3"><b>Reg03</b></dt> <dt id="title-4"><b>New Title</b></dt> <dt id="title-5"><b>Reg05</b></dt> </div> <div id="SECTION-02"> <dd id="content-1"> <h3>Register 01</h3> <p>Text Reg01</p> </dd> <dd id="content-2"> <h3>Register 02</h3> <p>Text Reg02</p> </dd> <dd id="content-3"> <h3>Register 03</h3> <p>Text Reg03</p> </dd> <dd id="content-4"> <h3>Register 04</h3> <p>Text Reg04</p> </dd> <dd id="content-5"> <h3>Register 05</h3> <p>Text Reg05</p> </dd> </div> <div id="Trara-Nix"> <div style="border-bottom: 1px dotted rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 15px; clear: both;"></div> <div style="border-bottom: 1px dotted rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 15px; clear: both;"></div> <div style="border-bottom: 1px dotted rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 15px; clear: both;"></div> <div style="border-bottom: 1px dotted rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 15px; clear: both;"></div> <div style="border-bottom: 1px dotted rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 15px; clear: both;"></div> </div> </dl>
We will be using some new tags for the template which are triggered by the PHP script.
Basically there are three areas which have to be addressed:
Basic Scheme:
[CP_TRIG_DEFINITION] // Begin Definiton [BLOCK_01X_PREFIX] ..... [/BLOCK_01X_PREFIX] // Block01 before [BLOCK_01X_SUFFIX] ..... [/BLOCK_01X_SUFFIX] // Block01 after [BLOCK_02X_PREFIX] ..... [/BLOCK_02X_PREFIX] // Block02 before [BLOCK_02X_SUFFIX] ..... [/BLOCK_02X_SUFFIX] // Block02 after [BLOCK_NIXX_PREFIX] .... [/BLOCK_NIXX_PREFIX] // Block03 before [BLOCK_NIXX_SUFFIX] .... [/BLOCK_NIXX_SUFFIX] // Block03 after [/CP_TRIG_DEFINITION] // End Definiton [CP_TRIG_WRAP_CONTENT] // Begin where the result is placed into [CP_TRIG_CONTENT] // Begin Section [BLOCK_01X] ..... [/BLOCK_01X] // designated area [BLOCK_02X] ..... [/BLOCK_02X] // designated area [BLOCK_NIXX] .... [/BLOCK_NIXX] // designated area [COUNTX] // Running Counter >0 [/CP_TRIG_CONTENT] // End Section [/CP_TRIG_WRAP_CONTENT] // End where the result is placed into
Fileiname: tab_sort_section_v12.tmpl
Location: template/inc_cntpart/tabs/
<note important> Important:
must be registered in the Template and in the PHP Script identically, in order to identify this Script exactly for this Template. </note>
Please pay attention to identity the names for the tags in the Template and in the PHP Script - eg.:
Filename: cp_trig_sort_section_v12.php
Location: template/inc_script/frontend_init/
<?php // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // obligate check for phpwcms constants if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) {die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day.");} // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Sort particular sections into separate blocks * V1.1 09.02.10 K.Heermann * Update: 15.02.10 V1.2 * - new general cp identifier <!--SORT_INTO_NEW_BLOCKS_V12//--> * - change first "if statement" to all three cp´s 29,31,32 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function CP_TRIG_SORT_SECTION_V12($text, & $data) { //function CP_IMAGES_SORT_THUMBS_AND_IMAGES($text, & $data) { // ======= CUSTOM vars ======================================================== $cp_identification = '<!--SORT_INTO_NEW_BLOCKS//-->'; // cp identifier // use only if the CP IDs should be indicated (very fast) // $cp_cpID = array(14,25,116); $sec[1] = 'BLOCK_01X'; // wrapper of the first section $sec[2] = 'BLOCK_02X'; // wrapper of the second section // Only an estupid example, kill this entry) $sec[3] = 'BLOCK_NIXX'; // wrapper of the third section // ============================================================================ // CP: 29 => image <div> CP: 31 => image special CP: 32 => register tabs if(($data['acontent_type'] == 29 OR $data['acontent_type'] == 31 OR $data['acontent_type'] == 32) AND strpos($text, $cp_identification) ) { // use only if the CP IDs should be indicated (very fast) // if (in_array ($data['acontent_id'],$cp_cpID) ) { $_text = array(); // Catch the content area from template preg_match_all('/\[CP_TRIG_CONTENT\](.*?)\[\/CP_TRIG_CONTENT\]/ism',$text, $_text['content_area']); if ($_text['content_area'][1][0]) { // is there any content? // some parameters --------- $defsec = array(); foreach ($sec as $key=>$value) { $defsec[$key]['pref'] = $value.'_PREFIX'; // prefix for the first section $defsec[$key]['suff'] = $value.'_SUFFIX'; // suffix for the first section } // Catch content section by section and sort into the right block -------- foreach ( $_text['content_area'][1] as $key01 => $value01 ) { foreach ($sec as $key02=>$value02) { // parsing particular section preg_match('/\['.$value02.'\](.*?)\[\/'.$value02.'\]/ism',$value01, $_temp); $_temp[1] = str_replace('[COUNTX]', $key01+1, $_temp[1]); $_text['content'][$key02] .= $_temp[1].LF; } } // Parsing the definition list ---------------------------------- preg_match_all('/\[CP_TRIG_DEFINITION\](.*?)\[\/CP_TRIG_DEFINITION\]/ism',$text, $_text['definition']); if ($_text['definition'][1][0]) { // is there any content in definition section? foreach ($defsec as $key=>$value) { if (preg_match('/\['.$value['pref'].'\](.*?)\[\/'.$value['pref'].'\]/ism',$_text['definition'][1][0], $_temp)) $_text['content'][$key] = $_temp[1] . $_text['content'][$key]; else $_text['content'][$key] = LF.'<!-- no definiton begin //-->'.LF . $_text['content'][$key]; if (preg_match('/\['.$value['suff'].'\](.*?)\[\/'.$value['suff'].'\]/ism',$_text['definition'][1][0], $_temp)) $_text['content'][$key] .= $_temp[1]; else $_text['content'][$key] .= '<!--no definiton end //-->'.LF; } } // Kill all DEFINITION entries in template $text = preg_replace('/\[CP_TRIG_DEFINITION\](.*?)\[\/CP_TRIG_DEFINITION\]/ism', '', $text); // Insert new sorted content ------------------------------------ $_temp = ''; foreach ($_text['content'] as $value) { $_temp .= LF.$value; } $text = preg_replace('/\[CP_TRIG_WRAP_CONTENT\](.*?)\[\/CP_TRIG_WRAP_CONTENT\]/ism', '<!--new_sort_order//-->'.$_temp, $text); // fill content } } return $text; } // ---- END function register_cp_trigger('CP_TRIG_SORT_SECTION_V12'); ?>
* Update: 20.02.10 V1.3 * Identifier changed from <!--SORT_INTO_NEW_BLOCKS//--> to <!--SORT_INTO_NEW_BLOCKS_V13//--> . * New counter for "Total number tabs" [COUNTX_TOTAL] for some specail JS.. * Neue placeholder [CLASS_0yX_FIRST/LAST] e.g. * Definition: [CLASS_01X_FIRST]......[/CLASS_01X_FIRST] * Placeholder: [CLASS_01X_FIRST] * for every block to inject strings (eg.:class="active") into the first and/or last tab
The update is necessary only for scripts needed e.g. a special class in the first and/or last tab on the first page request.
→ E.g.: nuTabs (MooTools v1.2x)
<note> UPdate V1.3:
Identifier changed
from <!--SORT_INTO_NEW_BLOCKS//-->
to <!--SORT_INTO_NEW_BLOCKS_V13//-->
Please pay attention to identity the names for the tags in the Template and in the PHP Script - eg.:
// Definition
// Platzhalter
// Definition
// Platzhalter
Filename: cp_trig_sort_section_v13.php
Folder: template/inc_script/frontend_init/
<?php // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // obligate check for phpwcms constants if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) {die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day.");} // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Sort particular sections into separate blocks * V1.1 09.02.10 K.Heermann * Update: 15.02.10 V1.2 * - new general cp identifier <!--SORT_INTO_NEW_BLOCKS//--> * - change first "if statement" to all three cp´s 29,31,32 * Update: 20.02.10 V1.3 * - Indetifier changed from <!--SORT_INTO_NEW_BLOCKS//--> to <!--SORT_INTO_NEW_BLOCKS_V13//--> * - new counter for "Total number tabs" [COUNTX_TOTAL] for some specail JS. * - new [CLASS_0yX_FIRST/LAST] placeholder e.g. [CLASS_01X_FIRST]...[/CLASS_01X_FIRST], [CLASS_02X] * . for every block to inject strings (eg.:class="active") into the first and/or last tab * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function CP_TRIG_SORT_SECTION_V13($text, & $data) { //function CP_IMAGES_SORT_THUMBS_AND_IMAGES($text, & $data) { // ======= CUSTOM vars ======================================================== $cp_identification = '<!--SORT_INTO_NEW_BLOCKS_V13//-->'; // cp identifier // use only if the CP IDs should be indicated (very fast) // $cp_cpID = array(14,25,116); $sec[1] = 'BLOCK_01X'; // wrapper of the first section $cla[1] = 'CLASS_01X'; // class for the first/last line in block $sec[2] = 'BLOCK_02X'; // wrapper of the second section $cla[2] = 'CLASS_02X'; // class for the first/last line in block // Only an estupid example, kill this entry) $sec[3] = 'BLOCK_NIXX'; // wrapper of the third section $cla[3] = 'CLASS_NIXX'; // class for the first/last line in block // ============================================================================ // CP: 29 => image <div> CP: 31 => image special CP: 32 => register tabs if(($data['acontent_type'] == 29 OR $data['acontent_type'] == 31 OR $data['acontent_type'] == 32) AND strpos($text, $cp_identification) ) { // use only if the CP IDs should be indicated (very fast) // if (in_array ($data['acontent_id'],$cp_cpID) ) { $_text = array(); // Catch the content area from template preg_match_all('/\[CP_TRIG_CONTENT\](.*?)\[\/CP_TRIG_CONTENT\]/ism',$text, $_text['content_area']); if ($_text['content_area'][1][0]) { // is there any content? // some parameters --------- $defsec = array(); $_count = count($_text['content_area'][1]); foreach ($sec as $key=>$value) { $defsec[$key]['pref'] = $value.'_PREFIX'; // prefix for the first section $defsec[$key]['suff'] = $value.'_SUFFIX'; // suffix for the first section $defcla[$key]['first'] = $cla[$key].'_FIRST'; // e.g. class only for the first line entry $defcla[$key]['last'] = $cla[$key].'_LAST'; // e.g. class only for the last line entry } // Catch content section by section and sort into the right block -------- foreach ( $_text['content_area'][1] as $key01 => $value01 ) { foreach ($sec as $key02=>$value02) { // parsing particular section preg_match('/\['.$value02.'\](.*?)\[\/'.$value02.'\]/ism',$value01, $_temp); $_temp[1] = str_replace('[COUNTX]', $key01+1, $_temp[1]); // insert running counter // kill placeholder CLASS in all lines > first line and < last line if ($key01 > 0) $_temp[1] = str_replace('['.$defcla[$key02]['first'].']','', $_temp[1]); if ($key01 < $_count-1) $_temp[1] = str_replace('['.$defcla[$key02]['last'].']' ,'', $_temp[1]); $_text['content'][$key02] .= $_temp[1].LF; } } // Parsing the definition list ---------------------------------- preg_match_all('/\[CP_TRIG_DEFINITION\](.*?)\[\/CP_TRIG_DEFINITION\]/ism',$text, $_text['definition']); if ($_text['definition'][1][0]) { // is there any content in definition section? foreach ($defsec as $key=>$value) { if (preg_match('/\['.$value['pref'].'\](.*?)\[\/'.$value['pref'].'\]/ism',$_text['definition'][1][0], $_temp)) $_text['content'][$key] = $_temp[1] . $_text['content'][$key]; // Davorsetzen else $_text['content'][$key] = LF.'<!-- no definiton begin //-->'.LF . $_text['content'][$key]; if (preg_match('/\['.$value['suff'].'\](.*?)\[\/'.$value['suff'].'\]/ism',$_text['definition'][1][0], $_temp)) $_text['content'][$key] .= $_temp[1]; // Anhaengen else $_text['content'][$key] .= '<!--no definiton end //-->'.LF; // CLASS available ? -> replace the CLASS_yX_FIRST and CLASS_yX_LAST if (preg_match('/\['.$defcla[$key]['first'].'\](.*?)\[\/'.$defcla[$key]['first'].'\]/ism',$_text['definition'][1][0], $_temp)) $_text['content'][$key] = str_replace('['.$defcla[$key]['first'].']',$_temp[1],$_text['content'][$key]); if (preg_match('/\['.$defcla[$key]['last'].'\](.*?)\[\/'.$defcla[$key]['last'].'\]/ism',$_text['definition'][1][0], $_temp)) $_text['content'][$key] = str_replace('['.$defcla[$key]['last'].']',$_temp[1],$_text['content'][$key]); } } // Kill all DEFINITION entries in template $text = preg_replace('/\[CP_TRIG_DEFINITION\](.*?)\[\/CP_TRIG_DEFINITION\]/ism', '', $text); // Insert new sorted content ------------------------------------ $_temp = ''; foreach ($_text['content'] as $value) { $_temp .= LF.$value; } $text = preg_replace('/\[CP_TRIG_WRAP_CONTENT\](.*?)\[\/CP_TRIG_WRAP_CONTENT\]/ism', '<!--new_sort_order//-->'.$_temp, $text); // fill content $text = str_replace ('[COUNTX_TOTAL]',$key01+1, $text); // Set COUNTX_SUM (block count) outsite my range e.g. in PHP Section :) } } return $text; } // ---- END function register_cp_trigger('CP_TRIG_SORT_SECTION_V13'); ?>