Sorting of (template) areas

This program snippet offers the possibility to reorder the HTML source of the three CPs

  • Image <div>
  • Imager special
  • Register-Tab

into separate blocks.

For example now we are able to use current tab extensions for the CP “register-tabs” .

An example for use in CP “Images <div>” is illustrated here: Permanent image click gallery (no JS) (Simple version of the php scripts).

Docu: –
Forum: –

Author: K.Heermann (flip-flop)
CMS Version: >= 1.4x
Version: V1.1 (09.02.2010)

Update: V1.2 (15.02.2010)
* Common cp identifier <!--SORT_INTO_NEW_BLOCKS_V12//-->
* Change first “if statement” to all three 29,31,32

Update: V1.3 (20.02.2010)
* necessary only for very specific JavaScript applications.
* Common cp identifier changed from <!--SORT_INTO_NEW_BLOCKS//--> to <!--SORT_INTO_NEW_BLOCKS_V13//-->

Download-PHP: (1.98 KiB, 97 downloads) (V1.2)
Download-PHP: (2.49 KiB, 112 downloads) (V1.3)


  • $phpwcms['allow_ext_init'] = 1;
  • $phpwcms['allow_cntPHP_rt'] = 1;

Example Register Tabs:



Normal output:

- Left side FE-Output - Right side Source text shortened

Source text unabridged

<h3>Register Tab</h3>
<dl id="tab84" class="tabs">
    <dt id="title-"><b>Reg01</b></dt>
    <dd id="content-">
        <h3>Register 01</h3>
        <p>Text&nbsp; Reg01</p>
<div style="border-bottom: 1px dotted rgb(170, 170, 170); margin: 0pt 0pt 15px; clear: both;"></div>
    <dt id="title-"><b>Reg02</b></dt>
    <dd id="content-">
        <h3>Register 02</h3>
        <p>Text&nbsp; Reg02</p>
<div style="border-bottom: 1px dotted rgb(170, 170, 170); margin: 0pt 0pt 15px; clear: both;"></div>
    <dt id="title-"><b>Reg03</b></dt>
    <dd id="content-">
        <h3>Register 03</h3>
        <p>Text&nbsp; Reg03</p>
<div style="border-bottom: 1px dotted rgb(170, 170, 170); margin: 0pt 0pt 15px; clear: both;"></div>
    <dt id="title-"><b>New Title</b></dt>
    <dd id="content-">
        <h3>Register 04</h3>
        <p>Text&nbsp; Reg04</p>
<div style="border-bottom: 1px dotted rgb(170, 170, 170); margin: 0pt 0pt 15px; clear: both;"></div>
    <dt id="title-"><b>Reg05</b></dt>
    <dd id="content-">
        <h3>Register 05</h3>
        <p>Text&nbsp; Reg05</p>
<div style="border-bottom: 1px dotted rgb(170, 170, 170); margin: 0pt 0pt 15px; clear: both;"></div>

Sorted output:

- Left side FE-Output - Right side Source text shortened

Source text unabridged

<h3>Register Tab</h3>
<dl id="tab84" class="tabs"><!--new_sort_order//-->
<div id="SECTION-01">
    <dt id="title-1"><b>Reg01</b></dt>
    <dt id="title-2"><b>Reg02</b></dt>
    <dt id="title-3"><b>Reg03</b></dt>
    <dt id="title-4"><b>New Title</b></dt>
    <dt id="title-5"><b>Reg05</b></dt>
<div id="SECTION-02">
    <dd id="content-1">
        <h3>Register 01</h3>
        <p>Text&nbsp; Reg01</p>
    <dd id="content-2">
        <h3>Register 02</h3>
        <p>Text&nbsp; Reg02</p>
    <dd id="content-3">
        <h3>Register 03</h3>
        <p>Text&nbsp; Reg03</p>
    <dd id="content-4">
        <h3>Register 04</h3>
        <p>Text&nbsp; Reg04</p>
    <dd id="content-5">
        <h3>Register 05</h3>
        <p>Text&nbsp; Reg05</p>
<div id="Trara-Nix">
    <div style="border-bottom: 1px dotted rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 15px; clear: both;"></div>
    <div style="border-bottom: 1px dotted rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 15px; clear: both;"></div>
    <div style="border-bottom: 1px dotted rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 15px; clear: both;"></div>
    <div style="border-bottom: 1px dotted rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 15px; clear: both;"></div>
    <div style="border-bottom: 1px dotted rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 15px; clear: both;"></div>

New tags:

We will be using some new tags for the template which are triggered by the PHP script.

Basically there are three areas which have to be addressed:

  1. The definition part [CP_TRIG_DEFINITION] determines how the pre/post instructions for the newly formed blocks looks like (Must be located in a not repeating part of the Templates)
    • Here are the individual instructions for the finished blocks [BLOCK_01X_PREFIX] ….. [/BLOCK_01X_PREFIX], [BLOCK_01X_SUFFIX] ….. [/BLOCK_01X_SUFFIX], …. usw.
  2. The wrapper part [CP_TRIG_WRAP_CONTENT] which is replaced by the newly sorted source text
  3. The content part [CP_TRIG_CONTENT] in which the script is looking for designated areas
    • The designated areas [BLOCK_01X], [BLOCK_02X], … etc.
  4. A Counter [COUNTX], for the unambiguous assignment of an element to another (

Basic Scheme:

[CP_TRIG_DEFINITION]                         // Begin Definiton

  [BLOCK_01X_PREFIX] ..... [/BLOCK_01X_PREFIX]        // Block01 before
  [BLOCK_01X_SUFFIX] ..... [/BLOCK_01X_SUFFIX]        // Block01 after

  [BLOCK_02X_PREFIX] ..... [/BLOCK_02X_PREFIX]        // Block02 before
  [BLOCK_02X_SUFFIX] ..... [/BLOCK_02X_SUFFIX]        // Block02 after

  [BLOCK_NIXX_PREFIX] .... [/BLOCK_NIXX_PREFIX]       // Block03 before
  [BLOCK_NIXX_SUFFIX] .... [/BLOCK_NIXX_SUFFIX]       // Block03 after

[/CP_TRIG_DEFINITION]                        // End Definiton

[CP_TRIG_WRAP_CONTENT]                       // Begin where the result is placed into

  [CP_TRIG_CONTENT]                            // Begin Section

    [BLOCK_01X] ..... [/BLOCK_01X]                      // designated area
    [BLOCK_02X] ..... [/BLOCK_02X]                      // designated area
    [BLOCK_NIXX] .... [/BLOCK_NIXX]                     // designated area

    [COUNTX]                                     // Running Counter >0

  [/CP_TRIG_CONTENT]                           // End Section

[/CP_TRIG_WRAP_CONTENT]                      // End where the result is placed into


Fileiname: tab_sort_section_v12.tmpl
Location: template/inc_cntpart/tabs/


[BLOCK_01X_PREFIX]<div id="SECTION-01">    [/BLOCK_01X_PREFIX]
[BLOCK_01X_SUFFIX]</div>                [/BLOCK_01X_SUFFIX]
[BLOCK_02X_PREFIX]<div id="SECTION-02">    [/BLOCK_02X_PREFIX]
[BLOCK_02X_SUFFIX]</div>                [/BLOCK_02X_SUFFIX]
[BLOCK_NIXX_SUFFIX]</div>                [/BLOCK_NIXX_SUFFIX]
<dl id="tab{ID}" class="tabs">
    <dt id="title-[COUNTX]">
    [TABCONTENT]<dd id="content-[COUNTX]">
    <div style="clear:both; margin: 0 0 15px 0; border-bottom: 1px dotted #ccc;"></div>

<note important> Important:


must be registered in the Template and in the PHP Script identically, in order to identify this Script exactly for this Template. </note>

<note> Please pay attention to identity the names for the tags in the Template and in the PHP Script - eg.:

  • Template:
    • [BLOCK_02X_SUFFIX]
    • [BLOCK_02X]

  • PHP-Script:
    • $sec[2] = 'BLOCK_02X';


PHP Script V1.2:

Filename: cp_trig_sort_section_v12.php
Location: template/inc_script/frontend_init/


// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// obligate check for phpwcms constants
  if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) {die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day.");}
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Sort particular sections into separate blocks
 * V1.1  09.02.10 K.Heermann
 * Update: 15.02.10 V1.2
 * - new general cp identifier <!--SORT_INTO_NEW_BLOCKS_V12//-->
 * - change first "if statement" to all three cp´s 29,31,32
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
function CP_TRIG_SORT_SECTION_V12($text, & $data) {
//function CP_IMAGES_SORT_THUMBS_AND_IMAGES($text, & $data) {
// ======= CUSTOM vars ========================================================
$cp_identification     = '<!--SORT_INTO_NEW_BLOCKS//-->';  // cp identifier
// use only if the CP IDs should be indicated (very fast)
// $cp_cpID            = array(14,25,116);
$sec[1]             = 'BLOCK_01X';                // wrapper of the first section
$sec[2]             = 'BLOCK_02X';                // wrapper of the second section
// Only an estupid example, kill this entry)
$sec[3]             = 'BLOCK_NIXX';                // wrapper of the third section
// ============================================================================
    // CP: 29 => image <div>   CP: 31 => image special    CP: 32 => register tabs
    if(($data['acontent_type'] == 29
     OR $data['acontent_type'] == 31
     OR $data['acontent_type'] == 32) AND strpos($text, $cp_identification) ) {
    // use only if the CP IDs should be indicated (very fast)
//    if (in_array ($data['acontent_id'],$cp_cpID) ) {
        $_text = array();
        // Catch the content area from template
        preg_match_all('/\[CP_TRIG_CONTENT\](.*?)\[\/CP_TRIG_CONTENT\]/ism',$text, $_text['content_area']);
        if ($_text['content_area'][1][0]) {  // is there any content?
            // some parameters ---------
            $defsec = array();
            foreach ($sec as $key=>$value) {
                $defsec[$key]['pref']     = $value.'_PREFIX';    // prefix for the first section
                $defsec[$key]['suff']     = $value.'_SUFFIX';    // suffix for the first section
            // Catch content section by section and sort into the right block --------
            foreach ( $_text['content_area'][1] as $key01 => $value01 ) {
                foreach ($sec as $key02=>$value02) {
                    // parsing particular section
                    preg_match('/\['.$value02.'\](.*?)\[\/'.$value02.'\]/ism',$value01, $_temp);
                    $_temp[1] = str_replace('[COUNTX]', $key01+1, $_temp[1]);
                    $_text['content'][$key02] .= $_temp[1].LF;
            // Parsing the definition list ----------------------------------
            preg_match_all('/\[CP_TRIG_DEFINITION\](.*?)\[\/CP_TRIG_DEFINITION\]/ism',$text, $_text['definition']);
            if ($_text['definition'][1][0]) {  // is there any content in definition section?
                foreach ($defsec as $key=>$value) {
                    if (preg_match('/\['.$value['pref'].'\](.*?)\[\/'.$value['pref'].'\]/ism',$_text['definition'][1][0], $_temp))
                        $_text['content'][$key] = $_temp[1] . $_text['content'][$key];
                    else $_text['content'][$key] = LF.'<!-- no definiton begin //-->'.LF . $_text['content'][$key];
                    if (preg_match('/\['.$value['suff'].'\](.*?)\[\/'.$value['suff'].'\]/ism',$_text['definition'][1][0], $_temp))
                        $_text['content'][$key] .= $_temp[1];
                    else $_text['content'][$key] .= '<!--no definiton end //-->'.LF;
            // Kill all DEFINITION entries in template
            $text = preg_replace('/\[CP_TRIG_DEFINITION\](.*?)\[\/CP_TRIG_DEFINITION\]/ism', '', $text);
            // Insert new sorted content ------------------------------------
            $_temp = '';
            foreach ($_text['content'] as $value) {
                $_temp .= LF.$value;
            $text = preg_replace('/\[CP_TRIG_WRAP_CONTENT\](.*?)\[\/CP_TRIG_WRAP_CONTENT\]/ism', '<!--new_sort_order//-->'.$_temp, $text);  // fill content
    return $text;
} // ---- END function

PHP Script V1.3:

* Update: 20.02.10 V1.3
  * Identifier changed from <!--SORT_INTO_NEW_BLOCKS//--> to <!--SORT_INTO_NEW_BLOCKS_V13//--> .
  * New counter for "Total number tabs" [COUNTX_TOTAL] for some specail JS.. 
  * Neue placeholder [CLASS_0yX_FIRST/LAST] e.g. 
    * Definition: [CLASS_01X_FIRST]......[/CLASS_01X_FIRST]
    * Placeholder: [CLASS_01X_FIRST] 
  * for every block to inject strings (eg.:class="active") into the first and/or last tab 

The update is necessary only for scripts needed e.g. a special class in the first and/or last tab on the first page request.
→ E.g.: nuTabs (MooTools v1.2x)

<note> UPdate V1.3:

Identifier changed
from <!--SORT_INTO_NEW_BLOCKS//-->
to <!--SORT_INTO_NEW_BLOCKS_V13//--> :!:

Please pay attention to identity the names for the tags in the Template and in the PHP Script - eg.:

  • Template:
    • [BLOCK_02X_SUFFIX] // Definition
    • [BLOCK_02X] // Platzhalter
    • [CLASS_02X_FIRST] // Definition
    • [CLASS_02X_FIRST] // Platzhalter

  • PHP-Script:
    • $sec[2] = 'BLOCK_02X';
    • $cla[2] = 'CLASS_02X';


Filename: cp_trig_sort_section_v13.php
Folder: template/inc_script/frontend_init/


// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// obligate check for phpwcms constants
  if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) {die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day.");}
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Sort particular sections into separate blocks
 * V1.1  09.02.10 K.Heermann
 * Update: 15.02.10 V1.2
 * - new general cp identifier <!--SORT_INTO_NEW_BLOCKS//-->
 * - change first "if statement" to all three cp´s 29,31,32
 * Update: 20.02.10 V1.3
 * - Indetifier changed from <!--SORT_INTO_NEW_BLOCKS//--> to <!--SORT_INTO_NEW_BLOCKS_V13//-->
 * - new counter for "Total number tabs" [COUNTX_TOTAL] for some specail JS.
 * - new [CLASS_0yX_FIRST/LAST] placeholder e.g. [CLASS_01X_FIRST]...[/CLASS_01X_FIRST], [CLASS_02X]
 * . for every block to inject strings (eg.:class="active") into the first and/or last tab
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
function CP_TRIG_SORT_SECTION_V13($text, & $data) {
//function CP_IMAGES_SORT_THUMBS_AND_IMAGES($text, & $data) {
// ======= CUSTOM vars ========================================================
$cp_identification     = '<!--SORT_INTO_NEW_BLOCKS_V13//-->';  // cp identifier
// use only if the CP IDs should be indicated (very fast)
// $cp_cpID            = array(14,25,116);
$sec[1]             = 'BLOCK_01X';                // wrapper of the first section
$cla[1]                = 'CLASS_01X';                // class for the first/last line in block
$sec[2]             = 'BLOCK_02X';                // wrapper of the second section
$cla[2]                = 'CLASS_02X';                // class for the first/last line in block
// Only an estupid example, kill this entry)
$sec[3]             = 'BLOCK_NIXX';                // wrapper of the third section
$cla[3]                = 'CLASS_NIXX';                // class for the first/last line in block
// ============================================================================
    // CP: 29 => image <div>   CP: 31 => image special    CP: 32 => register tabs
    if(($data['acontent_type'] == 29
     OR $data['acontent_type'] == 31
     OR $data['acontent_type'] == 32) AND strpos($text, $cp_identification) ) {
    // use only if the CP IDs should be indicated (very fast)
//    if (in_array ($data['acontent_id'],$cp_cpID) ) {
        $_text = array();
        // Catch the content area from template
        preg_match_all('/\[CP_TRIG_CONTENT\](.*?)\[\/CP_TRIG_CONTENT\]/ism',$text, $_text['content_area']);
        if ($_text['content_area'][1][0]) {  // is there any content?
            // some parameters ---------
            $defsec = array();
            $_count = count($_text['content_area'][1]);
            foreach ($sec as $key=>$value) {
                $defsec[$key]['pref']     = $value.'_PREFIX';    // prefix for the first section
                $defsec[$key]['suff']     = $value.'_SUFFIX';    // suffix for the first section
                $defcla[$key]['first']     = $cla[$key].'_FIRST';    // e.g. class only for the first line entry
                $defcla[$key]['last']     = $cla[$key].'_LAST';    // e.g. class only for the last line entry
            // Catch content section by section and sort into the right block --------
            foreach ( $_text['content_area'][1] as $key01 => $value01 ) {
                foreach ($sec as $key02=>$value02) {
                    // parsing particular section
                    preg_match('/\['.$value02.'\](.*?)\[\/'.$value02.'\]/ism',$value01, $_temp);
                    $_temp[1] = str_replace('[COUNTX]', $key01+1, $_temp[1]);  // insert running counter
                    // kill placeholder CLASS in all lines > first line and < last line
                    if ($key01 > 0)         $_temp[1] = str_replace('['.$defcla[$key02]['first'].']','', $_temp[1]);
                    if ($key01 < $_count-1) $_temp[1] = str_replace('['.$defcla[$key02]['last'].']' ,'', $_temp[1]);
                    $_text['content'][$key02] .= $_temp[1].LF;
            // Parsing the definition list ----------------------------------
            preg_match_all('/\[CP_TRIG_DEFINITION\](.*?)\[\/CP_TRIG_DEFINITION\]/ism',$text, $_text['definition']);
            if ($_text['definition'][1][0]) {  // is there any content in definition section?
                foreach ($defsec as $key=>$value) {
                    if (preg_match('/\['.$value['pref'].'\](.*?)\[\/'.$value['pref'].'\]/ism',$_text['definition'][1][0], $_temp))
                        $_text['content'][$key] = $_temp[1] . $_text['content'][$key];  // Davorsetzen
                    else $_text['content'][$key] = LF.'<!-- no definiton begin //-->'.LF . $_text['content'][$key];
                    if (preg_match('/\['.$value['suff'].'\](.*?)\[\/'.$value['suff'].'\]/ism',$_text['definition'][1][0], $_temp))
                        $_text['content'][$key] .= $_temp[1];  // Anhaengen
                    else $_text['content'][$key] .= '<!--no definiton end //-->'.LF;
                    // CLASS available ?  -> replace the CLASS_yX_FIRST and CLASS_yX_LAST
                    if (preg_match('/\['.$defcla[$key]['first'].'\](.*?)\[\/'.$defcla[$key]['first'].'\]/ism',$_text['definition'][1][0], $_temp))
                        $_text['content'][$key] = str_replace('['.$defcla[$key]['first'].']',$_temp[1],$_text['content'][$key]);
                    if (preg_match('/\['.$defcla[$key]['last'].'\](.*?)\[\/'.$defcla[$key]['last'].'\]/ism',$_text['definition'][1][0], $_temp))
                        $_text['content'][$key] = str_replace('['.$defcla[$key]['last'].']',$_temp[1],$_text['content'][$key]);
            // Kill all DEFINITION entries in template
            $text = preg_replace('/\[CP_TRIG_DEFINITION\](.*?)\[\/CP_TRIG_DEFINITION\]/ism', '', $text);
            // Insert new sorted content ------------------------------------
            $_temp = '';
            foreach ($_text['content'] as $value) {
                $_temp .= LF.$value;
            $text = preg_replace('/\[CP_TRIG_WRAP_CONTENT\](.*?)\[\/CP_TRIG_WRAP_CONTENT\]/ism', '<!--new_sort_order//-->'.$_temp, $text);  // fill content
            $text = str_replace ('[COUNTX_TOTAL]',$key01+1, $text);  // Set COUNTX_SUM (block count) outsite my range e.g. in PHP Section :)
    return $text;
} // ---- END function
english/phpwcms_replacer_rts/frontend_init/cp_trigger/sort-of-areas.txt · Last modified: 2018/06/03 18:09 (external edit) Creative Commons License Valid CSS Driven by DokuWiki do yourself a favour and use a real browser - get firefox!! Recent changes RSS feed Valid XHTML 1.0