
Forum: http://forum.phpwcms.org/viewtopic.php?p=107107#p107107
- Autor: OG

A very simple way to implement custom functions which are pocessed each time a content part is parsed in phpwcms.

Unlike to a function running in /frontend_render/ is the purposeful processing of a content subarea. Only the cp content is processed, not the whole side contents.


Just take that and move the file one directory up - put it in here template/inc_script/frontend_init/.

Put in the replacement tag in your content part: {CPDATE} and check the preview link.

Custom functions have to be defined this way:

function cp_trigger_function_name($param1, & $param2) {
   $param1 = do_this_or_that($param2['acontent_id']);
   return $param1;
  • cp_trigger_function_name - the unique function name
  • $param1 - holds the content part html source on which you can parse or do custom processing
  • $param2 - is a reference to an array which holds content part values like ID, dates and other values - see db table phpwcms_articlecontent

Always return $param1;

And must be registered in phpwcms - just tell the system to parse it:

register_cp_trigger('cp_trigger_function_name', 'LAST');

You can also limit your function to work for special content parts (especially content part types):

function cp_trigger_function_name($param1, & $param2) {
   if($param2['acontent_type'] == 14) { // 14 is CP WYSIWYG
      $param1 = do_this_or_that($param2['acontent_id']);
   return $param1;

TABLE phpwcms_articlecontent

Short description of the TABLE phpwcms_articlecontent

Some more of the fields are very specific and - yes sorry - not clear by name. It's historical and cannot be changed easy again

TABLE phpwcms_articlecontent

acontent_id              auto increment unique ID
acontent_aid             ID of parent article
acontent_uid             ID of the user has saved CP at last
acontent_created         Date: CP created, MySQL date format
acontent_tstamp          Date: CP updated, MySQL date format
acontent_title           Title text
acontent_text            Plain Text (in general)
acontent_type            Type of the Cntent Part - look at include/inc_lib/article.contenttype.inc.php
acontent_sorting         sort value: [value]
acontent_image           Holds image information (older CP)
acontent_files           Hold file information (older CP)
acontent_visible         Visible [0/1]
acontent_subtitle        Subtitle text
acontent_before          Space: before [value]
acontent_after           Space: after [value]
acontent_top             Top anchor jump [0/1]
acontent_redirect        can hold an URL (cannot remember at the moment)
acontent_html            also Text, can be HTML styled text but also other texts
acontent_trash           0= available  9= trash
acontent_alink           Also older CP - article link
acontent_media           CP Multimedia information
acontent_form            more complex - current CPs store serialized infos there
acontent_newsletter      ??                          (mediumtext)
acontent_block           display: e.g. [Content] - in general empty mean main block
acontent_anchor          anchor: [0/1]
acontent_template        template filename if there
acontent_spacer          ??                          (int(1))
acontent_tid             ??                          (int(11))
acontent_livedate        Livedate (not in use ??)
acontent_killdate        Killdate (not in use ??)
acontent_module          Module name
acontent_comment         notes: [value]
acontent_paginate_page   Paginate subsection: [value]
acontent_paginate_title  subsection title: [value]
acontent_category        ??
acontent_granted         if set [0/1] visible for logged-in users only

Some enhancements only


to get more information based on real data.

Content Part Types

Please have a look into: Content Part Types

1. example: CP_IMGDIV_img_class

Forum: http://forum.phpwcms.org/viewtopic.php?p=107107#p107107

Add a class to an image, based on the cp image <div>. The given output:

<img src="content/images/xyz.jpg" alt="Alt-Text" title="Titel-Text" border="0" width="120" height="90">

The construction structurally is look like:

<img CLASS="MY_CUSTOM_CLASS" src="content/images/xyz.jpg ...."

Method of resolution:

- using a trigger to border=“0” and replace to class=“MY_CUSTOM_CLASS” border=“0” ends in this result:

<img src="content/images/xyz.jpg" alt="Alt-Text" title="Titel-Text" class="MY_CUSTOM_CLASS" border="0" width="120" height="90">


// http://forum.phpwcms.org/viewtopic.php?p=107107#p107107
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
function cp_trigger_function_name($param1, & $param2) {
   if($param2['acontent_type'] == 14) { // 14 is CP WYSIWYG
      $param1 = do_this_or_that($param2['acontent_id']);
   return $param1;
* cp_trigger_function_name - the unique function name
* $param1 - holds the content part html source on which you can parse or do custom processing
* $param2 - is a reference to an array which holds content part values like ID, dates and other values - see db table phpwcms_articlecontent
Always return $param1;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// obligate check for phpwcms constants
if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) { die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day."); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
function CP_IMGDIV_img_class($text, & $data) {
   if($data['acontent_type'] == 29) { // 29 is CP img div
      $text = preg_replace('/border="0"/i', 'border="0" class="MY_CUSTOM_CLASS"', $text);
   return $text;
/* ------- and the next one
function CP_Other_CP($text, & $data) {
   if($data['acontent_type'] == XX) { // XX is CP Other CP
      $text = custom processing ;
   return $text;
---------- and so on */

2. example: CP_PLAINTEXT_P

The contentpart plain text is delivering out the content between <p> … </p> tags. Depending upon planning of the side this is unfavorable in many cases. These tags can be quite simply eliminated.

cp plaintext

function ($text, & $data) {
    if($data['acontent_type'] == 0) { // 0 is CP plain text
        $text = preg_match("/\<p\>(.*?)\<\/p\>/si", $text, $g) ? $g[1] : $text;
    return $text;

3. example: CP_PLAINTEXT_P_BR

The contentpart plain text replaces several successive <br /> <br /> to one <p> tag. To cancel this behavior, the following trigger can be used. (Every <p> and </p> is converted into <br />).


// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// obligate check for phpwcms constants
  if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) {
    die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day."); }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   function CP_PLAINTEXT_P_BR($text, & $data) {
      if( $data['acontent_type'] == 0  )  // CP: 0 => plain text
         $text = str_replace('<p>', '<br />', $text);
         $text = str_replace('</p>', '<br />', $text);
      return $text;


Using the content part search in search result we need only the article title without the summary.

At this moment (2009/09) a non summary output is not possible. If we insert the value zero into [results per page (summary)] it is the same as an “empty” input. → (If empty, show all).

The standard output encloses the found summary in each case with <p>… Summary …</p>. Thus it is possible to search for <p>…</p> and replace all <p>…</p> by an empty quantity.

Forum: http://forum.phpwcms.org/viewtopic.php?p=120031#p120031[DE]


// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// obligate check for phpwcms constants
  if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) {
    die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day."); }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 01.10.09 KH (flip-flop) Kill all summary entries between <p> and </p> in search result
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   function CP_SEARCH_NO_SUMMARY($text, & $data) {
      if( $data['acontent_type'] == 13  )  // CP: 13 => search
        $text = preg_replace("/\<p\>(.*?)\<\/p\>/si", '', $text);  // kill all <p> ....</p>
      return $text;

english/phpwcms_replacer_rts/frontend_init/cp_trigger.txt · Last modified: 2018/06/03 18:09 (external edit)
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