
FIXME translate / engl. images (knut)


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Comment out or delete the old recipes.php in template/inc_script/frontend_render/
Search-template search01.html you will found in template/inc_cntpart/recipe/search/

With the help of this CPs it is quite simple to represent recipes.

Generally, please use one article per recipe, with the CP recipes. (Article list in one level).

The search is started with the tag {RECIPES:} within e.g. a HTML CP. The search process all existing CPs recipes in the system.

{RECIPES:LOCALE|…..} is a system-specific parameter for the run time environment. → Have a look for more exact informations:

As a rule it is enough to use {RECIPES:} .




Backend: CP Rezepte


The level on that the search form lies should prescriptions be called “rezepte”. If that is not the case, the file \template\inc_cntpart\recipe\search\search01.html must be changed.

Assumption: The looking for category (where the form at home is), is called rezepte-suchen)

- Then please all (there is 2 pieces in line 48 and line 62)

<input name="rezepte" value="" type="hidden">

replace with

<input name="rezepte-suchen" value="" type="hidden">

Another possibility is the installation of {ARTICLE[[TITLE][ID][ALIAS] ]} {CATEGORY[[ID][ALIAS] ]} (Is contained in the package).
With the help of the available tag {CATEGORY_ALIAS} the correct level name autom. was registered into the form.

Then please all (2x line 48 and line 62)

<!--   <input name="{CATEGORY_ALIAS}" value="" type="hidden"> //-->
   <input name="rezepte" value="" type="hidden">

replace with

<input name="{CATEGORY_ALIAS}" value="" type="hidden">
<!--   <input name="rezepte" value="" type="hidden"> //-->
english/phpwcms-system/article/contentparts/recipes.txt · Last modified: 2018/06/03 18:09 (external edit) Creative Commons License Valid CSS Driven by DokuWiki do yourself a favour and use a real browser - get firefox!! Recent changes RSS feed Valid XHTML 1.0