The listing shows the title of the point, the category (if a category was added), the icon for
this point and the functions to edit, to activate/deactivate and to delete the point.
New in GoogleMaps Module V3.5
When the title or the cateogry string is too long it gets abbreviated and added '…' in the listing, but on mouseover the tooltip still shows the entire string. The listing just looks a bit less messy like that!
New in GoogleMaps Module V3.5
The search function in the listing looks for the title and all address fields (not the info-window content anymore) in order to less confuse the user.
New in GoogleMaps Module V3.5
The listing can be filtered by categories. Inactive categories are labeled to remind you that this points will not appear in frontend!
New in GoogleMaps Module V3.5
We added a nice feature here: together with the dates for create and last change you see the ID of the point in case you need it for e.g. additional javascript in the map.
And you see in which Content parts (Frontend Maps) this point is added. You get the link to this Content Part containing the Structure, the Article and the Contentpart Title. You also see if parts of the path to the Content Part are not visible in Frontend for some reason (inactive, not public, archieved, …), the inactive title appears italic then.
First we need a title for the point! Titel is required!
To find a coordinate/point just enter the address in the corresponding fields.
The country is required here, either e.g. 'Germany' or 'Deutschland' (or 'DE' be careful with that)
Then hit either the Geocode Button or click on the Google Maps Icon.
If Google Maps finds the point the Map appears with a marker set and the coordinates (Latidude and Longitude) are entered in the fields
below the map. (May take a while, first the map is loaded with coordinates 0,0 so its in the atlantic somewhere, as soon as the result comes back from Google the map gets updated)
There is a alot of background JavaScript going on here, so it should always do the right thing regardless of what combination of values you give the script. Read below about the detailed prioritization of the values in the search query.
When you edit a point the form appears without the GoogleMap, only when you click the Button or the icon it will load. Thats because Google now counts your API loads (and charge you when exceeding a certain amount of loads) and somethimes you will not change the coordinates or the address but other things in the point without the need of loading the map.
We changed the way map points are set in GoogleMaps Module V3.5.
Now you enter the address of the point and the script finds the location and sets the marker at the exact coordinate in the map. This should be the default behavior. We changed that mainly because it just make sense to store the address of a certain location and because of better matches in routeplanner.
So as from V3.5 of the module the points coordinates are set as follows and it's important to understand this:
If you want to add this point to a category choose one or more (CTRK+Click) from the list.
Currently inactive categories are formatted italic and labeled.
<note important>Do not assign points to parent cateogories! Parent categories just group their children. You can assign points to top level categories as long they have no children. Points in parent categories are not displayed in frontend!</note>
To manage the categories go to categories section
Again: points assigned to inactive/disabled categories and points in parent categories are NEVER displayed in frontend!
New in GoogleMaps Module V3.5
We changed the icon selection in two aspects:
<note important>Once set up you should not change the folders name or delete them. The module links from the maps in frontend to these folders for the markericons. So when you change anything here there might be issues with broken links for the icons in frontend!
The Listing and the edit form show a warning when detecting broken links, this requires immediate action!!
Default marker icon is always 'red-dot' in the default folder (icons).
A good source for marker icons:
To admin the icons see Icons section of the module
For the content of the info window for this point you can enter any WYSIWYG html or almost any PHPWCMS-Replacement Tags.
In order to get the title and address fields content of the point you can use the indicated replacement tags:
The above example will render in frontend like:
<note important>PHPWCMS-Replacement Tags:
New in GoogleMaps Module V3.5
You can interact (open the info window) from outside the map with your points in the map as follows:
<[any html tag] id="openMarker[Marker ID]">...</[any html tag]>
Replace [Marker ID] with the ID indicated on top of the edit form or in the points listing.
or with more than one map in one page add the ID of the content part:
<[any html tag] id="openMarker[Marker ID]-[ID of CP]">...</[any html tag]>
Maximized Info Window is no longer supported in Google Maps API v3
When updating the module from a previous version you'll get a hint to the stored article id so you can use it e.g. within the info window with:
[ID Article-ID]link[/ID]
More or less the same thing as in info window! This is the content the module shows in search results within the sidebar.