Google Maps JavaScript API v3
The Google Maps JavaScript API v3 and therefore the PHPWCMS Google Maps Module V3.5 does not require an API key to function correctly. However, Google strongly encourage you to load the Maps API using an APIs Console key which allows you to monitor your application's Maps API usage.
Follow the steps on this page: in order to get an API Key.
Read here about the new billing model for Google Maps API:
Still with us? Fine!
So when you've got your API Key(s) for Google Maps API V3 you can add them to the module.
The first key in the listing, when activated, is added to the backend map.
The following keys can be added to maps in frontend (GoogleMaps Content Parts), see here.
The list shows you in which CP's your keys are added (with a link to the CP), all Google Maps CP's where an API Key is added will be listed here regardless of visibility in frontend, italic values in the link indicate inactivity for some reason (inactiv, not public, archieved, …)
That gives you the ability to count:
which, in fact, is pretty cool.
But you can also let everything blank here, the module will work just fine.