Delete/replace all empty paragraph created by the FCKeditor e.g. <p> </p>.
“FCKeditor creates emtpy paragraph and you have to open all articles/CPs which are allready done. Then you have to switch into the html mode of your fckeditor and delete the unwanted paragraph. Save the CP/Article and the problem should be solved. PHPWCMS will not remove the empty paragraphs for you.”
“Special in the Summary field of your article header…. there are mostly empty paragraphs.”
If you have such and are not willing to touch all content, place a small script in frontend_render.
rt_fck_del_emtpy_paragraph V1.0 11.09.09
Docu: –
Autor: Oliver Georgi
Autor: Ralph Häring (Santscho)
CMS Version: >= 1.3.x
Version: V1.0
Tag: –
Filename: rt_fck_del_emtpy_paragraph.php
Folder: template/inc_script/frontend_render/
Condition: → /config/phpwcms/
<?php /* ================================================================ 11.09.2008 Oliver Georgi / Ralph Häring (Santscho) Delete/replace all empty paragraph created by the FCKeditor Filename: rt_fck_del_emtpy_paragraph.php Folder: /template/inc_script/frontend_render/ Switch: $phpwcms['allow_ext_render'] = 1; (/config/phpwcms/ Forum: ================================================================ */ // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // obligate check for phpwcms constants if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) { die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day."); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // Search and replace $_search = array( '<br>', '<p> </p>', '<p><p>', '</p></p>', '...', ' - ', "<br />\r\n </p>", '<p><br />', '<p>&160;</p>' ); $_replace = array( '<br />', '', '<p>', '</p>', '…', ' – ', '</p>', '<p>', '' ); $content['all'] = str_replace($_search, $_replace, $content['all']); ?>