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Multimedia: Copy SWF file in a non-protected directory

When using the multimedia CP to display a Flash swf file and using the “internal file” option (a swf file uploaded from the backend), the file doesn't display/load in the front end.

The reason for this behavior is the protection of the directory ”/filearchive/” by an htaccess file.

There are two solutions to this problem:

1st Disable the htaccess file
2nd Copy the requested file in a non protected directory and provide it from this place

I want to talk about the second method.


During the call of the CP, the script looks for the existence of the requested file in the non-protected directory. If this file does not exist there, that file will be copied from ”/filearchive/” to ”/content/tmp/” and transcribed the HTML source code for the output.

<note> If the original file in ”/filearchive/” is deleted, the copy in ”/content/tmp/” persists !!</note>

Docu: –
Forum: Flash swf file doesn't display in multimedia content part

Author: K.Heermann (flip-flop)
CMS Version: >= 1.4x
Version: V1.0 (07.09.2010)

  • $phpwcms['allow_ext_init'] = 1;

Example template:

For a better identification and runtime optimization pleaser insert <!--COPY_SWF//--> into your template.

File: template/inc_cntpart/multimedia/copy_swf.tmpl

    <div class="multimedia">


File: /template/inc_script/frontend_init/cp_trig_multimedia_copy_swf.php


// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// obligate check for phpwcms constants
  if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) {die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day.");}
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * *****************************************************************************
 * SWF file: the files in the directory /filearchive/ are protected by an htaccess file
 * If you want to give up this protection, this script can be used.
 * Copy SWF file from folder /filearchive/ into the folder /content/tmp/
 * V1.0  07.09.10 K.Heermann
 * ---- Template ------------------------------------------
 * Please insert <!--COPY_SWF//--> into your multimedia
 * template for a better identification of this CP.
 * folder: /template/inc_cntpart/multimedia/
    <div class="multimedia">
 * *****************************************************************************
function CP_MULTIMEDIA_COPY_SWF($text, & $data) {
    // CP type multimedia = 9
    if( $data['acontent_type'] == 9 AND strpos($text, '<!--COPY_SWF//-->') ) {
        // Is there any swf file in source?
        if (preg_match('@value="'.PHPWCMS_FILES.'(.*?)\.swf"@i', $text, $filename)) {
            // Yes it is and we have catched the filename
            if ($filename[1] ) {
            $source = PHPWCMS_FILES.$filename[1].'.swf';    // Source dir and filename
            $target = 'content/tmp/'.$filename[1].'.swf';    // Destination dir and filename
            $error = false;
                // file already exists in destination dir?
                if (!is_file ($target)) {
                    // No, please copy into
                    if (!copy($source, $target)) {
                        $error = true;
                // Change folder in html source
                $text = preg_replace('@="'.$source.'"@i','="'.$target.'"',$text);
        if ($error)
            str_replace('<!--COPY_SWF//-->','Error while copying the file!!<br>',$text);
    return $text;
} // ---- END function
english/phpwcms_replacer_rts/frontend_init/cp_trigger/multimedia-copy-swf-file.1283865253.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/03 18:08 (external edit) Creative Commons License Valid CSS Driven by DokuWiki do yourself a favour and use a real browser - get firefox!! Recent changes RSS feed Valid XHTML 1.0