
This shows you the differences between two versions of the page.

english:phpwcms-system:admin:page-layout [2009/10/24 12:55]
Knut Heermann (flip-flop) Page moved from english:phpwcms-system:layout-template:page-layout to english:phpwcms-system:admin:page-layout
english:phpwcms-system:admin:page-layout [2018/06/03 18:09] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
{{indexmenu_n>10}} {{indexmenu_n>10}}
-====== Page layout ======+====== page layout ======
===== Creating a page layout ===== ===== Creating a page layout =====
Line 7: Line 7:
==== 1) Creation of the page layout ==== ==== 1) Creation of the page layout ====
-In page layouts we adjust different basis parameters for [[:english:phpwcms-system:layout-template:template|templates]]. +In page layouts we adjust different basic parameters for [[:english:phpwcms-system:admin:template|templates]]. 
-Every [[:english:phpwcms-system:layout-template:template|template]] needs one page layout. //(One page layout can use by more then one template).//+Every [[:english:phpwcms-system:admin:template|template]] needs one page layout. //(One page layout can be connected to more than one template).//
-Typically today we uses only the ##main## section to put down the [[:english:phpwcms-system:layout-template:template|template source]]. +Todays we typically use only the ##main## section to insert the [[:english:phpwcms-system:admin:template|template source]]. 
-Other attitudes are rather than being regarded historically+Other ways of setting up a site's codeing are rather more than outdated and are left there for historical reference
-  * Please set in **rendering:** the switch to ##x## //custom (from template main block).//+  * Please set the switch to ##x## //custom (from template main block) in **rendering:**.//
\\ \\
==== 2) Creation of a template ==== ==== 2) Creation of a template ====
-More -> [[:english:phpwcms-system:layout-template:template|Creation of a template]]+More -> [[:english:phpwcms-system:admin:template|Creation of a template]]
english/phpwcms-system/admin/page-layout.1256381737.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/03 18:07 (external edit)
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