Each of the three different states of a navigation (normal, hover, active) get its own background image or a color assigned.
Here shown by a simple example of a single-line navigation using the two navigations NAV_HORIZ_DD:ID,Level depth or NAV_LIST_UL (CSS).
Navi Tag:
<div id="pmenu">{NAV_HORIZ_DD:0,1}</div> or <div id="pmenu">{NAV_LIST_UL:,0,1,active,act_path,cat}</div>
Example: Background images in template/img/custom/nav/*
State normal: nav[cat-ID].png State active: nav_act[cat-ID].png State hover: nav_hov[cat-ID].png
/* ================================================================== 18.04.10 KH (flip-flop) Simple ID-based navigation for one row <div id="pmenu">{NAV_LIST_UL:,0,1,active,act_path,cat}</div> =================================================================== */ /* Add a margin - for this demo only - and a relative position with a high z-index to make it appear over any element below */ /* margin hinzugefuegt - ausschließlich fuer diese demo - und ein "relative position" mit einem hohen z-index Wert um sicherzustellen dass das Menue ueber jedem nachfolgenden Element aufklappt. */ #menu_container { margin: 0 0 100px 0; /* 100px only for testing - default = 0 */ position: relative; width: 735px; height: 21px; /* ORG 20px */ z-index: 1000; } /* Get rid of the margin, padding and bullets in the unordered lists */ /* margin und padding auf 0, Aufzählungszeichen der unsortierten Liste unterdruecken */ #pmenu, #pmenu ul { padding: 0; margin: 0; list-style-type: none; } /* Set up the link size, color and borders */ /* Einstellen der Groessen, Farben und Rahmen fuer die Links */ #pmenu a, #pmenu a:visited { display: block; /* width: 120px; */ font-size: 11px; color: #fff; height: 21px; /* ORG 25px */ line-height: 20px; /* ORG 24px */ text-decoration: none; text-indent: 5px; border: 1px solid #fff; border-width: 1px 0 1px 1px; font-weight:bold; } /* BASE ===================================== */ /* Einstellungen für die einzelnen Navigationspunkte */ #pmenu #cat-id_1 a, /* NAV_HORIZ_DD */ #pmenu #li_cat_1 a { /* NAV_LIST_UL */ color: #444; width:110px; background: gold url(../img/custom/nav/nav01.png) 0 0 no-repeat; } #pmenu #cat-id_2 a, #pmenu #li_cat_2 a { width:160px; background: green url(../img/custom/nav/nav02.png) 0 0 no-repeat; } #pmenu #cat-id_3 a, #pmenu #li_cat_3 a { width:130px; background: red url(../img/custom/nav/nav03.png) 0 0 no-repeat; } #pmenu #cat-id_4 a, #pmenu #li_cat_4 a { width:150px; background: blue url(../img/custom/nav/nav04.png) 0 0 no-repeat; } #pmenu #cat-id_13 a, #pmenu #li_cat_13 a { width:120px; background: peru url(../img/custom/nav/nav13.png) 0 0 no-repeat; } /* ACTIVE ===================================== */ /* Aktive Navigationspunkte */ #pmenu #cat-id_1.act_path a, #pmenu #li_cat_1.act_path a { color: #444; background: palegoldenrod url(../img/custom/nav/nav_act01.png) 0 0 no-repeat; } #pmenu #cat-id_2.act_path a, #pmenu #li_cat_2.act_path a { background: lightgreen url(../img/custom/nav/nav_act02.png) 0 0 no-repeat; } #pmenu #cat-id_3.act_path a, #pmenu #li_cat_3.act_path a { background: salmon url(../img/custom/nav/nav_act03.png) 0 0 no-repeat; } #pmenu #cat-id_4.act_path a, #pmenu #li_cat_4.act_path a { background: cornflowerblue url(../img/custom/nav/nav_act04.png) 0 0 no-repeat; } #pmenu #cat-id_13.act_path a, #pmenu #li_cat_13.act_path a { background: goldenrod url(../img/custom/nav/nav_act013.png) 0 0 no-repeat; } /* Set up the list items */ /* Einstellen der Listeneinzelheiten */ #pmenu li { float: left; list-style-type: none; background: #7484ad; } /* HOVER ===================================== */ /* For Non-IE browsers and IE7 */ /* Fuer alle nicht IE + IE7 */ #pmenu li:hover { position: relative; } /* Make the hovered list color persist */ /* Festlegen der Farbe fuer hover li */ #pmenu li:hover a { background: fuchsia; /* Simple fallback */ color: #BF4300; /* ORG #c00; */ } #pmenu li#cat-id_1 a:hover, #pmenu li#li_cat_1 a:hover { background: yellow url(../img/custom/nav/nav_hov01.png) 0 0 no-repeat; color: #444; /* ORG #c00; */ } #pmenu li#cat-id_2 a:hover, #pmenu li#li_cat_2 a:hover { background: lime url(../img/custom/nav/nav_hov02.png) 0 0 no-repeat; color: #444; /* ORG #c00; */ } #pmenu li#cat-id_3 a:hover, #pmenu li#li_cat_3 a:hover { background: tomato url(../img/custom/nav/nav_hov03.png) 0 0 no-repeat; color: #444; /* ORG #c00; */ } #pmenu li#cat-id_4 a:hover, #pmenu li#li_cat_4 a:hover { background: mediumslateblue url(../img/custom/nav/nav_hov04.png) 0 0 no-repeat; color: #444; /* ORG #c00; */ } #pmenu li#cat-id_13 a:hover, #pmenu li#li_cat_13 a:hover { background: orange url(../img/custom/nav/nav_hov13.png) 0 0 no-repeat; color: #444; /* ORG #c00; */ }
Adoption: A combination of horizontal (see above) and vertical navigation.
Example how individual areas under a certain category can be colored with CSS.
Based on the above example the Category06 was added.
The simplest is to generate a separate CSS file.
The call of vertical navigation is made in the Template by using ther “Level Lift”:
[PHP] if(isset($GLOBALS['LEVEL_ID'][1])) { $level_id = $GLOBALS['LEVEL_ID'][1]; echo '<div class="nlu_navi1_id">'.LF; echo '{NAV_LIST_UL:,'.$level_id.',,act_path,active,catv}'; echo '</div>'; } [/PHP]
<div class="nlu_navi1_id"> <ul id="catv_36" class="act_path"> <li id="li_catv_37" class="sub_ul act_path sub_first"><a href="category06_01.phtml" title="Category06_01">Category06_01</a> <ul id="catv_37" class="act_path"> <li id="li_catv_40" class="sub_no act_path active sub_first"><a href="category06_01_01.phtml" title="Category06_01_01">Category06_01_01</a></li> <li id="li_catv_41" class="sub_no"><a href="cat05_06_01_02.phtml" title="Category06_01_02">Category06_01_02</a></li> <li id="li_catv_42" class="sub_no"><a href="category06_01_03.phtml" title="Category06_01_03">Category06_01_03</a></li> </ul> </li> <li id="li_catv_38" class="sub_ul"><a href="category_06_02.phtml" title="Category06_02">Category06_02</a> <ul id="catv_38"> <li id="li_catv_43" class="sub_no sub_first"><a href="category06_02_01.phtml" title="Category06_02_01">Category06_02_01</a></li> <li id="li_catv_44" class="sub_no"><a href="category06_02_02.phtml" title="Category06_02_02">Category06_02_02</a></li> <li id="li_catv_45" class="sub_no"><a href="category06_02_03.phtml" title="Category06_02_03">Category06_02_03</a></li> </ul> </li> <li id="li_catv_39" class="sub_no"><a href="cat05_06_03.phtml" title="Category06_03">Category06_03</a></li> </ul> </div>
Example: Background image in img/article/*
Normal state: navi1_norm.gif Active state: navi1_act.gif Sub level available: navi1_sub_true.gif Hover state: navi1_hov.gif
CSS from file NAV_LIST_UL (CSS).
The difference is identified here as an example of colors (see picture above).
Compendium for the first range Category06_01….
/* ====================================================================== >= V1.30 CSS for an vertical menu <div class="nlu_navi1_ul_id">{ NAV_LIST_UL:F,0,,act_path,active,catv }</div> Level 0 - 3; 26.03.07 flip-flop (KH) 13.10.10 Update catv_[ID] ========================================================================= */ .nlu_navi1_id { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; text-decoration: none; /* ++ e.g. 11px font and 19px height // z.B. 11px font und 19px hoch */ font: normal normal 11px/19px Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; width: 200px; /* ++ Width of Menu Items // Breite der Navigation*/ /* float:left; */ } .nlu_navi1_id em { font-style: normal; } .nlu_navi1_id ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; list-style-type: none; width: 200px; /* ++ Width of Menu Items // Breite der Navigation */ } .nlu_navi1_id ul li { position: relative; } /* ==== Styles for Menu Items =================================== */ /* ==== LEVEL X ================================================= */ /* ==== simple link <a> // einfacher Link <a> ==== */ .nlu_navi1_id ul li a, .nlu_navi1_id ul li a:link, .nlu_navi1_id ul li a:visited, .nlu_navi1_id ul li a:active { display: block; text-decoration: none; text-transform: none; color: #FFFFFF; /* ++ Text color // Textfarbe */ /* ++ background color; url of the image; image adjust e.g. left gap 10px */ /* ++ Hintergrundfarbe; URL der Grafik ; Grafik einrücken z.B. 10px */ background: #81909F url(../../img/article/navi1_norm.gif) 10px 1px no-repeat; /* ++ Text adjust e.g. upper gap and left gap 25px */ /* ++ Text justieren 1px oben und 25px von links */ padding: 1px 0 0 25px; /* ++ bottom line if you want */ /* ++ Untere Linie wenn gewuenscht */ border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; /* IE6 Bug */ /* ++ Den "white-space" Fehler im IE7 vermeiden */ /* ++ Killing the "white-space" bug in IE7 */ \width: 200px; /* IE5x Opera <= 5 */ widt\h: 175px; /* = (Width of Menu Items) - (padding-right + padding-left) */ } /* ==== simple link <a> // einfacher Link <a> ==== */ .nlu_navi1_id ul li a, .nlu_navi1_id ul li a:link, .nlu_navi1_id ul li a:visited, .nlu_navi1_id ul li a:active { display: block; text-decoration: none; text-transform: none; color: #FFFFFF; /* ++ Text color // Textfarbe */ /* ++ background color; url of the image; image adjust e.g. left gap 10px */ /* ++ Hintergrundfarbe; URL der Grafik ; Grafik einrücken z.B. 10px */ background: #81909F url(../../img/article/navi1_norm.gif) 10px 1px no-repeat; /* ++ Text adjust e.g. upper gap and left gap 25px */ /* ++ Text justieren 1px oben und 25px von links */ padding: 1px 0 0 25px; /* ++ bottom line if you want */ /* ++ Untere Linie wenn gewuenscht */ border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; /* IE6 Bug */ /* ++ Den "white-space" Fehler im IE7 vermeiden */ /* ++ Killing the "white-space" bug in IE7 */ \width: 200px; /* IE5x Opera <= 5 */ widt\h: 175px; /* = (Width of Menu Items) - (padding-right + padding-left) */ } /* ==== simple link <a> // einfacher Link <a> ==== */ .nlu_navi1_id ul li#li_catv_37 a, .nlu_navi1_id ul li#li_catv_37 a:link, .nlu_navi1_id ul li#li_catv_37 a:visited, .nlu_navi1_id ul li#li_catv_37 a:active { color: #FFFFFF; /* ++ Text color // Textfarbe */ /* ++ background color; url of the image; image adjust e.g. left gap 10px */ /* ++ Hintergrundfarbe; URL der Grafik ; Grafik einrücken z.B. 10px */ background: blue url(../../img/article/navi1_norm.gif) 10px 1px no-repeat; } .nlu_navi1_id ul li#li_catv_38 a, .nlu_navi1_id ul li#li_catv_38 a:link, .nlu_navi1_id ul li#li_catv_38 a:visited, .nlu_navi1_id ul li#li_catv_38 a:active { color: #FFFFFF; /* ++ Text color // Textfarbe */ /* ++ background color; url of the image; image adjust e.g. left gap 10px */ /* ++ Hintergrundfarbe; URL der Grafik ; Grafik einrücken z.B. 10px */ background: brown url(../../img/article/navi1_norm.gif) 10px 1px no-repeat; } .nlu_navi1_id ul li#li_catv_39 a, .nlu_navi1_id ul li#li_catv_39 a:link, .nlu_navi1_id ul li#li_catv_39 a:visited, .nlu_navi1_id ul li#li_catv_39 a:active { color: #FFFFFF; /* ++ Text color // Textfarbe */ /* ++ background color; url of the image; image adjust e.g. left gap 10px */ /* ++ Hintergrundfarbe; URL der Grafik ; Grafik einrücken z.B. 10px */ background: olivedrab url(../../img/article/navi1_norm.gif) 10px 1px no-repeat; } /* ==== Aktiv, wenn ein Sublevel vorhanden ist // active point if there is a sub_level ==== */ .nlu_navi1_id ul li.sub_ul_true a, .nlu_navi1_id ul li.sub_ul_true a:link, .nlu_navi1_id ul li.sub_ul_true a:visited, .nlu_navi1_id ul li.sub_ul_true a:active { color: White; font-weight: normal; background: darkslateblue url(../../img/article/navi1_sub_true.gif) 10px 1px no-repeat; } /* ==== Aktiver Pfad - Linkverfolgung im Baum // active path in tree (link tracing) ==== */ .nlu_navi1_id ul li#li_catv_37.act_path a, .nlu_navi1_id ul li#li_catv_37.act_path a:link, .nlu_navi1_id ul li#li_catv_37.act_path a:visited, .nlu_navi1_id ul li#li_catv_37.act_path a:active { color: White; font-weight: bold; background: darkslateblue url(../../img/article/navi1_act.gif) 10px 1px no-repeat; } /* ==== Einfacher Link - Keine Unterebene // simple link - no su level ==== */ .nlu_navi1_id ul ul#catv_37 li.sub_no a, .nlu_navi1_id ul ul#catv_37 li.sub_no a:link, .nlu_navi1_id ul ul#catv_37 li.sub_no a:visited, .nlu_navi1_id ul ul#catv_37 li.sub_no a:active { color: White; font-weight: normal; } /* ==== Aktiver Pfad - Linkverfolgung im Baum // active path in tree (link tracing) ==== */ .nlu_navi1_id ul ul#catv_37 li.act_path a, .nlu_navi1_id ul ul#catv_37 li.act_path a:link, .nlu_navi1_id ul ul#catv_37 li.act_path a:visited, .nlu_navi1_id ul ul#catv_37 li.act_path a:active { color: White; font-weight: bold; background: navy url(../../img/article/navi1_act.gif) 10px 1px no-repeat; } /* ==== Elternebene, wenn der Schalter gesetzt // Parent, if switch is set ==== */ .nlu_navi1_id ul li.sub_parent a, .nlu_navi1_id ul li.sub_parent a:link, .nlu_navi1_id ul li.sub_parent a:visited, .nlu_navi1_id ul li.sub_parent a:active { color: White; font-weight: normal; background: #81909F url(../../img/article/navi1_norm.gif) 10px 1px no-repeat; } /* ==== active link <a> // aktiver Link <a> ==== */ .nlu_navi1_id ul#catv_37 a, .nlu_navi1_id ul#catv_37 a:link, .nlu_navi1_id ul#catv_37 a:visited, .nlu_navi1_id ul#catv_37 a:active { color: White; font-weight: bold; background: #63819F url(../../img/article/navi1_act.gif) 10px 1px no-repeat; } /* ==== hover: Maus über Link <a> // hover link <a> ==== */ .nlu_navi1_id ul li#li_catv_37 a:hover { color: White; /* text-decoration: underline; */ background: #597B8F url(../../img/article/navi1_hov.gif) 10px 1px no-repeat; } .nlu_navi1_id ul li#li_catv_37.sub_no a:hover { color: White; background: #597B8F url(../../img/article/navi1_hov.gif) 10px 1px no-repeat; } .nlu_navi1_id ul li#li_catv_37.sub_ul a:hover { background: #597B8F url(../../img/article/navi1_act_hov.gif) 10px 1px no-repeat; } /* ==== hover: Wenn Sublevel vorhanden <a> // hover: "if there is a sub_level" <a> ==== */ .nlu_navi1_id ul li#li_catv_37.sub_ul_true a:hover { background: #597B8F url(../../img/article/navi1_hov.gif) 10px 1px no-repeat; } /* ==== hover: Parent Link <a> // hover: "Only for the parent link" <a> ==== */ .nlu_navi1_id ul li#li_catv_37.sub_parent a:hover { background: #597B8F url(../../img/article/navi1_hov.gif) 10px 1px no-repeat; } /* ==== hover: Der aktive Link <a> // hover: "Only for the active link" <a> ==== */ .nlu_navi1_id ul a:hover { background: #597B8F url(../../img/article/navi1_act_hov.gif) 10px 1px no-repeat; } .nlu_navi1_id ul ul#catv_37 li.act_path a:hover{ background: #597B8F url(../../img/article/navi1_act_hov.gif) 10px 1px no-repeat; } /* ==== Beispielhafte Fortfuehrung fuer die anderen IDs ==== */ .nlu_navi1_id ul li#li_catv_38 a:hover { color: White; /* text-decoration: underline; */ background: #BF5F5F url(../../img/article/navi1_hov.gif) 10px 1px no-repeat; } .nlu_navi1_id ul li#li_catv_39 a:hover { color: White; /* text-decoration: underline; */ background: #93AF57 url(../../img/article/navi1_hov.gif) 10px 1px no-repeat; } /* ==== LEVEL X+1 =============================================== */ .nlu_navi1_id ul ul li.sub_no a, .nlu_navi1_id ul ul li.sub_no a:link, .nlu_navi1_id ul ul li.sub_no a:visited, .nlu_navi1_id ul ul li.sub_no a:active, .nlu_navi1_id ul ul li.sub_ul a, .nlu_navi1_id ul ul li.sub_ul a:link, .nlu_navi1_id ul ul li.sub_ul a:visited, .nlu_navi1_id ul ul li.sub_ul a:active { display: block; /* text-decoration: none; text-transform: none; font-weight: normal; color: #FFFFFF; background: #8E9FAF url(../../img/article/navi1_norm.gif) 25px 1px no-repeat; */ padding: 1px 0 0 40px; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; /* IE6 Bug */ \width: 200px; /* IE5x Opera <= 5 */ widt\h: 160px; /* = (Width of Menu Items) - (padding-right + left) */ } /* ==== LEVEL X+2 =============================================== */ .nlu_navi1_id ul ul ul li.sub_no a, .nlu_navi1_id ul ul ul li.sub_no a:link, .nlu_navi1_id ul ul ul li.sub_no a:visited, .nlu_navi1_id ul ul ul li.sub_no a:active, .nlu_navi1_id ul ul ul li.sub_ul a, .nlu_navi1_id ul ul ul li.sub_ul a:link, .nlu_navi1_id ul ul ul li.sub_ul a:visited, .nlu_navi1_id ul ul ul li.sub_ul a:active { display: block; /* text-decoration: none; text-transform: none; font-weight: normal; color: #FFFFFF; background: #83A1BF url(../../img/article/navi1_norm.gif) 40px 1px no-repeat; */ padding: 1px 0 0 55px; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; /* IE6 Bug */ \width: 200px; /* IE5x Opera <= 5 */ widt\h: 145px; /* = (Width of Menu Items) - (padding-right + left) */ } /*==== END LEVEL X ============================================= */ /* Holly Hack. IE Requirement \*/ * html .nlu_navi1_id ul li { float: left; height: 1%; } * html .nlu_navi1_id ul li a { height: 1%; } /* ==== End nlu_navi1_ul_id ========================================= */
Navi Tag:
<div id="pmenu">{NAV_HORIZ_DD:0,1}</div> oder <div id="pmenu">{NAV_LIST_UL:,0,1,active,act_path,cat}</div>
/* ================================================================== 18.04.10 KH (flip-flop) Simple ID-based navigation for one row <div id="pmenu">{NAV_LIST_UL:,0,1,active,act_path,cat}</div> =================================================================== */ /* Add a margin - for this demo only - and a relative position with a high z-index to make it appear over any element below */ /* margin hinzugefuegt - ausschließlich fuer diese demo - und ein "relative position" mit einem hohen z-index Wert um sicherzustellen dass das Menue ueber jedem nachfolgenden Element aufklappt. */ #menu_container { margin: 0 0 0px 0; /* 100px only for testing - default = 0 */ position: relative; width: 920px; height: 21px; /* ORG 20px */ z-index: 1000; } /* Get rid of the margin, padding and bullets in the unordered lists */ /* margin und padding auf 0, Aufzählungszeichen der unsortierten Liste unterdruecken */ #pmenu, #pmenu ul { padding: 0; margin: 0; list-style-type: none; } /* Set up the link size, color and borders */ /* Einstellen der Groessen, Farben und Rahmen fuer die Links */ #pmenu a, #pmenu a:visited { display: block; /* width: 120px; */ font-size: 11px; color: #fff; height: 21px; /* ORG 25px */ line-height: 20px; /* ORG 24px */ text-decoration: none; text-indent: 5px; border: 1px solid #fff; border-width: 1px 0 1px 1px; font-weight:bold; } /* BASE ===================================== */ /* Einstellungen für die einzelnen Navigationspunkte */ #pmenu #cat-id_1 a, /* NAV_HORIZ_DD */ #pmenu #li_cat_1 a { /* NAV_LIST_UL */ color: #444; width:110px; background: gold url(../img/custom/nav/nav01.png) 0 0 no-repeat; } #pmenu #cat-id_2 a, #pmenu #li_cat_2 a { width:160px; background: green url(../img/custom/nav/nav02.png) 0 0 no-repeat; } #pmenu #cat-id_3 a, #pmenu #li_cat_3 a { width:130px; background: red url(../img/custom/nav/nav03.png) 0 0 no-repeat; } #pmenu #cat-id_4 a, #pmenu #li_cat_4 a { width:150px; background: blue url(../img/custom/nav/nav04.png) 0 0 no-repeat; } #pmenu #cat-id_13 a, #pmenu #li_cat_13 a { width:120px; background: peru url(../img/custom/nav/nav13.png) 0 0 no-repeat; } #pmenu #cat-id_36 a, #pmenu #li_cat_36 a { width:90px; background: mediumvioletred url(../img/custom/nav/nav36.png) 0 0 no-repeat; } #pmenu #cat-id_47 a, #pmenu #li_cat_47 a { width:90px; background: slateblue url(../img/custom/nav/nav36.png) 0 0 no-repeat; } /* ACTIVE ===================================== */ /* Aktive Navigationspunkte */ #pmenu a, #pmenu a { color: #444; background: palegoldenrod url(../img/custom/nav/nav_act01.png) 0 0 no-repeat; } #pmenu a, #pmenu a { background: lightgreen url(../img/custom/nav/nav_act02.png) 0 0 no-repeat; } #pmenu a, #pmenu a { background: salmon url(../img/custom/nav/nav_act03.png) 0 0 no-repeat; } #pmenu a, #pmenu a { background: cornflowerblue url(../img/custom/nav/nav_act04.png) 0 0 no-repeat; } #pmenu a, #pmenu a { background: goldenrod url(../img/custom/nav/nav_act013.png) 0 0 no-repeat; } #pmenu a, #pmenu a { background: deeppink url(../img/custom/nav/nav_act013.png) 0 0 no-repeat; } #pmenu a, #pmenu a { background: mediumslateblue url(../img/custom/nav/nav_act013.png) 0 0 no-repeat; } /* Set up the list items */ /* Einstellen der Listeneinzelheiten */ #pmenu li { float: left; list-style-type: none; background: #7484ad; } /* HOVER ===================================== */ /* For Non-IE browsers and IE7 */ /* Fuer alle nicht IE + IE7 */ #pmenu li:hover { position: relative; } /* Make the hovered list color persist */ /* Festlegen der Farbe fuer hover li */ #pmenu li:hover a { background: fuchsia; /* Simple fallback */ color: #BF4300; /* ORG #c00; */ } #pmenu li#cat-id_1 a:hover, #pmenu li#li_cat_1 a:hover { background: yellow url(../img/custom/nav/nav_hov01.png) 0 0 no-repeat; color: #444; /* ORG #c00; */ } #pmenu li#cat-id_2 a:hover, #pmenu li#li_cat_2 a:hover { background: lime url(../img/custom/nav/nav_hov02.png) 0 0 no-repeat; color: #444; /* ORG #c00; */ } #pmenu li#cat-id_3 a:hover, #pmenu li#li_cat_3 a:hover { background: tomato url(../img/custom/nav/nav_hov03.png) 0 0 no-repeat; color: #222; /* ORG #c00; */ } #pmenu li#cat-id_4 a:hover, #pmenu li#li_cat_4 a:hover { background: mediumslateblue url(../img/custom/nav/nav_hov04.png) 0 0 no-repeat; color: #000; /* ORG #c00; */ } #pmenu li#cat-id_13 a:hover, #pmenu li#li_cat_13 a:hover { background: orange url(../img/custom/nav/nav_hov13.png) 0 0 no-repeat; color: #444; /* ORG #c00; */ } #pmenu li#cat-id_36 a:hover, #pmenu li#li_cat_36 a:hover { background: hotpink url(../img/custom/nav/nav_hov13.png) 0 0 no-repeat; color: #444; /* ORG #c00; */ } #pmenu li#cat-id_47 a:hover, #pmenu li#li_cat_47 a:hover { background: mediumpurple url(../img/custom/nav/nav_hov13.png) 0 0 no-repeat; color: #000; /* ORG #c00; */ }
Adoption: A combination of horizontal (see above) and vertical navigation.
Example how the area under a category can be colored with CSS.
The call of vertical navigation is made in the Template by using ther “Level Lift”:
[PHP] if(isset($GLOBALS['LEVEL_ID'][1])) { $level_id = $GLOBALS['LEVEL_ID'][1]; echo '<div class="nlu_navi1_id">'.LF; echo '{NAV_LIST_UL:,'.$level_id.',,act_path,active,catv}'; echo '</div>'; } [/PHP]
Below Category06, Category06_01_03 is active:
<div class="nlu_navi1_id"> <ul id="catv_36" class="act_path"> <li id="li_catv_37" class="sub_ul act_path sub_first"><a href="category06_01.phtml" title="Category06_01">Category06_01</a> <ul id="catv_37" class="act_path"> <li id="li_catv_40" class="sub_no sub_first"><a href="category06_01_01.phtml" title="Category06_01_01">Category06_01_01</a></li> <li id="li_catv_41" class="sub_no"><a href="cat05_06_01_02.phtml" title="Category06_01_02">Category06_01_02</a></li> <li id="li_catv_42" class="sub_ul act_path active"><a href="category06_01_03.phtml" title="Category06_01_03">Category06_01_03</a> <ul id="catv_42" class="act_path"> <li id="li_catv_46" class="sub_no sub_first"><a href="category06_01_03_01.phtml" title="Category06_01_03_01">Category06_01_03_01</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="li_catv_38" class="sub_ul"><a href="category_06_02.phtml" title="Category06_02">Category06_02</a> <ul id="catv_38"> <li id="li_catv_43" class="sub_no sub_first"><a href="category06_02_01.phtml" title="Category06_02_01">Category06_02_01</a></li> <li id="li_catv_44" class="sub_no"><a href="category06_02_02.phtml" title="Category06_02_02">Category06_02_02</a></li> <li id="li_catv_45" class="sub_no"><a href="category06_02_03.phtml" title="Category06_02_03">Category06_02_03</a></li> </ul> </li> <li id="li_catv_39" class="sub_no"><a href="cat05_06_03.phtml" title="Category06_03">Category06_03</a></li> </ul> </div>
/* ====================================================================== >= V1.30 CSS for an vertical menu <div class="nlu_navi1_ul_id">{ NAV_LIST_UL:F,0,,act_path,active,catv }</div> Level 0 - 3; 26.03.07 flip-flop (KH) 13.10.10 Update catv_[ID] ========================================================================= */ .nlu_navi1_id { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; text-decoration: none; /* ++ e.g. 11px font and 19px height // z.B. 11px font und 19px hoch */ font: normal normal 11px/19px Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; width: 200px; /* ++ Width of Menu Items // Breite der Navigation*/ /* float:left; */ } .nlu_navi1_id em { font-style: normal; } .nlu_navi1_id ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; list-style-type: none; width: 200px; /* ++ Width of Menu Items // Breite der Navigation */ } .nlu_navi1_id ul#catv_36 { /* ++ background color; url of the image; image adjust e.g. left gap 10px */ /* ++ Hintergrundfarbe; URL der Grafik ; Grafik einrücken z.B. 10px */ background: mediumvioletred ; } .nlu_navi1_id ul#catv_47 { /* ++ background color; url of the image; image adjust e.g. left gap 10px */ /* ++ Hintergrundfarbe; URL der Grafik ; Grafik einrücken z.B. 10px */ background: slateblue ; } .nlu_navi1_id ul li { position: relative; } /* ==== Styles for Menu Items =================================== */ /* ==== LEVEL X ================================================= */ /* ==== simple link <a> // einfacher Link <a> ==== */ .nlu_navi1_id ul li a, .nlu_navi1_id ul li a:link, .nlu_navi1_id ul li a:visited, .nlu_navi1_id ul li a:active { display: block; text-decoration: none; text-transform: none; color: #FFFFFF; /* ++ Text color // Textfarbe */ /* ++ background color; url of the image; image adjust e.g. left gap 10px */ /* ++ Hintergrundfarbe; URL der Grafik ; Grafik einrücken z.B. 10px */ /* background: #81909F url(../../img/article/navi1_norm.gif) 10px 1px no-repeat; */ background: url(../../img/article/navi1_norm.gif) 10px 1px no-repeat; /* ++ Text adjust e.g. upper gap and left gap 25px */ /* ++ Text justieren 1px oben und 25px von links */ padding: 1px 0 0 25px; /* ++ bottom line if you want */ /* ++ Untere Linie wenn gewuenscht */ border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; /* IE6 Bug */ /* ++ Den "white-space" Fehler im IE7 vermeiden */ /* ++ Killing the "white-space" bug in IE7 */ \width: 200px; /* IE5x Opera <= 5 */ widt\h: 175px; /* = (Width of Menu Items) - (padding-right + padding-left) */ } /* ==== LEVEL X+1 =============================================== */ .nlu_navi1_id ul ul li a, .nlu_navi1_id ul ul li a:link, .nlu_navi1_id ul ul li a:visited, .nlu_navi1_id ul ul li a:active { display: block; padding: 1px 0 0 40px; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; /* IE6 Bug */ \width: 200px; /* IE5x Opera <= 5 */ widt\h: 160px; /* = (Width of Menu Items) - (padding-right + left) */ } .nlu_navi1_id ul#catv_36 ul li.sub_no a, .nlu_navi1_id ul#catv_36 ul li.sub_ul a { color: White; /* text-decoration: underline; */ background: mediumvioletred url(../../img/article/navi1_hov.gif) 10px 1px no-repeat; } .nlu_navi1_id ul#catv_47 ul li.sub_no a, .nlu_navi1_id ul#catv_47 ul li.sub_ul a { color: White; /* text-decoration: underline; */ background: slateblue url(../../img/article/navi1_hov.gif) 10px 1px no-repeat; } /* ==== LEVEL X+2 =============================================== */ .nlu_navi1_id ul ul ul li a, .nlu_navi1_id ul ul ul li a:link, .nlu_navi1_id ul ul ul li a:visited, .nlu_navi1_id ul ul ul li a:active { display: block; padding: 1px 0 0 55px; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; /* IE6 Bug */ \width: 200px; /* IE5x Opera <= 5 */ widt\h: 145px; /* = (Width of Menu Items) - (padding-right + left) */ } .nlu_navi1_id ul#catv_36 ul ul li.sub_no a, .nlu_navi1_id ul#catv_36 ul ul li.sub_ul a { color: White; /* text-decoration: underline; */ background: mediumvioletred url(../../img/article/navi1_hov.gif) 10px 1px no-repeat; } .nlu_navi1_id ul#catv_47 ul ul li.sub_no a, .nlu_navi1_id ul#catv_47 ul ul li.sub_ul a { color: White; /* text-decoration: underline; */ background: slateblue url(../../img/article/navi1_hov.gif) 10px 1px no-repeat; } /*==== END LEVEL X ============================================= */ /* ==== .active: Aktiver Link <a> // .active link <a> ==== */ .nlu_navi1_id ul#catv_36 a, .nlu_navi1_id ul#catv_36 ul a, .nlu_navi1_id ul#catv_36 ul ul a { color: White; /* text-decoration: underline; */ background: deeppink url(../../img/article/navi1_hov.gif) 10px 1px no-repeat; } .nlu_navi1_id ul#catv_47 a, .nlu_navi1_id ul#catv_47 ul a, .nlu_navi1_id ul#catv_47 ul ul a { color: White; /* text-decoration: underline; */ background: mediumslateblue url(../../img/article/navi1_hov.gif) 10px 1px no-repeat; } /* ==== hover: Maus über Link <a> // hover link <a> ==== */ .nlu_navi1_id ul#catv_36 a:hover, .nlu_navi1_id ul#catv_36 ul li a:hover, .nlu_navi1_id ul#catv_36 ul ul li a:hover { color: White; /* text-decoration: underline; */ background: hotpink url(../../img/article/navi1_hov.gif) 10px 1px no-repeat; } /* ==== Beispielhafte Fortfuehrung fuer die anderen IDs ==== */ .nlu_navi1_id ul#catv_47 a:hover, .nlu_navi1_id ul#catv_47 ul li a:hover, .nlu_navi1_id ul#catv_47 ul ul li a:hover { color: White; /* text-decoration: underline; */ background: mediumpurple url(../../img/article/navi1_hov.gif) 10px 1px no-repeat; } /*==== IE only ============================================= */ /* Holly Hack. IE Requirement \*/ * html .nlu_navi1_id ul li { float: left; height: 1%; } * html .nlu_navi1_id ul li a { height: 1%; } /* ==== End nlu_navi1_ul_id ========================================= */
Docu: –
Forum: Navigation(-Buttons) im CMS erstellen?!
Author: K.Heermann (flip-flop)
CMS Version: >= 1.4x
Version: V1.0 (21.04.2010)
Update: –
Condition: –
— Knut Heermann (flip-flop) 2010/04/21 07:07