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3rd-party-modules:sliderjs [2013/11/02 21:34]
Peter Bracher
3rd-party-modules:sliderjs [2018/06/03 18:08] (current)
Line 10: Line 10:
-^ Version    | 1.0 |  +^ Version    | 1.3 |  
-^ Release date | 08. June 2013 |   +^ Release date | 12. Nov. 2013 |   
-^ Last Update | 08. June 2013 |   +^ Last Update | 02. Feb. 2014 |  
^ Author    | breitsch for webrealisierung.ch | ^ Author    | breitsch for webrealisierung.ch |
^ Thanks to  |  | ^ Thanks to  |  |
Line 18: Line 18:
^ Language | en, de | ^ Language | en, de |
^ Type | Free/Donationware Pro Version | ^ Type | Free/Donationware Pro Version |
-^ CMS Version | >= V1.5.4.5 r511 (1) |+^ CMS Version | >= V1.6.529 r529 (1) |
\\ \\
-(1) The module runs in PHPWCMS > 1.4.5 but requires min. jQuery 1.8 wich was included with r511 at 2012/10/02. To run the module in PHPWCMS versions prior to you'll have to update the jQuery Library to min. 1.8+(1) The module runs in PHPWCMS > 1.4.5 but requires min. jQuery 1.9  and min. CKEditor 4.0.1 (for IE10) wich was included with r529 at 2013/02/08. To run the module in PHPWCMS versions prior to 1.6.529 you'll have to update the jQuery Library to min. 1.9 and CKEditor to min. 4.0.1
---- ----
\\ \\
-This script includes the following jQuery plugins to use them with PHPWCMS:+This script includes the following jQuery plugins to use them with PHPWCMS:\\ 
 +Free Version:
  * SlidesJS 3.0 http://www.slidesjs.com/ Created by "Nathan Searles" - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0   * SlidesJS 3.0 http://www.slidesjs.com/ Created by "Nathan Searles" - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-  * NIVO Slider http://dev7studios.com/nivo-slider/ Written by Dev7studios - Licensed under The MIT License (MIT) 
  * bxSlider 4.1.1 http://bxslider.com/ - Written by Steven Wanderski - Released under the WTFPL license - http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/   * bxSlider 4.1.1 http://bxslider.com/ - Written by Steven Wanderski - Released under the WTFPL license - http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/
 +Pro Version the above and:
 +  * NIVO Slider http://dev7studios.com/nivo-slider/ Written by Dev7studios - Licensed under The MIT License (MIT)
 +  * Camera slideshow v1.3.3 http://www.pixedelic.com/plugins/camera/ - Written by by Manuel Masia/pixedelic - Licensed under the MIT license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
---- ----
Line 35: Line 39:
---- ----
\\ \\
===== Release notes and change log ===== ===== Release notes and change log =====
-^ Version 1.0   | Simple style takes care of all CSS settings and correct HTML for browsercompatibility \\ Responsive layouts possible with advanced styling \\ Autodetect the correct JS-Library to make the sliders work \\ easy adding pictures to the sliders \\ HTML captions with WYSIWYG editor \\ jQuery UI (1.10) used in Backend \\ Add ore JS Options Code without hacking the files \\ Plugins API to add more sliders \\ SlidesJS 3.0 \\ Nivo Slider v3.2 \\ bxSlider 4.1.1 | +Enhancements in the Free Version will automatically go to the Pro Versions as well. 
 +^  ^ Free ^ Pro ^ 
 +^ Version 1.3.1 \\ 2014-02-02 |  | ADD thumbnails navigation to NivoSlider | 
 +^ Version 1.3 \\ 2013-11-12 | Release \\ jQuery 1.9 intern \\ jQueryUI 1.9.2 intern | Release \\ jQuery 1.9 intern \\ jQueryUI 1.9.2 intern | 
 +^ Version 1.2 \\ 2013-11-04 | Bugfixes | Bugfixes | 
 +^ Version 1.1 \\ 2013-11-02 | DEL NivoSlider Plugin \\ DEL Allow HTML in Caption \\ DEL HTML Editor for Caption \\ DEL Advanced Options API \\ DEL Advanced Styling | ADD NivoSlider Plugin \\ ADD Allow HTML in Caption \\ ADD HTML Editor for Caption \\ ADD Advanced Options API \\ ADD Advanced Styling \\ ADD Camera Slideshow Plugin | 
 +^ Version 1.1 \\ 2013-11-02 | Split Module in Free and Pro Version \\ Pro Version will be Donationware (min. €20)  | 
 +^ Version 1.0   | Simple style takes care of all CSS settings and correct HTML for browsercompatibility \\ Responsive layouts possible with advanced styling \\ Autodetect the correct JS-Library to make the sliders work \\ easy adding pictures to the sliders \\ HTML captions with WYSIWYG editor \\ jQuery UI (1.10) used in Backend \\ Add more JS Options Code without hacking the files \\ Plugins API to add more sliders \\ SlidesJS 3.0 \\ Nivo Slider v3.2 \\ bxSlider 4.1.1 |  
3rd-party-modules/sliderjs.1383424492.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/03 18:06 (external edit)
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