
The entries listing shows a listing with all entries with title and subtitle. As you can see we tested with the most common special chars.

The listing can be filtered by the active catalogs for better handling.

The usual functions for edit, activate/deactivate and delete are available for the single entry (only admins and the owner).

Add new / edit entry

Each entry requires at least a title.
Subtitle is optional.


You can add each entry to one or several catalogs.
It's basically the same as categories for more flexibility and the possibility to handle several different catalogs in one website.

The catalogs can be used as a filter/menu in frontend to select all or only the entries from one catalog.

Tabs for entry-content

for less scrolling and faster update the content of the entries is displayed in tabs.
There is a lot of JQuery involved here to make your life easier, so enjoy it!


There are two different options to include images in our catalog entry.

PHPWCMS image option
should be clear how to

images from folder option

here you have the option to choose a folder on your web server and the script will use all images within that folder for the actual catalog entry.
makes it possible to sync often changing images

Start folder is: [module-folder]/catalog_images
:!: all this folders must have CHMOD 777 permissions.
only one level possible.
Thumbnails within these folders are automatically generated (when updating the Content-Part where the entry is assigned to).
(it creates a folder directly under the selected one called 'thumbs' and creates two thumbnails for each image AND each contentpart, one for the listing called tmblst_[ID of CP]_[imagename].[extension] and one for the detailview called tmbdet_[ID of CP]_[imagename].[extension])

For both options the settings for width, height, crop, lightox will be set in the Content-Part.


everything should be clear here.


here starts the magic!
Enter a valid address, zip and/or city and a country (required for Geocoding)

for countries yet saved in other entries a list to choose from appears when you enter the first letter
then click 'Geocode' and the script gets the coordinates and shows the google map with the marker at this address
for finetuning you can drag and drop the marker.

the map only loads when you click 'Geocode' or when an address is saved and the address-tab is selected, so you shouldn't worry about too many Google Mpas API loadings just for administration.

For each entry the Google map can be activated individually. Not activated here will not render the point in overview maps in frontend and not in the detailview of this entry of course.

to select a marker for the point we added an eyecatching feature:
JavaScript image combobox thanks to http://www.marghoobsuleman.com/jquery-image-dropdown
you'll see the selected marker in the dropdown (the map in backend just has the standard marker)

all you have to do is upload your marker icons (preferable png's) to folder: [module-folder]/template/map-icons
download the zip with over 600 icons:
map-icons-collection-2.0.zip (1.01 MiB, 67 downloads)
or a good source for marker icons is: http://mapicons.nicolasmollet.com/


The catalogue module becomes really powerful because of tagging!
you can add as many tags as you like to each entry, already saved tags can be choosen when entering according letters
these tags can be used in frontend for filtering and/or menus to sort and filter the content of the catalogs.

:!: it's important to understand the functionality here!
supposing we have a catalog in frontend with one or more filters feeded by these tags here.
The tags are added manually to the filters in the Content-Part. When you add a new Tag here you have to manually ensure that this new tag appears in the filter.
See Content-Part section for further explanations.

In the Module-Tab you also get an overview of the tags used for the filters in the Content-Part, and, perhaps more important those NOT ASSIGNED yet.


the entries can have teasertext and/or full description, both with WYSIWIG Editors.

:!: in listing view you may want to get rid of the html tags in the tesaertext coming with the WYSIWYG editor content
therfore we added an option to the Content-Part to avoid that

when checked all html tags are cut out
then you can use in your template something like:

<span class="ctg_list_text">{TEXT}</span>

{TEXT} will contain only the plain text, without any tags in it.

3rd-party-modules/catalogue/catalogue-docu/catalogue-docu-entry.txt · Last modified: 2018/06/03 18:08 (external edit)
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