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Example: The page will be redirected to a subdirectory.
Adoption: phpwcms is located in the subdirectory
Standard entries in the
// site values $phpwcms['site'] = 'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].'/'; // paths $phpwcms['DOC_ROOT'] = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; $phpwcms['root'] = 'wcms'; //default: ''
If a requested page does not exist, it is often desired that a custom error page is produced with custom layout.
Under normal conditions the given layout of the page was delivered “home” with the error message of the range “Error”.
If we write in the “error” area in the template for “home” the following redirect, an error page with a separate layout can be created.
This error page lies typically in a hidden range of the system (ADMIN → site structure → frontend menu status: [x] hide).
Docu: –
Forum: mod_rewrite + RewriteRule + errorDocument
Author: Heiko H.
CMS Version: >= 1.26
Version: V1.0
Tag: –
fileiname: –
Folder: –
Condition: → /config/phpwcms/
[PHP] Header( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently" ); Header( "Location:" ); exit; [/PHP]