===== Internal function call =====
===== Basic function {SHOW_CONTENT:....} =====
**File:** /include/inc_front/ext.func.inc.php
**Docu:** [[http://www.phpwcms-docu.de/article_tags.phtml]]
**Tag:** {SHOW_CONTENT:MODE,id,id,id} -> **function:** showSelectedContent('Mode,'.id.','.id.','.id)
The basic function in framework from {SHOW_CONTENT ...} without a replacement tag.
$show_content = 'CPA,' . $id; // wherever $id might come from
echo showSelectedContent($show_content);
===== Init Mootools Library =====
==== Till V1.4.3 r380 ====
**File:** /include/inc_front/front.func.inc.php
**Docu:** --
**Tag:** -- -> **function:** initMootools($v='1.11')
**Initialize** the active mootools framework in /template/inc_js/mootools/mootools.js
**Registered** with:
* mootools.js
==== Since V1.4.4 r381 ====
**File:** /include/inc_front/front.func.inc.php
**Docu:** [[http://forum.phpwcms.org/viewtopic.php?p=122090#p122090]]
**Call:** initJSLib();
**Tag:** -- -> **function:** initJSLib() //(in the corresponding JS-Lib in include/inc_front/lib/*)//
**Initializes** the currently active JS framework in **template/lib/mootools/*** or **template/lib/jquery/*** //(depending on the framework set up in template)//.
**Registered** with ##mootools.js## if **MooTools 1.1/1.2** is set in template //(JS Library)//:
**Registered** with ##jquery.js## if **jQuery 1.3/1.4** is set in template //(JS Library)//:
After v1.4.3 R380 the handling for JS Libs and files was switched.
The call **initMootools();** does not exist anymore. Now it is substituted by **initJSLib();**, whereby the JS-Framework set in template is loaded.
By using the call **initializeLightbox();** //(deprecated)// or **initSlimbox();** the right JS framework is atom. loaded.
It must be changed all the external calls of the framework into this standardized way of calling.
Such calls:
$GLOBALS['block']['custom_htmlhead']['mootools.js'] = ' ';
should / can no longer be used. Own Mootools sets are no longer the first choice. All components are present in the system.
If additional functions from the **Moore series** are used, then these can be integrated like this:
**In HTML-sourde:**
**or as inline-PHP** //(not recommended)//:
$js[1] = 'MORE:Fx/Fx.Elements,Fx/Fx.Accordion';
**or this variant** //(e.g. in a forntend_render-Script)//:
$mootools_more = array(
initJSPlugin($mootools_more, true);
=== External JavaScripts ===
** are merged best as Plugin:**
**Example** SimpleTabs:
**File:** template/lib/mootools/plugin-1.2/mootools.SimpleTabs.js \\
Integrating with:
$GLOBALS['block']['css']['reg_tabs_simpletabs01'] = 'specific/mootools/reg_tabs_simpletabs01.css';
**initJSPlugin('SimpleTabs');** the right JS framework calls.
Alternatively, in a template:
Since version r410 the call of external scripts like \\ ##%%%%## for security is no longer possible. \\
Alternatively, this method can be selected:\\ ##%%[PHP]$GLOBALS['block']['custom_htmlhead']['XYZ'] = getJavaScriptSourceLink(html_specialchars('http://XYZ.js'));[/PHP] %%##
* **External scripts** are now started from the appropriate plugin directory.
* The original file name **SimpleTabs.js** will be prefixed by **mootools.** or **jquery.** -> **mootools.SimpleTabs.js**.
The right JS-framework is now automatically assigned by the system.
**All past external JS-integrations must be revised in this direction.**
=== check instantly appointed JS Lib ===
templates -> JS Library: [Var: PHPWCMS_JSLIB]
if(PHPWCMS_JSLIB == 'mootools-1.1') { ...... }
if(PHPWCMS_JSLIB == 'mootools-1.2') { ...... }
if(PHPWCMS_JSLIB == 'jquery-1.3') { ...... }
if(PHPWCMS_JSLIB == 'jquery-1.4') { ...... }
===== Init Lightbox =====
**File:** /include/inc_front/front.func.inc.php
**Docu:** --
**Tag:** -- -> **function:** initializeLightbox()
**Initialize %%<=%% v1.4.3 r380** the SlimBox /template/inc_js/slimbox/js/slimbox.js and Mootools //(see above)//.\\
**Initialize %%>=%% v1.4.4 r381** the SlimBox /template/lib/slimbox/[slimbox.mootools-1.1.js]|[slimbox.mootools-1.2.js]|[slimbox.jquery.js] and Mootools //(see above)//.
**Registered** with:
* **lightbox.css** for the CSS file
* **slimbox.js** für die JS file
==== Reset Init Lightbox ====
If the initialization of the Lighbox (SlimBox) -JS in the head range are in a wrong sequence to other scripts, you can reset the old entry and setup a new one:
// unset Slimbox CCC and JS
// Alternativ zu initializeLightbox();
// $GLOBALS['block']['['css']']['lightbox.css'] = ' ../lib/slimbox/slimbox.css';
// $GLOBALS['block']['custom_htmlhead']['slimbox.js'] = ' ';
===== Init SwfObject JS Library =====
**File:** /include/inc_front/front.func.inc.php
**Docu:** --
**Tag:** -- -> **function:** initSwfObject($v='2.2')
**Initialize:** /template/inc_js/swfobject/swfobject.js
**Registered** with:
* swfobject.js //(v1.5)//
* swfobject2.1.js //(Default, V2.1, V2.2)//
// template/inc_js/swfobject/swfobject.js
// template/inc_js/swfobject/2.2/swfobject.js
initSwfObject(); // default
===== article menu =====
**File:** /include/inc_front/front.func.inc.php
**Docu:** --
**Tag:** -- -> **function:** getArticleMenu($data=array())
Return menu or menu elements based on article menu title information starting at given structure level ID, limited to single level (non-nested)
@return mixed (array/string)\\
@param array
Supplies an article list of the indicated category
$defaults = array(
'level_id' => 0,
'class_active' => 'active',
'wrap_title_prefix' => '',
'wrap_title_suffix' => '',
'item_prefix' => "\t",
'item_suffix' => '',
'sort' => 'level',
'item_tag' => 'li',
'wrap_tag' => 'ul',
'attribute_wrap_tag' => '',
'class_item_tag' => '',
'class_first_item_tag' => '',
'class_last_item_tag' => '',
'return_format' => 'string' // string or array
E.g. category id=1 contains three articles and the output is a string:
$_menu = array('level_id'=>'1','attribute_wrap_tag'=>'wrap');
echo 'Article title: '.getarticlemenu($_menu);
Result dump (string):
E.g. category id=1 contains three articles and the output is an array:
$_menu = array('level_id'=>'1','attribute_wrap_tag'=>'wrap','return_format'=>'array');
echo 'Article title: '.getarticlemenu($_menu);
Result dump (array):
[0] =>
===== Add a meta tag into HTML Head =====
**File:** /include/inc_front/front.func.inc.php
E.g. calling by a frontend_render script:
set_meta($name='', $content='', $http_equiv=FALSE);
set_meta('copyright', '2009 OG');
set_meta('imagetoolbar', 'no', true);
===== Subsequent exchange of a CSS file, which is registered in the Template =====
In special cases it is necessary to replace a CSS file that is entered in the template temporarily as required.. The process sequence of the CSS file is never modified :!: \\
With a small script that is possible.
**Assumption:** \\
The file should be exchanged is called "**master_template.css**". \\
The new file is called "**winter.css**" and is located in the directory "template/inc_css/specific/*".
E.g. Call from a frontend_render script:
// Change Dummy/Fallback-css
// the position in the order of the files is preserved
// -------------------------------------------------------
$my_css = 'master_template.css';
$key = array_search($my_css, $block['css']);
if ($key) $block['css'][$key] = 'specific/winter.css';
**Before processing:**
**After processing:**
===== Short link overview =====
{{indexmenu>english:technics/internal-function-call|js#doku navbar msort nsort nocookie notoc}}