====== Structure Bottom-Top Output ======
**A snippet catching all available cat-ids between the specified level to the specified parent level.**
In other words: Is the current category a part of the subcategories of the given parent category?
* **Input:** Actual category-ID //($start)//, parent category-ID (//%%$top > 0%%)//
* **Return:**
- on success: String separated by commas with all the IDs of the searched tree structure
- on failure: %%Empty string = ''%%
function buildStruct_DownTop($start=0, $top=0) {
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* v1.0 KH (flip-flop) 23.08.2010
* Structure bottom->top given: Actual cat-ID (start) and parent cat-id (top > 0)
* Is the current category a part of the subcategories of the given parent category?
* Return:
* - on success: String separated by commas with all the IDs of the searched tree structure
* - on failure: Empty string =''
* Struktur bottom->top gegeben: Aktuelle cat-ID (start) und uebergeordnete cat-id (top > 0)
* Ist die aktuelle Kategorie ein Teil der Unterkategorien von der gegebenen uebergeordneten Kategorie
* Rueckgabe:
* - bei Erfolg: String kommasepariert mit allen IDs des abgesuchten Strukturbaums
* - bei Nichterfolg: Leerer String = ''
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ($top > 0) { // only IDs > root level
$stop = false;
$cat_id = $start;
while (!$stop ) {
$start = $GLOBALS['content']["struct"][$start]['acat_struct']; // Parent cat
$cat_id .= ($cat_id != '') ? ','.$start : $start;
if ($start == $top OR $start == 0) $stop = true;
if ($start == 0) $cat_id = ''; // delete all entries, there is no match
} // END while
} // END if
return $cat_id;
} // ===== END function
==== Example: ====
Given structure
.: : : :
.0 1 2 3 <- LEVEL-No.
.: : : :
-+ home : ID=0
-+--+ category_01 ID=01
-+--+ category_02 ID=02
-+--+--+ category_02_01 ID=04
-+--+--+--+ category_02_01_01 ID=06
-+--+--+--+ category_02_01_02 ID=07
-+--+--+ category_02_01 ID=05
-+--+--+ category_02_02 ID=08
-+--+ category_03 ID=03
-+--+ category_04 ID=09
.: : : :
.0 1 2 3 <- LEVEL No.
Function call: ##$s = buildStruct_BottomTop(7, 2);## //category_02_01_02 -> ID=07, category_02 -> ID=02//
Output ##$s##: **7,4,2**
Function call: ##$s = buildStruct_BottomTop(7, 3);## //category_02_01_02 -> ID=07, category_03 -> ID=03//
Output ##$s##: **%%''%%** -> The string is empty because the category %%ID=7%% is not within the structure of the category tree from category %%ID=3%% .