{{indexmenu_n>500}} ===== SHOW_ARTICLE_CP ===== Tag: **{SHOW_ARTICLE_CP} <-> {SHOW_CP}** DisplayS CPs OF articles in listing-mode where you are placing {SHOW_ARTICLE_CP} in your active structure. If you want to show a CP you only have to place {SHOW_CP} into the CP comment field. A wrapper //**
- struktur level (article in list-mode)
--- 1. article .... list mode but no summary
------ CP Images .... (e.g. output at the right side) A{SHOW_CP}
--- 2. article .... list mode with summary
------ CP Text .... (output at the right side) B{SHOW_CP}
------ CP Images .... (output at the right side) C{SHOW_CP}
------ CP Link list .....
--- 3. article .... list mode with summary
------ CP Text/Bild ....
TAG: **{SHOW_ARTICLE_CP}** for activating/placing this RT within your template
TAG: **[X]{SHOW_CP}** in the comment field of the displayed CP
Where **[X]** is the sort criterion e.g. **A{SHOW_CP} .... B{SHOW_CP} .... C{SHOW_CP} ....**
:!: Place this tag at first in comment field for correct sorting (If you need) :!:
And -> CP status: [x] visible (Or change "acontent_visible" in script).
Docu: -- \\
Forum: [[http://forum.phpwcms.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=17082|{SHOW_ARTICLE_CP} <-> {SHOW_CP}]]
**Autor:** K.Heermann (flip-flop) http://planmatrix.de / O.Georgi http://phpwcms.de \\
**CMS Version:** >= 1.3 \\
**Version:** V1.0 \\
Update: V1.1: Changing the sorting criterion //(17.01.2010)//
Tag: **{SHOW_ARTICLE_CP} <-> {SHOW_CP}**
Filename: **rt_show_article_cp.php** \\
Filder: ** template/inc_script/frontend_render/ **
**Condition:** -> [[http://www.phpwcms-docu.de/conf_inc_php_en.phtml|/config/phpwcms/conf.inc.php]] \\
* $phpwcms['allow_ext_render'] = 1;
===== Code V1.0: =====
Location: **/template/inc_script/frontend_render/rt_show_article_cp.php**
'.my_article_count_cp().'', $content["all"]);
} else {
$content["all"] = str_replace('{SHOW_ARTICLE_CP}', '', $content["all"]);
function my_article_count_cp() {
// Artikel der aktuellen Seitenebene holen
// get current listed article IDs
$article = array();
foreach($GLOBALS['content']['articles'] as $value) {
$article[] = $value['article_id'];
if(count($article)) {
// Artikel in der DB suchen und CP-ID bereitstellen
// Search for the article and make the CP-ID available
$sql = "SELECT acontent_id ";
$sql .= "FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_articlecontent ";
$sql .= "WHERE acontent_visible=1 AND acontent_trash=0 ";
$sql .= 'AND acontent_aid IN ('.implode(',', $article).') ';
$sql .= "AND acontent_comment LIKE '%{SHOW_CP}%' ";
// SORTING ORDER: sort by comment = "acontent_comment" | sort by id = "article_aid" | sort by structure = "acontent_sorting"
$sql .= "ORDER BY acontent_comment"; // acontent_comment, article_aid, acontent_sorting
$result = _dbQuery($sql);
if(isset($result[0]['acontent_id'])) { // Any result available?
// CP-ID String fuer SHOW_CONTENT bereitstellen
// Create CP-IDs string for SHOW_CONTENT
$cp_my_id_str = '';
foreach($result as $value) {
$cp_my_id_str .= ','.$value['acontent_id'];
// Ausgabe der betroffenen CPs mit SHOW_CONTENT
// Make the encountered CPs available with SHOW_CONTENT
return showSelectedContent('CP'.$cp_my_id_str);
return '';
====== Update v1.1: Changing the sorting criterion ======
You can turn off the sort order via the comment, and turn on sorting as defined in the structure by changing in \\
"template/inc_script/frontend_render/rt_show_article_cp.php" \\
around line 48 \\
// CUSTOM INPUT ==============================================
// sort order: [true|false] [by comment field | by structure]
$sort_by_comment = true;
// ===========================================================
// CUSTOM INPUT ==============================================
// sort order: [true|false] [by comment field | by structure]
$sort_by_comment = false;
// ===========================================================
==== Code V1.1 ====
Location: **/template/inc_script/frontend_render/rt_show_article_cp.php**
'.my_article_count_cp().'', $content["all"]);
} else {
$content["all"] = str_replace('{SHOW_ARTICLE_CP}', '', $content["all"]);
function my_article_count_cp() {
// CUSTOM INPUT ==============================================
// sort order: [true|false] [by comment field | by structure]
$sort_by_comment = true;
// ===========================================================
// Artikel der aktuellen Seitenebene holen
// get current listed article IDs
$article = array();
foreach($GLOBALS['content']['articles'] as $value) {
// $article[$value['article_sort']] = $value['article_id'];
$article[] = $value['article_id'];
if(count($article)) {
// Artikel in der DB suchen und CP-ID bereitstellen
// Search for the article and make the CP-ID available
$sql = "SELECT acontent_id, acontent_aid ";
$sql .= "FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_articlecontent ";
$sql .= "WHERE acontent_visible=1 AND acontent_trash=0 ";
$sql .= 'AND acontent_aid IN ('.implode(',', $article).') ';
$sql .= "AND acontent_comment LIKE '%{SHOW_CP}%' ";
// SORTING ORDER: sort by comment = "acontent_comment" | sort by id = "article_aid" | sort by structure = "acontent_sorting"
$sql .= ($sort_by_comment)
? "ORDER BY acontent_comment"
: "ORDER BY acontent_sorting"; //,acontent_comment, article_aid, acontent_sorting
$result = _dbQuery($sql);
if(isset($result[0]['acontent_id'])) { // Any result available?
// CP-ID String fuer SHOW_CONTENT bereitstellen
// Create CP-IDs string for SHOW_CONTENT
$cp_my_id_str = '';
if ($sort_by_comment) { // sort by comment?
foreach($result as $value) {
$cp_my_id_str .= ','.$value['acontent_id'];
else { // sort by structure
foreach($article as $value1) { // The article sort order by structure
foreach($result as $value2) { // CP sort order by structure
if ($value2['acontent_aid'] == $value1) // CP in article?
$cp_my_id_str .= ','.$value2['acontent_id'];
// Ausgabe der betroffenen CPs mit SHOW_CONTENT
// Make the encountered CPs available with SHOW_CONTENT
return showSelectedContent('CP'.$cp_my_id_str);
return '';
===== For programmers: =====
$article = array();
foreach($GLOBALS['content']['articles'] as $value) {
$article[] = $value['article_id'];
if(count($article)) {
**The ID of the current article:**
If the IDs of the CPs of an article are required, they must be read from the DB. CP-IDs are not held in the parent hierarchy, in this case the articles. \\
The routine for this is shown in the RT.
Interesting for this is the inserted tag {SHOW_CONTENT:....} and/or the function
function showSelectedContent($param='') { ...
in %%''/include/inc_front/ext.func.inc.php''%%.