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english:phpwcms_replacer_rts:frontend_render:link-article-alias-id [2011/11/28 15:12]
Knut Heermann (flip-flop) created
english:phpwcms_replacer_rts:frontend_render:link-article-alias-id [2018/06/03 18:09] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== RANDOMARTICLE_ALIAS/ID ======+====== Quick Article link with ALIAS/ID ======
-A quite simple solution to show a random article by alias- or id and show the result at the place of the TAGs **{RANDOMARTICLE_ALIAS}** / **{RANDOMARTICLE_ID}**.+A single TAG that makes a link, automatically grabs the title of the destination article and insert the title as link text.
-\\+##**[QIDA|qIDA **article-alias or article-ID**]**## \\
---- ----
-**rt_random_article_alias** V1.0 18.07.10 +**rt_qida_link_to_article_alias** V1.0b 28.11.2011
Docu: -- \\ Docu: -- \\
-Forum: [[http://forum.phpwcms.org/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=20397]]+Forum: [[http://forum.phpwcms.org/viewtopic.php?p=133283]]
**Author:**  K.Heermann (flip-flop) http://planmatrix.de \\ **Author:**  K.Heermann (flip-flop) http://planmatrix.de \\
**CMS Version:** >= 1.3 \\ **CMS Version:** >= 1.3 \\
-**Version:** V1.0 \\+**Version:** V1.0b \\
-TAGs: {RANDOMARTICLE_ALIAS} and {RANDOMARTICLE_ID} \\+TAGs: [QIDA|qIDA article-alias or article-ID] \\
-Fileiname: **rt_random_article_alias.php** +Fileiname: **rt_qida_link_to_article_alias.php**
Folder:  ** template/inc_script/frontend_render/ ** Folder:  ** template/inc_script/frontend_render/ **
Line 40: Line 40:
-<code php |h rt_xida_link_to_article_alias |h >+<code php |h rt_qida_link_to_article_alias |h >
<?php <?php
/** /**
********************************************************************************************* *********************************************************************************************
-* 28.11.11 KH: http://planmatrix.de V1.0+* 28.11.11 KH: http://planmatrix.de V1.0b
* frontend_render-Script: Link to article alias/id * frontend_render-Script: Link to article alias/id
* A single tag that makes a link, automatically grabs the title of the destination article * A single tag that makes a link, automatically grabs the title of the destination article
-* and inserts that as the link text +* and insert the title as link text 
-* TAGs: [XIDA|xIDA article alias/article id]+* TAGs: [QIDA|[qIDA article alias|article id]
********************************************************************************************* *********************************************************************************************
*/ */
Line 58: Line 58:
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ============= [XIDA] Article +// ============= [QIDA] Article 
-if (strpos($content["all"], '[XIDA ') != false OR strpos($content["all"], '[xIDA ') != false ) {+if (strpos($content["all"], '[QIDA ') != false OR strpos($content["all"], '[qIDA ') != false ) {
$hidden_article = ''; // CUSTOM: All not available article like '23,45,78,...' $hidden_article = ''; // CUSTOM: All not available article like '23,45,78,...'
-  preg_match_all('/\[XIDA (.*?)\]/im', $content["all"], $match);+  preg_match_all('/\[QIDA (.*?)\]/im', $content["all"], $match);
if ( isset($match['1']) AND !empty($match['1']) ) { // if match found, replace if ( isset($match['1']) AND !empty($match['1']) ) { // if match found, replace
 + // Separate IDs and articles TAGs
$id_i = ''; $id_i = '';
$id_a = ''; $id_a = '';
Line 74: Line 75:
// ID or alias input??  // ID oder alias Eingabe???? // ID or alias input??  // ID oder alias Eingabe????
if ((int)$value == $value AND (int)$value != 0) if ((int)$value == $value AND (int)$value != 0)
- $id_i .= $value.',';+ $id_i .= trim($value).',';
else else
- $id_a .= "'".$value."',";+ $id_a .= "'".strtolower(trim($value))."',"; 
} }
- $count = substr_count($id_i, ','); // Count the entries for a better db performance (LIMIT) + // Count all possible matches for a better db performance (LIMIT) 
- $count = $count + substr_count($id_a, ","); // Count the entries for a better db performance (LIMIT)+ $count = substr_count($id_i, ','); 
 + $count = $count + substr_count($id_a, ",");
$id_i = substr($id_i, 0, -1);  // Kill the last sign "," $id_i = substr($id_i, 0, -1);  // Kill the last sign ","
$id_a = substr($id_a, 0, -1);  // Kill the last sign "," $id_a = substr($id_a, 0, -1);  // Kill the last sign ","
- +  
 + // fill up the var with minimum content for a right db search 
 + if (empty($id_i)) $id_i = 0; 
 + if (empty($id_a)) $id_a = "'!n00p!'";
// Artikel in der DB suchen // Artikel in der DB suchen
Line 90: Line 96:
$sql  = "SELECT article_id, article_cid, article_alias,  article_title, article_subtitle "; $sql  = "SELECT article_id, article_cid, article_alias,  article_title, article_subtitle ";
$sql .= "FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_article "; $sql .= "FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_article ";
- $sql .= "WHERE article_alias IN (".$id_a.") ";+ $sql .= "WHERE (article_alias IN (".$id_a.") OR article_id IN (".$id_i.")) ";
$sql .= "AND article_public=1 AND article_aktiv=1 AND article_deleted=0 "; $sql .= "AND article_public=1 AND article_aktiv=1 AND article_deleted=0 ";
$sql .= "AND (article_archive_status=1 AND article_begin<NOW() "; $sql .= "AND (article_archive_status=1 AND article_begin<NOW() ";
Line 105: Line 111:
$link = '<a href="index.php?'.$value['article_alias'].'" title="'.$value['article_title'].'">'.$value['article_title'].'</a>'; $link = '<a href="index.php?'.$value['article_alias'].'" title="'.$value['article_title'].'">'.$value['article_title'].'</a>';
// Output id link // Output id link
- $content["all"] = str_replace('[XIDA '.$value['article_id'].']',$link, $content["all"] ); + $content["all"] = str_replace('[QIDA '.$value['article_id'].']',$link, $content["all"] ); 
- $content["all"] = str_replace('[xIDA '.$value['article_id'].']',$link, $content["all"] );+ $content["all"] = str_replace('[qIDA '.$value['article_id'].']',$link, $content["all"] );
// Output alias link // Output alias link
- $content["all"] = str_replace('[XIDA '.$value['article_alias'].']',$link, $content["all"] ); + $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\[QIDA '.$value['article_alias'].'\]/im',$link, $content["all"] );
- $content["all"] = str_replace('[xIDA '.$value['article_alias'].']',$link, $content["all"] );+
} }
else { else {
- $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\[XIDA (.*?)\]/im','[[No Link set!]]', $content["all"] );+ $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\[QIDA (.*?)\]/im','[[No Link set!]]', $content["all"] );
} }
Line 122: Line 127:
\\ \\
-  * In “$hidden_article” article IDs can be registered, which are excluded from selection. ('23,56,74,12,') please use apostrophes at the beginning and end! +  * In “$hidden_article” article IDs can be registered, which then will be excluded from selection. //%%('23,56,74,12,...')%% please use apostrophes at the beginning and end!//
\\ \\
english/phpwcms_replacer_rts/frontend_render/link-article-alias-id.1322489520.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/03 18:08 (external edit)
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