
This shows you the differences between two versions of the page.

english:phpwcms_replacer_rts:frontend_render:lightbox-prev-next-threading:lightbox-images-threading [2011/08/07 09:45]
Knut Heermann (flip-flop)
english:phpwcms_replacer_rts:frontend_render:lightbox-prev-next-threading:lightbox-images-threading [2018/06/03 18:09] (current)
Line 30: Line 30:
**Version:** V1.1 \\ **Version:** V1.1 \\
**Update 05.08.2011 KH:** Bug solved "If no category is specified in the array". \\ **Update 05.08.2011 KH:** Bug solved "If no category is specified in the array". \\
 +**Update 19.01.2012 KH:** Bug solved at "all image CPs and no gallery images:" -> RegEx %%[^gallery]%% changed to %%(?!gallery)%% \\
Line 82: Line 83:
E.g. ##<!%%--%% bbbbbbbb %%//--%%>{RIGHT}<!%%--%% eeeeeee %%//--%%>## E.g. ##<!%%--%% bbbbbbbb %%//--%%>{RIGHT}<!%%--%% eeeeeee %%//--%%>##
-"bbbbbbbb" or "eeeeeee" are standing for the specified marker texts e.g. "bbbbbbbb" = "content-begin" and  "eeeeeee" = "content-end" as \\+"bbbbbbbb" or "eeeeeee" are standing for the specified marker texts e.g. \\ 
 +"bbbbbbbb" = "content-begin" and  "eeeeeee" = "content-end" as e.g. \\
##<!%%--%% content-begin %%//--%%>{LEFT}<!%%--%% content-end %%//--%%>##. ##<!%%--%% content-begin %%//--%%>{LEFT}<!%%--%% content-end %%//--%%>##.
Line 110: Line 112:
 Where XX is the current category ID.  Where XX is the current category ID.
 Update 05.08.2011 KH: If no category is specified in the array  Update 05.08.2011 KH: If no category is specified in the array
 + Update 19.01.2012 KH: Bug solved at "all image CPs and no gallery images:"
 +                       RegEx [^gallery] changed to (?!gallery)
 Filename: rt_lighbox_prev_next_all01.php  Filename: rt_lighbox_prev_next_all01.php
Line 184: Line 188:
       else // all image CPs and no gallery images        else // all image CPs and no gallery images
-          $text = preg_replace('/rel="lightbox\[[^gallery](.*?)\]"/i',+          $text = preg_replace('/rel="lightbox\[(?!gallery).*?\]"/i',
           'rel="lightbox[catid-'.$cat_id.']"', $text);  // fill content            'rel="lightbox[catid-'.$cat_id.']"', $text);  // fill content
english/phpwcms_replacer_rts/frontend_render/lightbox-prev-next-threading/lightbox-images-threading.1312703124.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/03 18:08 (external edit)
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