Alternative way of building a breadcrumb.
It will show article title too and act different when in article list mode.
This works different from default breadcrumb because it is level based.
(Two explanations, {BREADCRUMB_ARTICLE} (using start-level in rt) and {BREADCRUMB_ARTICLE:[X]} (using start-level in tag)).
We don´t mean the ID of a category using the word level, but the number of the gradation of the levels to each other.
Have a look: Basis level and ID.
Recommended: If you have only one start-level over all please use the first variation of BREADCRUMB_ARTICLE.
{BREADCRUMB_ARTICLE} Output begins in the adjusted level in RT $_breadcrumb_start_level = [Level];
Home > category_01 > category_01_03 > category_01_03_02 > Article-alias-Cat_01_03_03
rt_breadcrumb_article V1.0 2009/07/11
Docu: –
Autor: Oliver Georgi
CMS Version: >= 1.4.2 r334
Update: 2009/07/12 OG to V1.1 (Advanced: Start-level in rt)
Version: V1.1
Filename: rt_breadcrumb_article.php
Folder: template/inc_script/frontend_render/
Condition: → /config/phpwcms/
<?php /** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Alternative way of building a breadcrumb * It will show article title too and act different when in article list mode * This works different from default breadcrumb because it is level based * * (c) 07/12/2009 Oliver Georgi * * V1.1 * * Forum: * Condition V1.4.2 r334 * * Tag: {BREADCRUMB_ARTICLE} * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OBLIGATE CHECK FOR PHPWCMS CONSTANTS if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) {die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day.");} // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(strpos($content['all'], '{BREADCRUMB_ARTICLE}')) { // Set level where to start with breadcrumb - default 0 = Root level $_breadcrumb_start_level = 0; // Separate Breadcrumb items with $_breadcrumb_spacer = ' > '; // Wrap inner link text by prefix/suffix <a> %PREFIX% Linktext %SUFFIX% </a> $_breadcrumb_link_prefix = '<b>'; $_breadcrumb_link_suffix = '</b>'; // additional link attributes like class, rel, style // remember there is no active link - active (last) item has no link $_breadcrumb_link_attribute = 'class="breadcrumb-link"'; ////// Do not edit below //////// $_breadcrumb = array(); if(count($LEVEL_ID) > $_breadcrumb_start_level) { foreach($LEVEL_ID as $level => $item) { if($level < $_breadcrumb_start_level) { continue; } if($content['struct'][$item]["acat_hidden"] == false) { $_breadcrumb[] = getStructureLevelLink( ($content['cat_id'] == $item && $content['list_mode']) ? $content['struct'][$item]['acat_name'] : $content['struct'][$item], $_breadcrumb_link_attribute, $_breadcrumb_link_prefix, $_breadcrumb_link_suffix ); } } } // Article if($aktion[1]) { $_breadcrumb[] = html_specialchars( $content['article_title'] ); } $_breadcrumb = implode($_breadcrumb_spacer, array_diff( $_breadcrumb , array('', NULL) ) ); $content['all'] = str_replace('{BREADCRUMB_ARTICLE}', $_breadcrumb, $content['all']); } ?>
Enhanced version of the snippet before. You can define a start level, where the output begin.
E.g. with the given structure:
{BREADCRUMB_ARTICLE:0} Output begin in level 0
Home > category_01 > category_01_03 > category_01_03_02 > Article-alias-Cat_01_03_03
{BREADCRUMB_ARTICLE:2} Output begin in level 2
category_01 > category_01_03 > category_01_03_02 > Article-alias-Cat_01_03_03
{BREADCRUMB_ARTICLE:3} Output begin in level 3
category_01_03_02 > Article-alias-Cat_01_03_03
rt_breadcrumb_article_start V1.1 2009/07/11
Docu: –
Autor: Oliver Georgi
Enhanced by: K.Heermann (flip-flop)
CMS Version: >= 1.4.2 r334
Version: V1.1
Tag: {BREADCRUMB_ARTICLE:[start-level]}
Filename: rt_breadcrumb_article_start.php
Folder: template/inc_script/frontend_render/
Condition: → /config/phpwcms/
<?php /** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Alternative way of building a breadcrumb * It will show article title too and act different when in article list mode * V1.1 Enhanced version * 2009/07/11 Oliver Georgi * 2009/07/11 Enhanced by K.Heermann: Start-level * * Forum: * Condition V1.4.2 r334 * * Tag: {BREADCRUMB_ARTICLE:[start-level]} - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OBLIGATE CHECK FOR PHPWCMS CONSTANTS if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) {die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day.");} // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(strpos($content['all'], '{BREADCRUMB_ARTICLE')) { $content["all"] = str_replace('{BREADCRUMB_ARTICLE}', '{BREADCRUMB_ARTICLE:0}', $content["all"]); preg_match_all ('/\{BREADCRUMB_ARTICLE:(\d+)\}/e', $content["all"], $matches); $_breadcrumb_spacer = ' > '; // $_breadcrumb_spacer = $template_default["breadcrumb_spacer"]; $_breadcrumb_link_prefix = '<b>'; $_breadcrumb_link_suffix = '</b>'; $_breadcrumb_link_attribute = 'class="breadcrumb-link"'; // $matches[1][X] = startlevel of {BREADCRUMB:[X]} // $matches[1][0,1,2,3...] = Count of {BREADCRUMB:[X]} tags foreach ($matches[1] as $key_start => $item_start) { // More than one breadcrumb tags? $_breadcrumb = array(); foreach($LEVEL_ID as $key => $item) { if( ($content['struct'][$item]["acat_hidden"] == false) AND ($matches[1][$key_start] <= $key) ) { // start level <= level $_breadcrumb[] = getStructureLevelLink( // Two output versions. Enable/disable the two following lines and vice versa // ---- all categories have a link tag besides at article listing // ($content['cat_id'] == $item && $content['list_mode']) ? $content['struct'][$item]['acat_name'] : $content['struct'][$item], // ---- // ==== All categories have a link tag at all $content['struct'][$item], // ==== $_breadcrumb_link_attribute, $_breadcrumb_link_prefix, $_breadcrumb_link_suffix ); } } // Article: if there is a category set if($aktion[1] AND !empty($_breadcrumb)) { $_breadcrumb[] = html_specialchars( $content['article_title'] ); } $_breadcrumb = implode($_breadcrumb_spacer, array_diff( $_breadcrumb , array('', NULL) ) ); $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{BREADCRUMB_ARTICLE\:'.$matches[1][$key_start].'\}/', $_breadcrumb, $content["all"]); } } ?>