{{indexmenu_n>200}} ====== CPs images
/special ====== FIXME translate With this rt we can be taken the information of the fields ##long info:## and ##copyright:## from file center using the two TAGs **{XFILE_INFO:{IMAGE_ID}}** and **{XFILE_COPYR:{IMAGE_ID}}** in the templates of the cp´s "images
" and "images special". \\ ===== Example: imagesr
===== **Frontend:** {{:deutsch:ersetzer_rts:frontend_init:cp_trigger:dateizentrale-text-in-bilder-cps:images_info_copyright01_fe_cp_lb_01.gif|}} \\ **Filecenter:** {{:deutsch:ersetzer_rts:frontend_init:cp_trigger:dateizentrale-text-in-bilder-cps:images_info_copyright01_be_dateizentrale_01.gif|}} \\ ==== Image caption: ==== Caption-TextXX|Alt-TextXX||Title-TextXX|Copyright-TextXX ==== In the template: ====

Copyright aus CP: COPYRIGHT}



==== Ergebnis Frontend: ==== Mit dem Text des Feldes [Info:] und [Copyright] aus der Dateizentrale:

Copyright aus CP: Copyright-Text

\\ ===== Description: ===== The two TAGs * **{XFILE_INFO:{IMAGE_ID}}** * **{XFILE_COPYR:{IMAGE_ID}}** can be used anywhere in the template. \\ ---- Docu: -- \\ Forum: -- **Author:** K.Heermann (flip-flop) http://planmatrix.de \\ **CMS Version:** >= 1.4x \\ **Version:** V1.0 //(05.02.2012)// \\ **Condition:** -> [[http://www.phpwcms-docu.de/config_files.phtml|config/phpwcms/conf.inc.php]] \\ * $phpwcms['allow_ext_init'] = 1; ---- \\ ===== PHP: ===== File: **template/inc_script/frontend_init/cp_trigg_images_info_copyright.php** /spezial einsetzen * TAGs: {XFILE_INFO:{IMAGE_ID}} und {XFILE_COPYR:{IMAGE_ID}} * Insert image infos/copyright from file center into the templates of the cps image/
/special * TAGs: {XFILE_INFO:{IMAGE_ID}} and {XFILE_COPYR:{IMAGE_ID}} ********************************************************************************************** */ function TRIGG_CP_IMAGE_READ_FILE_INFO_COPYR_V10($text, & $data) { // The right CP: image
(29) / image special (31) // and Tag available? if ( ( ($data['acontent_type'] == 29 OR $data['acontent_type'] == 31) ) AND // cp image
or cp image special ( strpos($text, '{XFILE_INFO:') !== FALSE OR strpos($text, '{XFILE_COPYR:' ) !== FALSE ) ) // TAG is set ? // TAG vorhanden? { // Select TAGs in the text // TAGs im Text selektieren preg_match_all ('/(\{XFILE_INFO:|\{XFILE_COPYR:)(\d+)\}/is', $text, $matches); if(isset($matches['2'])) { $info = getfileinformation($matches['2']); // Fetch data from file center // Daten aus Dateizentrale holen foreach ($info as $key=>$value) { $value['f_longinfo'] = nl2br($value['f_longinfo']); // Put line breaks if available // Zeilenumbruch setzen wenn vorhanden // Replace TAG in the text // TAG im text ersetzen $text = str_replace('{XFILE_INFO:' .$value['f_id'].'}', $value['f_longinfo'], $text); $text = str_replace('{XFILE_COPYR:'.$value['f_id'].'}', $value['f_copyright'], $text); } unset($info); } } return $text; } register_cp_trigger('TRIGG_CP_IMAGE_READ_FILE_INFO_COPYR_V10'); ?> \\