{{indexmenu_n>100}} ====== Search: No input if result ====== **As a result of the content part SEARCH you see the result are displayed just below the search box.** If you would like to see the result displayed without the search input field (search results only) here is a solution. ===== Description: ===== - Using this code the Input box is set to hidden via css, if a search result was found. \\ ---- Docu: -- \\ Forum: [[http://forum.phpwcms.org/viewtopic.php?p=132916|Display search result on another page]] **Author:** K.Heermann (flip-flop) http://planmatrix.de \\ **CMS Version:** >= 1.4x \\ **Version:** V1.0 //(04.11.2011)// \\ **Condition:** -> [[http://www.phpwcms-docu.de/conf_inc_php_en.phtml|/config/phpwcms/conf.inc.php]] \\ * $phpwcms['allow_ext_init'] = 1; ---- \\ \\ ===== PHP: ===== File: **/template/inc_script/frontend_init/cp_trig_search_no_input_if_result.php** search $text .= ''; } return $text; } register_cp_trigger('CP_SEARCH_NO_IPUTFIELD_IF_RESULT'); ?>