{{indexmenu_n>110}} ====== 01) CSS and DIV ====== === CSS Template for CP form === Forum: [[http://forum.phpwcms.org/viewtopic.php?p=113266#p113266]] \\ Autor: Uwe367 This is an example for a CP Form template, which is made up entirely with CSS and DIV container technology. All formatting is taking place within the template itself. {{:deutsch:phpwcms-system:artikel:contentparts:formular:vorlage:css_div_formular.gif|CSS Formularvorlage}} ---- \\ At first you'll like to define the input fields. Don't forget to check **Custom {FIELD}** to activate this "custom" feature. {{:deutsch:phpwcms-system:artikel:contentparts:formular:vorlage:formular1.png|}} Fill in the following code: {{:deutsch:phpwcms-system:artikel:contentparts:formular:vorlage:formular2.png|}}