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php function include

Since the release of r282 it is possible to process an own PHP function between the action “submit” and “sending the E-Mail”. This function can read all the form input, modify, and return it.

The function call must be registered in the form in the fields “php function:” below “recipient template:“ or “copy to - template:“. (See picture below).

The function itself is stored in a file in folder “template/inc_script/frontend_init/” .

function my_form_title_recipient_de( &$postvar, &$form, &$mail ) { .... }
function my_form_title_copy_to_de( &$postvar, &$form, &$mail ) { .... }

Docu: –
Forum: –

Author: K.Heermann (flip-flop) (22.01.10)
CMS-Version: >= V1.4.1 r282
Version: V1.0 22.01.10


  • $phpwcms['allow_ext_init'] = 1;

Example exercise:

The e-mails to the user (To) and the site operators (CC) is to be given a correct address, which is controlled by the address selection
[Frau] - [Herr] - [Firma] ([Mrs] - [Mr] - [company])

In german language we have difficult titles like “Sehr geehrte Frau” - “Sehr geehrter Herr” instead of your Dear Ms / Miss / Mrs / Mr:

[Frau]  "Sehr geehrte Frau ...."
[Herr]  "Sehr geehrter Herr ...."  
[Firma] "Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren" 

In addition, the dispatches e-mail will be displays again after the “send” (submit).

  1. BE: In the templates for To “recipient - template” and CC “copy to - template” a placeholder [%TITLE%] is used for the address.
  2. Script: Replace the placeholder [%TITLE%] in both e-mail text by the corresponding address
  3. FE: Output of the email text (To) on the following page after sending


The simple form


The corrected e-mail will be spent and delivered.


The simple form in backend.


The field “on success:“ must be labeled as HTML, because this field will be used for the display of the sent e-mail. (Is filled by the script).

Please pay attention to the placeholder [%TITLE%] in the templates and the entries
- my_form_title_recipient_de below “recipient template” and
- my_form_title_copy_to_de below “copy to - template”
in “php function:“.


Recipient template: / copy to - template:

… are coincidentally identical.

Name:   {title} {name}

E-Mail: {email}



wir bedanken uns für das Interesse und werden uns in Kürze bei Ihnen melden.

Mit freundlichem Gruß


The templates can also be generated as HTML. The output after sending works correctly.


<div style="width:510px; padding:10px; margin:10px; border:1px dotted #666; background: #E2DFFF;">
<span style="color:red">[B]{ERROR:title}[/B]</span> [B]{LABEL:title}[/B][BR]{title}[BR][BR]
<span style="color:red">[B]{ERROR:name}[/B]</span> [B]{LABEL:name}[/B][BR]{name}[BR][BR]
<span style="color:red">[B]{ERROR:email}[/B]</span> [B]{LABEL:email}[/B][BR]{email}[BR][BR]
<span style="color:red">[B]{ERROR:notice}[/B]</span> [B]{LABEL:notice}[/B][BR]{notice}[BR][BR]
<span style="color:red">[B]{ERROR:nospam}[/B]</span> [B]{LABEL:nospam}[/B][BR]{nospam}[BR][BR]

Digression Functions / Variables

First the function for “recipient - template (” my_form_title_recipient_de ”) and in a second call the function for “copy to - template ( “my_form_title_copy_to_de”) is processed. At the order we have no control.

A function call will be autom. pass the three arrays $postvars, $form and $mail (see below).


The function call from the form with “my_incredible_function” expects the function

function my_incredible_function( &$postvar, &$form, &$mail ) { .... }

in a file at the folder template/inc_script/frontend_init/

All parameters can be read and processed. Interesting are the two values in $form['template'] and $form['template_copy'].

In these two variables we find the generated email text from “recipient - template” (“my_form_title_recipient_de”) and “copy to - template” (“my_form_title_copy_to_de”).

These texts can be read, manipulated and written back now by php.
After the functions were left the emails to the registered addresses are sent.

The database is already filled before calling the function, here the manipulated result is not recorded.

Content: $postvar

Contents of the array $postvar using

function my_form_id( &$postvar, &$form, &$mail ) { dumpVar($postvar); } 

Ausgabe $postvar

    [title] => Herr
    [name] => Franz Mustermann
    [email] =>
    [notice] => Bitte geben Sie hier Ihre Nachricht ein
    [nospam] => 12

Content: $form

Content of the arrays $form using

function my_form_id( &$postvar, &$form, &$mail ) { dumpVar($form); } 

Ausgabe $form

    [subject] => Vom Kontaktformular
    [startup] => [B]E-Mail versenden![/B][BR]
    [startup_html] => 0
    [class] =>
    [error_class] => error
    [label_wrap] => Array
            [0] =>
            [1] =>
    [cform_reqmark] => *
    [cc] => Array
            [0] =>
    [targettype] => emailfield_email
    [target] => Array
            [0] =>
    [subjectselect] =>
    [sendertype] => system
    [sender] =>
    [sendernametype] => custom
    [sendername] =>
    [verifyemail] =>
    [labelpos] => 2
    [sendcopy] => 1
    [copyto] => Franz Mustermann
    [formtracking_off] => 1
    [checktofrom] => 0
    [onsuccess_redirect] => 2
    [onerror_redirect] => 2
    [onsuccess] => [B]Die E-Mail wurde erfolgreich gesendet![/B][BR]<div style="width:510px; padding:10px; margin:10px; border:1px dotted #666; background:#eee;">Name:   Herr Franz Mustermann  <br />
<br />
E-Mail:  <br />
<br />
Nachricht: <br />
------------------------------ <br />
Bitte geben Sie hier Ihre Nachricht ein <br />
------------------------------<br />
 <br />
 <br />
Sehr geehrter Herr Franz Mustermann, <br />
 <br />
wir bedanken uns für das Interesse und werden uns in Kürze bei Ihnen melden.   <br />
<br />
<br />
Mit freundlichem Gruß<br />
 <br />
Sir-Oblong-Fitz-Oblong</div><div style="padding:20px 0 0 20px; font-weight:bold;"><a href="category04_01_05.phtml"> >>Weiter >></a></div>
    [onerror] => <span style="color:red">[B]Bitte achten Sie auf den unten angezeigten Fehler![/B]</span>
    [template_format] => 0
    [template] => Name:   Herr Franz Mustermann
Bitte geben Sie hier Ihre Nachricht ein
Sehr geehrter Herr Franz Mustermann,
wir bedanken uns für das Interesse und werden uns in Kürze bei Ihnen melden.
Mit freundlichem Gruß
    [template_format_copy] => 0
    [template_copy] => Name:   Herr Franz Mustermann
Bitte geben Sie hier Ihre Nachricht ein
Sehr geehrter Herr Franz Mustermann,
wir bedanken uns für das Interesse und werden uns in Kürze bei Ihnen melden.
Mit freundlichem Gruß
    [function_to] => my_form_title_recipient_de
    [function_cc] => my_form_title_copy_to_de
    [template_equal] => 0
    [customform] => <div style="width:510px; padding:10px; margin:10px; border:1px dotted #666; background: #E2DFFF;">
<span style="color:red">[B]{ERROR:title}[/B]</span> [B]{LABEL:title}[/B][BR]{title}[BR][BR]
<span style="color:red">[B]{ERROR:name}[/B]</span> [B]{LABEL:name}[/B][BR]{name}[BR][BR]
<span style="color:red">[B]{ERROR:email}[/B]</span> [B]{LABEL:email}[/B][BR]{email}[BR][BR]
<span style="color:red">[B]{ERROR:notice}[/B]</span> [B]{LABEL:notice}[/B][BR]{notice}[BR][BR]
<span style="color:red">[B]{ERROR:nospam}[/B]</span> [B]{LABEL:nospam}[/B][BR]{nospam}[BR][BR]
    [savedb] => 1
    [saveprofile] => 0
    [fields] => Array
            [1] => Array
                    [type] => select
                    [name] => title
                    [label] => Anrede
                    [required] => 0
                    [value] => Frau
                    [error] => Fehler:-
                    [style] =>
                    [class] =>
                    [profile] =>
                    [size] =>
                    [max] =>
            [2] => Array
                    [type] => text
                    [name] => name
                    [label] => Name
                    [required] => 1
                    [value] => Franz Mustermann
                    [error] => Fehler:-
                    [style] =>
                    [class] =>
                    [profile] =>
                    [size] => 48
                    [max] =>
            [3] => Array
                    [type] => email
                    [name] => email
                    [label] => eMail
                    [required] => 1
                    [value] =>
                    [error] => Fehler:-
                    [style] =>
                    [class] =>
                    [profile] =>
                    [size] => 48
                    [max] =>
            [4] => Array
                    [type] => textarea
                    [name] => notice
                    [label] => Nachricht
                    [required] => 0
                    [value] => Bitte geben Sie hier Ihre Nachricht ein
                    [error] => Fehler:-
                    [style] =>
                    [class] =>
                    [profile] =>
                    [size] => 37
                    [max] => 3
            [5] => Array
                    [type] => mathspam
                    [name] => nospam
                    [label] => Spamschutz
                    [required] => 1
                    [value] => Array
                            [+] => Summieren
                            [-] => Subtrahieren
                            [*] => Multiplizieren
                            [:] => Dividieren
                            [calc] => Berechnung:
                    [error] => Fehler:-
                    [style] =>
                    [class] =>
                    [profile] =>
                    [size] => 10
                    [max] =>
            [6] => Array
                    [type] => submit
                    [name] => submitIt
                    [label] => Senden
                    [required] => 0
                    [value] => Senden
                    [error] => Fehler:-
                    [style] =>
                    [class] =>
                    [profile] =>
                    [size] =>
                    [max] =>
    [is_enctype] =>
    [regx_pattern] => Array
            [A-Z] => /^[A-Z]+$/
            [a-Z] => /^[a-zA-Z]+$/
            [a-z] => /^[a-z]+$/
            [0-9] => /^[0-9]+$/
            [PHONE] => /^[+]?([0-9]*[\.\s\-\(\)\/]|[0-9]+){3,24}$/
            [INT] => /^[0-9\-\+]+$/
            [WORD] => /^[\w]+$/
            [LETTER+SPACE] => /^[a-z _\-\:]+$/i
    [is_html_entity] =>
    [fe_current_url] =>

$form['template'] and $form['template_copy']

Interesting are here the two ranges $form['template'] and $form['template_copy'] those the finished email text contain.

Both texts are identical, for simplicity, but could also be different.

  • $form['template'] ⇒ Text “to” so from “recipient - template”
  • $form['template_copy'] ⇒ Text “CC” so from “copy to - template”

Name: Herr Franz Mustermann


Bitte geben Sie hier Ihre Nachricht ein

Sehr geehrter Herr Franz Mustermann,

wir bedanken uns für das Interesse und werden uns in Kürze bei Ihnen melden.

Mit freundlichem Gruß


The correct personal address was substitute with the help of the script at the placeholder [%TITLE%] in the emails To and CC.

This text is now correctly send as email.

Core: php function

File: template/inc_script/frontend_init/my_form_title_de.php

The correct personal address is spent in the e-mails To and CC.


// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// obligate check for phpwcms constants
  if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) {die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day."); }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Simple script for calling a PHP function from a form, after the submit
 The correct personal address is spent in the e-mails To and CC
 The e-mail text is displayed after a successful send
 Einfaches Script fur den Aufruf einer PHP-Funktion aus einem Formular heraus nach dem submit.
 Die richtige Anrede personenbezogen wird in den E-Mails To und CC ausgegeben
 Der E-Mailtext wird nach erfolgreichem senden ausgegeben
 20.01.2009 K.Heermann
/* -----------------------------------------------------
[Frau]       Sehr geehrte Frau XXX
[Herr]       Sehr geehrter Herr XXX
[Firma]      Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren der Firma XXX
// Function using in recipient template   // Funktion fuer das "Empfaenger"-Template
function my_form_title_recipient_de( &$postvar, &$form, &$mail ) {
    // Die richtige Anrede suchen
    // Set up the right title
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------
    $result = '';
    switch (trim($postvar['title'])) {
        case 'Frau':
            $result = 'Sehr geehrte Frau '.trim($postvar['name']);
        case 'Herr':
            $result = 'Sehr geehrter Herr '.trim($postvar['name']);
        case 'Firma':
            $result = 'Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren';
            $result = 'Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren';
    // Replace the form placeholder [%TITLE%] in both e-mail texts by the right title
    // Ersetzen des Formularplatzhalters [%TITLE%] in beiden E-Mailtexten durch die richtige Anrede
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------
        $form['template']      = str_replace('[%TITLE%]',$result, $form['template']);      // recipient: / Empfaenger:
    // Output e-mail text    // Ausgabe E-Mailtext
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------
        $email_text = '<div style="width:510px; padding:10px; margin:10px; border:1px dotted #666; background:#eee;">';
        $email_text .= $form['template'];
        $email_text .= '</div>';
        // More link    // Weiter link
        $email_text .= '<div style="padding:20px 0 0 20px; font-weight:bold;">';
        $email_text .= '<a href="'.$GLOBALS['content']["struct"][$GLOBALS['content']["cat_id"]]["acat_alias"].'.phtml">';
        $email_text .=' >>Weiter >></a>';
        $email_text .= '</div>';
        // Insert e-mail text and if non HTML: convert LF to <br>
        // Einsetzen des E-Mailtextes und wenn kein HTML LF nach <br>
        $form['onsuccess'] .= ($form['template_format'] == 1) ? $email_text : nl2br($email_text);
}  // ==== End function
// Function using in copy to template   // Funktion fuer das "Kopie an" Template
function my_form_title_copy_to_de( &$postvar, &$form, &$mail ) {
    // Die richtige Anrede suchen
    // Set up the right title
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------
    $result = '';
    switch (trim($postvar['title'])) {
        case 'Frau':
            $result = 'Sehr geehrte Frau '.trim($postvar['name']);
        case 'Herr':
            $result = 'Sehr geehrter Herr '.trim($postvar['name']);
        case 'Firma':
            $result = 'Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren';
            $result = 'Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren';
    // Replace the form placeholder [%TITLE%] in both e-mail texts by the right title
    // Ersetzen des Formularplatzhalters [%TITLE%] in beiden E-Mailtexten durch die richtige Anrede
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------
        $form['template_copy'] = str_replace('[%TITLE%]',$result, $form['template_copy']); // copy to:   / Kopie an:
}  // ==== End function
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