{{indexmenu_n>20}} ===== template ===== ===== Create your own template ===== Forum: [[http://forum.phpwcms.org/viewtopic.php?p=77072#p77072]] ==== 1) Creation of the page layout ==== **Admin --> page layout** Each template needs a [[:english:phpwcms-system:admin:page-layout|page layout]]. Therin you can switch basic parameters. //(One and the same page layout can be connected to more than one template).// ==== 2) Creation of a template ==== **Admin --> templates** * A template needs a clear name * Select a [[:english:phpwcms-system:admin:page-layout|page layout]] * The CSS files belonging to the template are stored in **/template/inc_css/*** and are selectable by the pulldown selection field ##css file:##. {{:english:phpwcms-system:admin:templatecustomv133_01.gif|}} ==== 3) Little test ==== * You can fill in what you want between **** and ****. //(That is the content in ##main block##).// Please generate a little little testpage, fill in only into the ##main block## e.g.


My Content

and add into your frontend.css //(or your own on, created in template/inc_css/* )// -> **Admin** -> **css file:** .box1{ color:black; background:gray; border:1px solid black;} .box2{ margin:0; padding:10px; float:left; width:200px;} .box3{ margin-left:215px; margin-right:40px; padding:10px; background:silver;} \\ **Have a look: [[english/templates]]**