====== Guestbook hide entry ======
FIXME translate
A small enlhancement to turn new guestbook entries invisible until they have been edited by admin //(released)// in BE.
* After submitting a new entry, a "[##]" is placed at the beginning of the message text automatically //(mini-hack)//.
* All entries including a "[##]" will not be displayed in the FE output, or an alternative text is displayed. //(Template/cp-trigger Script)//.
* If "%%[##]%%" will be deleted from the entry in BE, the entry in FE will become visible. //("[##]" can also be added in BE in order to hide entries)//.
**Blocked Messages:**
{{:english:other-enhancements:hacks:gb_entry_hide_fe01_en_1.gif| }}
**Unlocked Entries:**
{{:deutsch:andere-erweiterungen:hacks:gb_entry_hide_fe02_1.gif| }}
===== Necessary preparations =====
- as there are:
- enter the switch **$phpwcms['guestbook_hidden'] = 1;** in conf.inc.php
- The file **include/inc_front/content/cnt18.article.inc.php** has to be changed a little bit //(small hack)//
- In template **template/inc_cntpart/guestbook/*.html** there have to be entered two new Tags (at least)
- The PHP-Script **template/inc_script/frontend_init/cp_trig_guestbook.php** has to be installed
Docu: -- \\
Forum: --
**Autor:** K.Heermann (flip-flop) http://planmatrix.de \\
**CMS Version:** >= 1.4x \\
**Version:** V1.0 //(08.02.2010)// \\
**Bedingung:** -> [[http://www.phpwcms-docu.de/confincphp_de.phtml|/config/phpwcms/conf.inc.php]] \\
* $phpwcms['allow_ext_init'] = 1;
* $phpwcms['allow_cntPHP_rt'] = 1;
**Tag** //(in template)//:
%%%% \\
##%%%%## **... Entry ...** ##%%%%## \\
%%%% \\
* All between **%%%%** and **%%%%** will be triggered and will not be delivered in case a [##] is found.
the text is entered which will be shown in case the entry is locked, e.g. ''%%%%''.
**%%%%** has to be set anywhere between **%%%%** and **%%%%** . \\
//(If the alternative text is not set the output will stay empty)//.
{TIMESTAMP:m/d/Y H:i}[EMAIL] — email[/EMAIL]
==== conf.inc.php ====
Here you can determine if the little guestbook hack is on or off. //(If not present at all this is equal to "0" = off )//.
In config/phpwcms/conf.inc.php you'll enter
$phpwcms['guestbook_hidden'] = 1; // enable|disable hidden guestbook entry +KH090210
==== Code snippet (hack) ====
**File name:** cnt18.article.inc.php \\
**Location:** include/inc_front/content/
**Enhancement** of the file around line 387:
The line
$guestbook['sql'] .= "guestbook_msg='".aporeplace($guestbook['post']['msg'])."', ";
will be replaced by
// Insert tag to hide entry ================= +KH090210
if ($phpwcms['guestbook_hidden'])
$guestbook['sql'] .= "guestbook_msg='".'[##]'.aporeplace($guestbook['post']['msg'])."', ";
else $guestbook['sql'] .= "guestbook_msg='". aporeplace($guestbook['post']['msg'])."', ";
// =========================================== +KH090210
=== Documentation ===
Save the file PATCH-DOC01.php in include/inc_front/content/ . //(Or at any other place or under any other name, but with the suffix ***.php**) //
==== Template ====
**File name:** guestbook_vorlage.html \\
**Location:** template/inc_cntpart/guestbook/
Here you'll have to insert the Wrapper-Tags:
The Tag %%%% has to be between \\
**%%%%** \\
%%%% \\
**%%%%** \\
==== PHP ====
In the area **%%CUSTOM VAR ==========================%%** \\
an additional text can be entered in **$replacement_text**, which is issued when an item is not yet released. This text will be displayed only if in template also the tag ''%%%%'' is used.
**File name:** cp_trig_guestbook.php \\
**Location:** template/inc_script/frontend_init/
* .......
* .......
* Tag in message: [##]
* If the script find te tag [##] in a guestbook message, this message kicked out for output and
* a replacement text in appears.
* $guestbook_hidden = 1; // if not set in the config
* $entry_count = 20; // only the last XX entries are processed
* $replacement_text = ''; // additional replacement text
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// obligate check for phpwcms constants
if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) {die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day."); }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function CP_GUESTBOOK($text, & $data) {
if( $data['acontent_type'] == 18 ) // CP: 18 => guestbook
// Is the var in config set?
if (isset($GLOBALS['phpwcms']['guestbook_hidden'])) $guestbook_hidden = $GLOBALS['phpwcms']['guestbook_hidden'];
else $guestbook_hidden = 1; // CUSTOM VAR
// CUSTOM VAR ==========================
// For small process runtime, only the last XX entries are processed
// if you want that all messages are processed, increment the counter e.g. to 10000
$entry_count = 20;
// additional replacement text
// $replacement_text = ' [[Der Eintrag wird bearbeitet]]
$replacement_text = ' [[The entry will be processed]]
// =====================================
// Cut out text between your tags in template
preg_match_all('/(.*?)/ism',$text, $_text);
if ($_text[2][0]) { // is there any text available?
foreach ($_text[2] as $key =>$value) {
// Hidden tag [##] find?
if ( strpos($value, '[##]')!== false ) {
// Hidden tag entry switched on or off?
if ($guestbook_hidden) {
// replacement text available?
if (preg_match('//ism', $value, $_temp)) {
$value = $_temp[1] . $replacement_text;
else $value = ''; // no entry is shown
// no hidden tag entry in config, kill the tag for output
} else $value = str_replace('[##]','', $value);
$search = '/(.*?)/ism';
$text = preg_replace($search, $value, $text,1);
// Only the first XX entries for small runtime
if ($key > $entry_count) break;
// If you want kill the replacement text comment
// $text = preg_replace('//ism', '$1', $text); // Kill all
return $text;