CP form: With this hack you can save the form inputs in BE by using the download button as a CSV file.
The solution presented here adds a CSV download link in the requested download output.
The URL can also be changed by hand in the URL bar of your browser.
Change from
(Change exportformresult to exportformresultcsv).
After repeated send of this entry or the operation of the new link Download CSV file a data download in CSV format is available.
<note> Another solution without Hack is the output by using the download button and saving the generated source code in a file. This file you can read in as an HTML file, e.g. into Excel. </note>
- In the form at the point “database”:
Docu: –
Forum: Anfrage Änderung -Formular / Download-Button-
Author: K.Heermann (flip-flop)
CMS Version: >= 1.4
Version: V1.0 17.05.2012
Update V1.1 18.05.2012: A standard CSV output even if ” and/or a field separator in the cell text,
Fileiname: include/inc_act/act_export.php
Update V1.1 18.05.2012: A standard CSV output even if ” and/or a field separator in the cell text,
As a field separator the sign ; is in use, which is adjustable in the variable $separator around line 140.
Enlagement of the file include/inc_act/act_export.php around line 120.
The first exit(); is replaced by:
// +KH 17.05.12: ================================================================== // Dowload Link CSV-File echo '<div style="padding:3px; margin-top:20px; border: 1px solid #aaa; width: 150px; text-align:center; font-weight:bold; background-color:#ddd;"> <a href="'.PHPWCMS_URL.'include/inc_act/act_export.php?action=exportformresultcsv&fid='.$fid.'">Download CSV-File</a>'.LF.' </div>'.LF; // ================================================================================ exit(); // +KH 17.05.12: ================================================================== } elseif($action == 'exportformresultcsv' && isset($_GET['fid']) && ($fid = intval($_GET['fid']))) { // $data = _getDatabaseQueryResult("SELECT *, DATE_FORMAT(formresult_createdate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S') AS formresult_date FROM ".DB_PREPEND.'phpwcms_formresult WHERE formresult_pid='.$fid); $data = _dbQuery("SELECT *, DATE_FORMAT(formresult_createdate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AS formresult_date FROM ".DB_PREPEND.'phpwcms_formresult WHERE formresult_pid='.$fid); if(!$data) die('Just a problem!'); $separator =';'; // CSV-Feldseparator $export = array(); $row = 1; $export[0] = array('#'=>'','#ID'=>'','#Date'=>'','#IP'=>''); // run all data first and combine array elements foreach($data as $key => $value) { // numbering starting at 1 $export[$row]['#'] = $row; $export[$row]['#ID'] = $value['formresult_id']; $export[$row]['#Date'] = $value['formresult_createdate']; $export[$row]['#IP'] = $value['formresult_ip']; $val_array = @unserialize($value['formresult_content']); if(is_array($val_array) && count($val_array)) { foreach($val_array as $a_key => $a_value) { $export[$row][$a_key] = $a_value; $export[0][$a_key] = ''; } } $row++; } header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT'); header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s GMT', time()) ); header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); $filename = date('Y-m-d_H-i-s').'_formresultXmlID-'.$fid.'.csv'; header('Content-Type: text/comma-separated-values'); header( 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64;' ); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$filename.'"'); $elements = array(); // ---- Kopfzeile $elements[0] = ''; foreach($export[0] as $key => $value) { $elements[0] .= ''; $elements[0] .= $key; $elements[0] .= $separator; } $elements[0] = substr($elements[0], 0, -1); // letztes ";" in Zeile loeschen // ---- Naechste Zeilen for($x = 1; $x < $row; $x++) { $elements[$x] = ''; foreach($export[0] as $key => $value) { $elements[$x] .= ''; // if ( isset($export[$x][$key]) ) { // // Nicht zwingen notwenig, nur um fuer HTML-Darstellung // $export[$x][$key] = html_specialchars($export[$x][$key]); // Jede Spalte wird standardkonform in "..." gesetzt (OG: 18.05.2012) $export[$x][$key] = str_replace(chr(13),'', $export[$x][$key]); // CR loeschen wenn vorhanden (LF bleibt bestehen wenn vorhanden) $export[$x][$key] = '"'.str_replace('"', '""', $export[$x][$key]).'"'; // Jede Spalte in "..." setzen // } $elements[$x] .= $separator; // CSV-Trenner setzen } $elements[$x] = substr($elements[$x], 0, -1); // letztes ";" in Zeile loeschen unset($export[$x]); // free memory } echo implode(chr(13).chr(10), $elements); // CRLF am Zeilenende anfuegen exit(); // ================================================================================
It is advisable to rename the original file to example act_export_org.php before doing the hack. Store the modified file e.g. under the name act_export_patch.php.
This is useful when updating the system and the patched file act_export.php is overwritten.
After an update this hack can be used again quite simple.