{{indexmenu_n>20}} ====== Advanced Wysiwyg-Text & image (V1.2) ====== **Added:** * Wysiwyg Text * Thumb with LightBox * Link with Thumb * TAG for Thumbnail when calling: e.g. ##WxHxCxQ=150x100x0x80## //(WIDTHxHEIGHTxCROPxQUALITY)// * TAG-Template: All Day Event [ALLDAY]../..[ALLDAY_ELSE] //(04.01.2011)// \\ **Changed:** //(08.01.2011)// * Name of the php class from %%"calender.class.php"%% to %%"calender_v12(a).class.php"%% in %%"include/inc_module/mod_calendar/inc/"%% * Name of the CSS file from %%"calender.css"%% to %%"calender_v12.css"%% in %%"template/inc_css/specific/"%% * Name of the template file from %%"my_dates_list_de.html"%% to %%"calender_v12(a).html"%% in %%"template/calendar/"%% * Call of the mentioned above two files in the file %%"init_calendar.php"%% in %%"template/inc_script/frontend_render/"%% \\ ---- Docu: -- \\ Forum: -- **Author:** K.Heermann (flip-flop) http://planmatrix.de \\ **CMS Version:** >= V1.4.2 r348 \\ **Version:** V1.2 //(30.11.2010)// \\ **Update: V1.2a** //(04.01.2011)// \\ **Update: V1.2a** filename chnaged //(08.01.2011)// \\ **Folder:** include/inc_module/mod_calendar/inc/ * \\ **Condition:** -- ---- \\ ===== Call of the calendar in the frontend ===== Pleaser enter into a CP HTML or "plain text" this **TAG-Set:** {CALENDAR: items=10 template=my_dates_list_de.html lang=de tag=tag1, tag2 tagmode=OR date_start=01.01.2010 date_end=31.12.2010 href=index.php?ebene06 WxHxCxQ=150x100x0x80 } \\ ===== Template V1.2: ===== In template/calendar/TemplateName.html Added **TEXTLONG** for the Wysiwyg Text and **IMAGE_CALENDAR** for the little Thumbnail and original image //(LightBox)//: [TEXTLONG]{TEXTLONG}[/TEXTLONG] [IMAGE_CALENDAR]{IMAGE_CALENDAR}[/IMAGE_CALENDAR] \\ **Example:**

Startdatum: {STARTDATE:d.m.}{STARTDATE:Y}

Enddatum: {ENDDATE:d.m.}{ENDDATE:Y}




Ort: {PLACE}

The execution of the **LightBox** is controlled by the switch **[x] LightBox**. \\ [x] click zoom without function. \\ If a link is set in the URL box below the image it is only active if the lightbox is not turned on. **Technology:** The images are loaded with the process "cmsimage". \\ ===== Template V1.2a: ===== In template/calendar/TemplateName.html Adds to template V1.2: **[ALLDAY]** . . . **[/ALLDAY]** - **[ALLDAY_ELSE]** . . . **[/ALLDAY_ELSE]** to turn on/off specific entries for the switch "All Day". [ALLDAY] . . . [/ALLDAY] [ALLDAY_ELSE] . . . [/ALLDAY_ELSE] \\ **Example:**



End date: {ENDDATE:d.m.}{ENDDATE:Y}




Location: {PLACE}

\\ ===== Download V1.2: ===== * include/inc_module/mod_calendar/inc/calendar.class.php * template/inc_script/frontend_render/init_calendar.php * template/calendar/calendar.html * template/inc_css/specific/calendar.css {{:deutsch:module:kalender:calendar_v12.zip|}} \\ ===== Download V1.2a: ===== **Update 04.01.2011:** With the TAG All Day [ALLDAY]...[/ALLDAY] : * **include/inc_module/mod_calendar/inc/calendar_v12a.class.php** //(Update 04.01.2011)// //(Update 08.01.2011 file name changed)// * **template/inc_script/frontend_render/init_calendar.php** //(Update 08.01.2011)// * **template/calendar/calendar_v12a.html** //(Update 08.01.2011 file name changed)// * **template/inc_css/specific/calendar_v12.css** //(Update 04.01.2011)// //(Update 08.01.2011 file name changed)// {{:deutsch:module:kalender:calendar_v12a.zip|}} \\ ===== Download V1.2a completely: ===== The complete module with all files. **Installation:** The old module in "include/inc_module/mod_calendar" must be deleted completly, or overwrite with this version. \\ Please do not rename the path of the old version for parking, that does not work. \\ \\ **Delete the previous file %%"template/inc_script/frontend_render/init-calendar.php"%% or rename it to %%"init-calendar.php_"%% !!** **Update 04.01.2011:** With the TAG All Day [ALLDAY]...[/ALLDAY] : * **include/inc_module/mod_calendar/inc/calendar_v12a.class.php** //(Update 04.01.2011)// //(Update 08.01.2011 file name changed)// * **template/inc_script/frontend_render/init_calendar.php** //(Update 08.01.2011)// * **template/calendar/calendar_v12a.html** //(Update 08.01.2011 file name changed)// * **template/inc_css/specific/calendar_v12.css** //(Update 04.01.2011)// //(Update 08.01.2011 file name changed)// {{:deutsch:module:kalender:mod_calendar_v12a_all.zip|}} \\ --- //[[flip-flop@myrealbox.com|Knut Heermann (flip-flop)]] 2010/11/30 01:37//