{{indexmenu_n>20}} ====== Enhancement V2.1 e01 ====== This extension represents a module group administration for the backend. Different functional areas for simple user can be hidden. Forum: [[http://forum.phpwcms.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=18437&hilit=gruppen|Eigene Rechteverwaltung]] (V2.0 MarioK) \\ Forum: [[http://forum.phpwcms.org/viewtopic.php?p=117282#p117282]] (V2.1 BjörnB) Programmer: MarioK \\ Enhancement V2.1: BjörnB \\ Enhancement V2.1 e1: Knut Heermann (flip-flop) \\ Download V2.1: Please have a look in this thread: [[http://forum.phpwcms.org/viewtopic.php?p=117282#p117282|Eigene Rechteverwaltung]] (BjörnB) \\ **Download V2.1-e1:** {{:english:modules:be_user_group:mod_user_group_v21_e01.zip|Enhanced V2.1 e01}} (19.06.09) At this moment still a little bit buggy. My enhancement is based on the work of MarioK and BjörnB. I have implemented some new features as you can see in the picture below. But the most interested thing is a workaround for the crappy normal user account (no- article/cp copy, cut/paste ...) . Now we can give our users **full system admin rights** in backend and **switch off all critical points** using the module. Please **never switch off Super-Admin and user- administration/groups at the same time**. // You will kick off from the right management completely. // The only way to solve this problem is an insert of the string ##7fff3f## (all rights) direct into the database **phpwcms_user** into the field **usr_permissions**. During installation all admins became the rights ##7fff3f## => //See the picture behind//. \\ The normal user becames the rights ##14480## * file categories: [x] * article alias: [x] * article center: [x] * News: [x] * Contentparts medium: [x] **Be shure you set all real admins to a minimum off** \\ * user administration [x] * user groups [x] * Mod. User/Groups [x] * Super-Admin [x] Groups are likewise reserved with the rights ##4680## * file categories: [x] * article alias: [x] * article center: [x] * News: [x] * Contentparts medium: [x] \\ **Please test it.** {{:english:modules:be_user_group:v20_admin021_e01-11.png|}} ===== Changelog KH ===== - Knut Heermann (flip-flop) **Pfad: /include/inc_module/mod_user_group/ ** ---- == 08.03.09 Fontgroesze geaendert == **File: admin.groups.tmpl.php** Zeile 69: ## ##array(0, $BL['phpmyadmin']) * Artikelzentrale (Button und Inhaltausgabe / Home ausgeblendet)\\ array(0, $BL['be_subnav_article_center']) * News (Button) array(0, $BL['be_news']) * Contentparts alle / Contentparts medium / - Contentparts small \\ - [[:deutsch:technik:aufruf-interner-funktionen:content_part_typen|ContentPart-Typen]] - Drei Dateien in /include/inc_lib/* - article.contenttype.inc.php -> array(0, $BL['be_ctype_all']) - article.contenttype_medium.inc.php -> array(0, $BL['be_ctype_meduim']) - article.contenttype_small.inc.php -> array(0, $BL['be_ctype_small']) == Module ausblenden: == * Zusammensetzung des Bezeichners: 'be_modules_'$value["name"] * $value["name"] ist der Linkname des Moduls ´bsp. bei Glossar = glossary * ($value["name"] => Mit der Maus über Modul hovern => Statuszeile) - Mod. Bannerwerbung (alias: ads) -> array(0, $BL['be_modules_ads']) - Mod. Kalender/Events (alias: claendar) -> array(0, $BL['be_modules_calendar']) - Mod. Glossar (alias: glossary) -> array(0, $BL['be_modules_glossary']) - Mod. Shop/Produkte (alias: shop) -> array(0, $BL['be_modules_shop']) - Mod. Benutzer / Gruppen (alias: usergroup) -> array(0, $BL['be_modules_usergroup']) Anpassen der Dateien /lang/de.lang.php und /lang/en.lang.php\\ Text entsprechend den Variablen hinzugefuegt === Installationsablauf: === ---- - Die Version installieren - Als User mit Adminrechten anmelden. - Das Modul "User/Group" aufrufen und die Fehler beseitigen. - Nach Admin -> Benutzerverwaltung -> Dein Admin-User -> [RIGHTS] wechseln und die gewünschten Rechte einstellen (siehe Bild). Mindestens jedoch * Benutzerverwaltung [x] * Benutzergruppen [x] * Mod. Benutzer/Gruppen [x] * Super-Admin [x] - in Gruppenverw.: Admin-User in Gruppen eintragen, gleichzeitig auch die Rechte vergeben. - Im Modul Benutzer/Gruppen den **Installations-Modus abschalten** :!: