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Update phpwcms (to V1.5.x)

Forum: Update phpwcms

(Written in 14.01.11)

Download: - Newest version
Download: - Newest version
Download: - Nightly Build

Changelog: phpwcms Changelog

Docu: - Docu: Installation & Update

If you are not experienced with that, you should do a parallel Installation. ( This install may be tested “calm” without risc of destroying anything in your running system because the old Site will remain untouched.)

01. Install into subdirectory

Install the latest version.

01.a Find my current version

In old versions you have an entry in include/inc_lib/ at the end of the file called:

$phpwcms["version"] = Version No.

In newer versions there is an entry in include/inc_lib/ around line 135 called:

$phpwcms["release"] = Release No.
$phpwcms["release_date"] = Release date

In brand new versions there is an entry in include/inc_lib/ around line 245 called:

$phpwcms["release"] = Release No.
$phpwcms["release_date"] = Release date
$phpwcms["revision"] = Revision

02. Restore existing Database

and copy to a second DB
(phpMyAdmin →

- Before downloading you should reduce Datasize in flushing the following tables:

- Newer Versions of phpMyAdmn do exports as UTF-8 formatted by default.

-The new Database is created with the resulting collation for the MySQL Connection. Older DB's will certainly end up with swedish_latin1_ci)

- Import (default character set: UTF-8) the formerly exported Database. When using ISO Charsets you may use the Editor mentioned below to convert the sql-file. - The exported DB will be imported into the newly created DB resulting in a UTF-8 encoding.

Sql Text - File : Loaded into Editor, select ISO8859-2 as Format and save under a new Filename. The File is ISO transformed now.

<note important> Pre-test a normal Export/Import with same settings for Im- and Export!!</note>.

03. Copy old File into the new Installation

Copy from your former phpwcms - Version backup into the new uploaded Files, and adjust with Afterwards you have to replace the new Database with collation and charset and subdir in the renewed

→ Better solution would be to have a Subdomain to call the so renewed system.

04. CHMODS for Files and subdir's

To be found in the docu - system or → Unpack/Upload phpwcms

05. Setup start as -> Update

PHP- and DB version

- Running MyDomain/setup/setup.php you will see, which “2. PHP version” - and which “3. MySQL version” are installed on the server. The PHP version should be at least 5, the MySQL version as well.
The MySQL version must be still entered into the file

If the setting for example is displayed:
3. MySQL version: 5.0.51a

please enter in the file following MySQL version:

$phpwcms['db_version']        = 50510;

<note important> Since v1.4.5 R401 we need no manual database update.

–> Continue with step 05.1 Double indexes in some db-tables </note>

- Be carefull and check version number (as mentioned in the first points) and start

<note important> All db-updates must be processed in the right order !!!
The leading numbering is determined, please do not get irritated by the instructions …_X.Y_to_X.Z.sql. </note>

- Run DB - Updates one by one and watchout for mistakes ( Remenber to scroll the complete output field )
Naturally the point of entrance is to be considered, e.g. the old version is 1.2.8 the update begins also with - 15 _1.2.7-DEV_to_1.2.9.sql).

- 13__1.2.5-DEV_to_1.2.6-DEV.sql (since V1.2.5)
- 14__1.2.6-DEV_to_1.2.7-DEV.sql
- 15__1.2.7-DEV_to_1.2.9.sql
- 16__1.2.9-DEV_to_1.3.0.sql
- 17__1.3.0_to_1.3.2.sql
- 18__1.3.2_to_1.3.3.sql

- 19__1.3.3_to_1.3.4.sql         (since V1.3.3)
- 19__1.3.4_to_1.3.5.sql
- 20__1.3.5_to_1.3.5.1.sql
- 21__1.3.5_to_1.5.sql
- 22__1.4_to_1.5.sql             (since V1.4.x)

→ There might be mistakes within the last update:

- Error: The table phpwcms_categories doesn't exist → ignore, that's a shop-update, you do not have the sop installed yet
- Error: The table phpwcms_log already exists → also ignore, not used in the new form.

05.1 Double indexes in some db-tables

- It can happen, that in the tables double indexes are available.

→ phpMyAdmin start
→ db select
→ table select
→ Step down to the indexes (where you can delete all indexes with “_1 _2_3 etc.” at the end.

(phpMyAdmin should point out that there are two indexes )
Please have a look into all tables.

06. If the shop is not needed

delete the complete path /include/inc_module/mod_shop/ with subdirs

07. Reorganize old content of preversioned subdirs

The content of the Directory /filearchive/ (phpwcms_filestorage) is to be brought into the subdir /filearchive/ of the nwe Version (In case of use of the /picture/ the same here)

- The new directory names

old new
phpwcms_filestorage → filearchive
phpwcms_ftp → upload
phpwcms_template → template

08. Adjust Config-Template File

The old /config/phpwcms/ has to be adjusted from the new one.

09. Change Default Index-Name: Home

In Case first point of Naviagtaion should be other name than home, change also in /config/phpwcms/

10. Adjust CSS-Data

Reorganize the old CSS data from /template/inc_css/ on your old Site to the new one.

11. Adjust Template

The old changed Tempaltes /template/inc_cntpart/ ought to be adjusted by the new Data.

<note tip>Adjust means: The NEW will be filled with the data of the old ones. </note>

12. Login

Delete Browsercache → login backend (not the index.php), disable tracking code (e.g. google etc.)

13. Disable Trackingcode

Disable in the default ( used) Template

14. Installing the modules

In installations based on older version it can occur that some module database entries are not yet installed, since this didn´t exist at release time.
Each module should be called once under modules, in order to start the Setup.

14.1 Delete the module Setup Directory

<note important>Afterwards the folder /include/inc_module/mod_Modulname/setup/ must be deleted!</note> Only now the module can be used.

15. Delete / Rename Setup Directory

In case the backend lets you in and looks as it should for security reasons you have to rename / delete the setup dir

16. Ongoing, last steps

<note tip> The system should be running. Meanwhile, while runing, there mightbe some patience needed ! Images rerun themselves in their size properties which may take
loger time. On any “timeout” alert, simply rerun the filecentre.</note>

(It is also possible to copy the content of the directory under /content/images/* , nevertheless, if this is not done, the system regenerates them by itself.)

For shure further Adjustments are also needed. Those like <META …> Tags XHTM -able: <meta …. /> etc. Thats playtime and has nothing to do with the update . If you do updates like mentioned above you will have advantage to keep your normal system untouched and proper untill all the update progress has come to its end.

After ending your work you may delete the old system and push the new system at its place, or redirect the domain into the new System <note tip> Be carefull in use of CSS and Template Data to avoid stress in this work !! </note> Maxim 1: Always use own Names for CSS- and Templatefiles, so that “copy” cannot delete them.

Maxim 2: If possible do use different CSS Data for Navigation and Template f.e. frontend01.css, layout01.css, navi01.css

Good work will do: Editor pspad and his FTP-Mode. (Direktly out of the Editor)

From: TotalCommander (chargefree for non-comercials). Alternativ .

Tip: A DIFF is build after TotalCommander

<note tip> With heidisql you can easily import very big DBs also (just did it with an 8MB DB - easy going! </note>