
For questions in the forum about the updates, it is important to add a reasonably accurate description of the installed release. In the file /include/inc_lib/ is the version number and the date recorded.

Please read from bottom to top. :!:


$phpwcms["release"]        = '1.5.3';
$phpwcms["release_date"]   = '2012/04/26';
$phpwcms["revision"]       = '471';  // (to r472   2012/04/26)

^^ Since r471 ^^ </note>


$phpwcms["release"]        = '1.5.2';
$phpwcms["release_date"]   = '2012/04/14';
$phpwcms["revision"]       = '468';

^^ Since r468 ^^ </note>


$phpwcms["release"]        = '1.5.1';
$phpwcms["release_date"]   = '2012/04/09';
$phpwcms["revision"]       = '464';

^^ Since r464 ^^ </note>


$phpwcms["release"]        = '1.5';
$phpwcms["release_date"]   = '2012/01/24';
$phpwcms["revision"]       = '427';

^^ Since r427 ^^ </note>


$phpwcms["release"]        = '1.4.7';
$phpwcms["release_date"]   = '2010/11/01';
$phpwcms["revision"]       = '403';

^^ Since r403 ^^ </note>


$phpwcms["release"]        = '1.4.6';
$phpwcms["release_date"]   = '2010/03/30';
$phpwcms["revision"]       = '402';

^^ Since r402 ^^ </note>

<note important> ^^ Since v1.4.5 r401 we don´t need a manual Database Update.

  • A new simple update procedure has been implemented. After all files have been uploaded, with the first login into the backend the update of the data base will be run automatically. The folder “setup” is no longer needed for the update process and should be deleted for security reasons.
  • Important: The directory "content/tmp/*" must be writable (777).



$phpwcms["release"]        = '1.4.5';
$phpwcms["release_date"]   = '2010/01/15';
$phpwcms["revision"]       = '395';

^^ Since r395 ^^ </note>


$phpwcms["release"]        = '1.4.4';
$phpwcms["release_date"]   = '2009/11/28';
$phpwcms["revision"]       = '381';

^^ Since r381 ^^ </note>


$phpwcms["release"]        = '1.4.3';
$phpwcms["release_date"]   = '2009/09/13';

^^ Since r366 ^^ </note>

<note important> ^^ Database Update in r319/344/345/348 → /setup/update_sql/22__1.4_to_1.5.sql
Committed Changes </note>


$phpwcms["release"]        = '1.4.2';
$phpwcms["release_date"]   = '2009/03/07';

^^ Since r308 ^^ </note>


$phpwcms["release"]        = '1.4.1';
$phpwcms["release_date"]   = '2009/01/30';

^^ Since r302 ^^ </note>

<note important> ^^ Database Update in r279/284/288/300 → /setup/update_sql/22__1.4_to_1.5.sql
Committed Changes


$phpwcms["release"]        = '1.4.0';
$phpwcms["release_date"]   = '2008/12/04';

^^ Since r274 ^^ </note>

<note important> ^^ Database Update in r54 - r258 → /setup/update_sql/21__1.3.5_to_1.5.sql
Committed Changes </note>


$phpwcms["release"]        = '1.3.9';
$phpwcms["release_date"]   = '2008/02/18';

^^ Since r39 ^^ </note>


$phpwcms["release"]        = '1.3.5';
$phpwcms["release_date"]   = '2007/12/05';

^^ Since r38 ^^ </note>

<note warning> Attention: Change of the variable $phpwcms["version"] to $phpwcms["release"]

Up to version 1.3.5 any changes were kept in the file /changelog.txt.

^^ Since r00 ^^ (Start at Google Project Hosting with version 1.3.5). </note>

<note> In old versions you have an entry in “include/inc_lib/” at the end of the file called:

$phpwcms["version"]        = '1.2.x';


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