====== Update to r405 from < r401 ======
**Update to r405 (V1.4.7) from older versions < r401 (V1.4.6)**
* Forum: [[http://forum.phpwcms.org/viewtopic.php?p=127567#p127567]] [GER]
**SOLVED since r406 V1.4.7 **- > [[http://www.phpwcms-docu.de/download-dev-versions.phtml|Docu: Download DEV - Version ZIP Format]]
**Procedure for installation r405 V1.4.7 if the update is not working from a previous version:**
* Copy this text in the newly created file ##include/inc_lib/revision/r405.php##.
* Delete the file ##content/tmp/r405.checked.tmp##, if the update did not work apparently (Error Message "Fatal error: _setConfig failed" in FE).
**Update 23.11.2010** (Corrected DB update)
* Checks if the field "sysvalue_vartype" in the table "phpwcms_sysvalue" exists and creates it if not yet available. //(Since r171 available)// \\ This field has not been used and was made only on new installations to r171. \\ In DB updates, the system is not available!
--- //[[flip-flop@myrealbox.com|Knut Heermann (flip-flop)]] 2010/11/07 19:47//