/* --- script: nuTabs.js decription: nuTabs - MooTools-based, transitionified switcherification license: MIT-style license. authors: - Oskar Krawczyk (http://nouincolor.com/) requires: core:1.2.3: - Class.Extras - Element.Event - Element.Style - Element.Dimensions - Fx.Tween - Fx.Morph - String - Array more: - Element.Measure provides: [nuTabs] ... */ var nuTabs = new Class({ Implements: [Events, Options], options: { // transition: $empty, navActiveClass: 'selected' }, initialize: function(tabsNav, tabsBody, options){ this.setOptions(options); this.tNav = tabsNav; this.tBody = tabsBody; this.attach(); }, attach: function(){ this.tNav.each(function(tab, index){ tab.addEvent('click', this.resize.bindWithEvent(this, index)); }, this); }, alteredHeight: function(index){ // expose to measurement return this.tBody[index].measure(function(){ return this.getSize().y; }); }, resize: function(e, index){ e.stop(); this.tBodyCont = this.tBody.getParent(); this.tNavCont = this.tNav.getParent(); // set transitions if needed this.tBodyCont.set('tween', { transition: $pick(this.options.transition, 'sine:out') }); // alter the wrappers's height this.tBodyCont.tween('height', this.alteredHeight(index)); // absolutize and hide the content items this.tBody.set('styles', { 'position': 'absolute', 'top': 0, 'opacity': 0 }).fade('out'); // show the active content item this.tBody[index].set('styles', { 'display': 'block', 'opacity': 0 }).fade('in'); // add class to the active tab this.tNavCont.removeClass(this.options.navActiveClass); this.tNavCont[index].addClass(this.options.navActiveClass); } }); /* ======== Moved to template in register tab. -KH 20.02.2010 Elements.implement({ tabify: function(options){ this.tabNav = this.slice(0, this.length/2); this.tabBody = this.slice(4, this.length); new nuTabs($$(this.tabNav), $$(this.tabBody), $pick(options, {})); } }); window.addEvent('domready', function(e) { $$('#tabs-nav a, #tabs-body li').tabify({ transition: 'bounce:out' }); }); ========== */