
This shows you the differences between two versions of the page.

deutsch:phpwcms-system:artikel:contentparts:bilder-div:template-random-images [2012/03/23 10:17]
Knut Heermann (flip-flop)
deutsch:phpwcms-system:artikel:contentparts:bilder-div:template-random-images [2018/06/03 18:08] (current)
Line 114: Line 114:
if ($my_max_count <= count($my_images)) { if ($my_max_count <= count($my_images)) {
$temp_array = $my_images; $temp_array = $my_images;
- $my_images = array_slice($temp_array, 0, $my_max_count);+ $my_images = array_slice($temp_array, 0, $my_max_count); // new random sort order
unset ($temp_array); unset ($temp_array);
} }
deutsch/phpwcms-system/artikel/contentparts/bilder-div/template-random-images.1332494271.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/03 18:07 (external edit)
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