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Vertikale Navi nebeneinander

Um mehrere vertikale Navigationen nebeneinander darzustellen kann der Tag NAV_LSIT_UL mehrfach aufgerufen werden.

Navi mit <span> Tag:

<div class="navi_head navi_145">{NAV_LIST_UL:FP,3,1,act_path,active,,,<span>|</span>}</div>
<div class="navi_head navi_145">{NAV_LIST_UL:FP,4,1,act_path,active,,,<span>|</span>}</div>
<div class="navi_head navi_130">{NAV_LIST_UL:FP,5,1,act_path,active,,,<span>|</span>}</div>
<div class="navi_head navi_100">{NAV_LIST_UL:FP,6,1,act_path,active,,,<span>|</span>}</div>


   CSS for an vertical menu
   <div class="nlu_navi07_1">{ NAV_LIST_UL:F,0,,,active }</div>
   Level 0 - 3;
   07.10.06 flip-flop (KH)
   31.01.07 flip-flop (KH)  "white-space" bug solved
   using e.g.   \width: 200px;  and  widt\h: 175px;
   in every  ul li a
.navi_head {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0 0 0 0;  /* padding over all //  Innerer Geesamtabstand */
    text-decoration: none;
    /* ++ e.g. 11px font and 19px height // z.B. 11px font und 19px hoch */
    font: normal normal bold 11px/17px Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
.navi_head ul {
   margin: 0;
   padding: 0;
   border: 0;
   list-style: none;
.navi_120, navi_120 ul {     width: 120px; /* ++ Width of Menu Items // Breite der Navigation */ }
.navi_145, navi_145 ul {     width: 145px; /* ++ Width of Menu Items // Breite der Navigation */ }
.navi_130, navi_130 ul {     width: 130px; /* ++ Width of Menu Items // Breite der Navigation */ }
.navi_100, navi_100 ul {     width: 99px;  /* ++ Width of Menu Items // Breite der Navigation */ }
.navi_head em { font-style: normal; }
.navi_head li { margin: 0; padding: 0; } /* Level/Sub-Level gap for bottom */
.navi_head ul li { position: relative; }
/* ==== Styles for Menu Items =================================== */
/* ==== LEVEL X ================================================= */
/* ====  simple link <a> // einfacher Link <a> ==== */
.navi_head ul li a,
.navi_head ul li a:link,
.navi_head ul li a:visited,
.navi_head ul li a:active {
   display: block;
   text-decoration: none;
   text-transform: none;
   color: #555;  /* ++ Text color // Textfarbe */
   /* ++ background color; url of the image; image adjust e.g. left gap 10px */
   /* ++ Hintergrundfarbe; URL der Grafik  ; Grafik einrücken z.B. 10px */
   background: url(../img/kunde/navi/nav01.gif) 0px 0px no-repeat;
   /* ++ Text adjust e.g. upper gap and left gap 25px */
   /* ++ Text justieren 1px oben und 25px von links */
   padding: 0 0 0 10px;         /* Text adjust */
.navi_120 ul li a, .navi_120 ul li a:link, .navi_120 ul li a:visited, .navi_120 ul li a:active {
   \width: 120px;  /* IE5x Opera <= 5 */
   widt\h: 110px;  /* = (Width of Mebu Items) - (padding-right + left) */
.navi_145 ul li a, .navi_145 ul li a:link, .navi_145 ul li a:visited, .navi_145 ul li a:active {
   \width: 145px;  /* IE5x Opera <= 5 */
   widt\h: 135px;  /* = (Width of Mebu Items) - (padding-right + left) */
.navi_130 ul li a, .navi_130 ul li a:link, .navi_130 ul li a:visited, .navi_130 ul li a:active {
   \width: 130px;  /* IE5x Opera <= 5 */
   widt\h: 120px;  /* = (Width of Mebu Items) - (padding-right + left) */
.navi_100 ul li a, .navi_100 ul li a:link, .navi_100 ul li a:visited, .navi_100 ul li a:active {
   \width: 100px;  /* IE5x Opera <= 5 */
   widt\h: 90px;  /* = (Width of Mebu Items) - (padding-right + left) */
/* ====  active link <a> // aktiver Link <a> ==== */
.navi_head ul a,
.navi_head ul a:link,
.navi_head ul a:visited,
.navi_head ul a:active {
   color: #FF0000; /* #DD3C3C;       /* ++ Text color // Textfarbe */
   font-weight: bold;  /* ++ Bold if you want // Fett wenn gewünscht */
   background: url(../img/kunde/navi/nav01_active.gif) 0px 0px no-repeat;
.navi_head ul li.act_path a {
   color: #FF0000; /* #DD3C3C; /* #DD3C3C; */
   text-decoration: none; /* underline;*/
   background: url(../img/kunde/navi/nav01_active.gif) 0px 0px no-repeat;
/* ====  hover link <a> // Maus über Link <a> ==== */
.navi_head ul li a:hover {
   color:  #FF0000; /* #C9222E; */
   background: url(../img/kunde/navi/nav01_active.gif) 0px 0px no-repeat;
.navi_head ul a:hover { color: #1D008F; /* #FF7200; */ }
/* ====  Parent Link <a> //  Only for the parent link <a> ==== */
.navi_head ul li.sub_parent a,
.navi_head ul li.sub_parent a:link,
.navi_head ul li.sub_parent a:visited {
    text-decoration: none;
    color: #DD3C3C;
    font-size: 12px;
    font-weight: bold;
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;
    background: url(../../img/leer.gif) 0px 0px no-repeat;
.navi_head ul li.sub_parent.act_path a {
    color: #FF0000; /* #DD3C3C; /* #DD3C3C; */
    text-decoration: none; /* underline;*/
    background: url(../../img/leer.gif) 0px 0px no-repeat;
.navi_head ul a {
    text-decoration: underline;
    color: #1B00FF; /* #234896; */
    background: url(../../img/leer.gif) 0px 0px no-repeat;
.navi_head ul li.sub_parent a:hover,
.navi_head ul a:hover { color: #1D008F; }
/* Holly Hack. IE Requirement \*/
* html .navi_head ul li { float: left; height: 1%; }
* html .navi_head ul li a { height: 1%; }
/* End */

Knut Heermann (flip-flop) 2010/03/21 13:13

deutsch/navigationen/nav_list_ul-beispiele/vertikale-navi-nebeneinander.1269173570.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/03 18:07 (external edit) Creative Commons License Valid CSS Driven by DokuWiki do yourself a favour and use a real browser - get firefox!! Recent changes RSS feed Valid XHTML 1.0