
This shows you the differences between two versions of the page.

deutsch:navigationen:nav_list_ul-beispiele:vertikale-navi-nebeneinander [2010/03/21 13:15]
Knut Heermann (flip-flop)
deutsch:navigationen:nav_list_ul-beispiele:vertikale-navi-nebeneinander [2018/06/03 18:09] (current)
Line 12: Line 12:
-**Navi mit <span> Tag:**+**Navi Tag:**
<code html> <code html>
-<div class="navi_head navi_145">{NAV_LIST_UL:FP,3,1,act_path,active,,,<span>|</span>}</div> +<div class="navi_head navi_145">{NAV_LIST_UL:FP,3,1,act_path,active}</div> 
-<div class="navi_head navi_145">{NAV_LIST_UL:FP,4,1,act_path,active,,,<span>|</span>}</div> +<div class="navi_head navi_145">{NAV_LIST_UL:FP,4,1,act_path,active}</div> 
-<div class="navi_head navi_130">{NAV_LIST_UL:FP,5,1,act_path,active,,,<span>|</span>}</div> +<div class="navi_head navi_130">{NAV_LIST_UL:FP,5,1,act_path,active}</div> 
-<div class="navi_head navi_100">{NAV_LIST_UL:FP,6,1,act_path,active,,,<span>|</span>}</div>+<div class="navi_head navi_100">{NAV_LIST_UL:FP,6,1,act_path,active}</div>
</code> </code>
\\ \\
==== CSS: ==== ==== CSS: ====
Line 26: Line 27:
<code css|h CSS |h> <code css|h CSS |h>
/*================================================================ /*================================================================
-   CSS for an vertical menu +   CSS for an vertical menu using the P tag 
-   <div class="nlu_navi07_1">{ NAV_LIST_UL:F,0,,,active }</div> +   <div class="navi_head>{ NAV_LIST_UL:FP,ID,1,act_path,active}</div> 
-   Level 0 - 3;  +   Level 0 - 1;  
-   07.10.06 flip-flop (KH) +   20.08.06 flip-flop (KH)
-   31.01.07 flip-flop (KH)  "white-space" bug solved +
-   using e.g.   \width: 200px;  and  widt\h: 175px;   +
-   in every  ul li a+
..................................................................*/ ..................................................................*/
Line 51: Line 49:
-.navi_120, navi_120 ul { width: 120px; /* ++ Width of Menu Items // Breite der Navigation */ } +.navi_120, navi_120 ul { float: left; width: 120px; /* ++ Width of Menu Items // Breite der Navigation */ } 
-.navi_145, navi_145 ul { width: 145px; /* ++ Width of Menu Items // Breite der Navigation */ } +.navi_145, navi_145 ul { float: left; width: 145px; /* ++ Width of Menu Items // Breite der Navigation */ } 
-.navi_130, navi_130 ul { width: 130px; /* ++ Width of Menu Items // Breite der Navigation */ } +.navi_130, navi_130 ul { float: left; width: 130px; /* ++ Width of Menu Items // Breite der Navigation */ } 
-.navi_100, navi_100 ul { width: 100px; /* ++ Width of Menu Items // Breite der Navigation */ }+.navi_100, navi_100 ul { float: left; width: 100px; /* ++ Width of Menu Items // Breite der Navigation */ }
.navi_head em { font-style: normal; } .navi_head em { font-style: normal; }
Line 159: Line 157:
</code> </code>
 +======  ======
 +Docu: -- \\
 +Forum: --
 +**Autor:** K.Heermann (flip-flop) http://planmatrix.de \\
 +**CMS Version:** >= 1.4x \\
 +**Version:** V1.1 //(21.03.2010)// \\
 +**Update:** --  \\
 +**Condition:**  --
 --- //[[flip-flop@myrealbox.com|Knut Heermann (flip-flop)]] 2010/03/21 13:13//  --- //[[flip-flop@myrealbox.com|Knut Heermann (flip-flop)]] 2010/03/21 13:13//
deutsch/navigationen/nav_list_ul-beispiele/vertikale-navi-nebeneinander.1269173748.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/03 18:07 (external edit)
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