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Meta-Tag per frontend_render

Meta Tags können auch zur Laufzeit per PHP-Anweisung im …./frontend_render/ Ordner gesetzt werden.

Die Funktion set_meta($name=, $content=, $http_equiv=FALSE) macht es möglich.

Verfügbar seit V1.4.x r314
Google code: Render <meta> description and <meta> keyword

New function to set <meta> tags set_meta($name, $content[, bool $http_equiv=FALSE]) 
- if $http_equiv=FALSE then <meta name="$name".../>, $http_equiv=TRUE then <meta http-equiv="$name".../>
New frontend_render sample scripts to generate or enhance meta tags and script to render custom menu 
(link sitemap block as often used in footer of pages)

Forum: [DE]


// set_meta($name='', $content='', $http_equiv=FALSE)
set_meta('copyright', '2009 OG');     //<meta name="copyright" content="2009 OG" />
set_meta('imagetoolbar', 'no', true); //<meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no" />
set_meta('description', 'This is my description for just a test');
set_meta('robots', 'index,follow');
set_meta('Content-Language', 'en', TRUE);

Bitte auch die Datei template/inc_script/frontend_render/disabled/keywords.php beachten.

deutsch/ersetzer_rts/integrierte-tags/meta-tag.1262521589.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/03 18:07 (external edit) Creative Commons License Valid CSS Driven by DokuWiki do yourself a favour and use a real browser - get firefox!! Recent changes RSS feed Valid XHTML 1.0