Ein erweiterter {BROWSE:....} Tag, der als Linktext den Artikeltitel/Subtitel oder Kategorietitel optional ausgeben kann. Im Artikellistenmodus ist eine Schleife einstellbar, die bei PREV vom ersten zum letzten und bei NEXT vom letzten zum ersten Artikel verzweigt. Die gewohnten Einstellungen aus dem Tag {BROWSE:....} können verwendet werden.
Darüberhinaus kann im Script eingestellt werden:
Es werden autom. CSS Klassen generiert für die Zustände “kein Link”, “erster Link” bei PREV wenn dieser verlassen wird, “letzter Link” bei NEXT wenn dieser verlassen wird, wenn zu einer Kategorie verlinkt wird.
<note important>Dieser TAG ersetzt den TAG {XBROWSE:UP:LinkText}. (Bitte nicht parallel verwenden). </note>
{XBROWSE:UP:LinkText} oder z.B. {XBROWSE:UP:^^ | ^^}
Unterschiedlicher Rücksprung aus einer Kategorie/Artikel bei einfachem Artikelmodus oder Listen-Artikelmodus. → Darstellungsmodi
- Gehe zurück zur Kategorie (Artikel Listenmodus) wenn der Benutzer sich im Artikeldetail befindet (Artikel-Listenmodues aktiv).
- Gehe zurück zur Elternkategorie wenn der Benutzer sich im Artikeldetail (einfacher Artikelmodus) oder in der Kategorieansicht befindet.
{XBROWSE:PREV:LinkText:2} oder z.B.
{XBROWSE:PREV:« | «:2} oder {XBROWSE:PREV:« || «:2} oder {XBROWSE:PREV:« | || «:2}
// ************ CUSTOM VAR *********************************************** $up_no_linktext = '--'; // +KH: if no link is available $up_max_char_count = 30; // +KH: max chars in link text $up_max_char_affix = '…'; // +KH: affix if > max_char_count $up_prefix_no_link = '<span class="xbrowse-unolink">'; $up_sufix_no_link = '</span>'; $next_no_linktext = '--'; // +KH: if no link is available $next_max_char_count = 30; // +KH: max chars in link text $next_max_char_affix = '…'; // +KH: affix if > max_char_count $next_prefix_no_link = '<span class="xbrowse-nnolink">'; $next_sufix_no_link = '</span>'; $prev_no_linktext = '--'; // +KH: if no link is available $prev_max_char_count = 30; // +KH: max chars in link text $prev_max_char_affix = '…'; // +KH: affix if > max_char_count $prev_prefix_no_link = '<span class="xbrowse-pnolink">'; $prev_sufix_no_link = '</span>'; // ************ END CUSTOM VAR *******************************************
Dieser Tag kann alternativ zum eingebauten {BROWSE:NEXT/PREV/UP:LinkText} eingesetzt werden.
rt_xbrowse_neprup V1.0 07.07.2010
Docu: –
Forum: –
Autor: K.Heermann (flip-flop)
CMS Version: >= 1.3
Version: V1.0
Dateiname: rt_xbrowse_neprup.php
Verzeichnis: template/inc_script/frontend_render/
Bedingung: → /config/phpwcms/
Verzeichnis: template/inc_script/frontend_render/
Datei: rt_xbrowse_neprup.php
<?php /** ******************************************************************* * Different Browse NEXT/PREV/UP for category/article-view in * simple or listing article mode * The Link text is generated from the article title and/or subtitle * or category title or own input * - Browse next/prev to the article if the user is in a article detail view * (article listing mode set) with optional loop * - Browse next/prev/up to the parent category if the user is in a * article detail view (simple article mode) or category view * - Browse up from article detail view to the category (article listing mode set) * * V1.0: 07.07.2010 K.Heerrmann * TAG: {XBROWSE:NEXT/PREV:[LinkText|Link article title]:[off|on|loop]} * E.g. {XBROWSE:NEXT:>> | >>:2} ===> Link = ">> article title >>", * loop = last to first article * "Link Text" or | or || * = "Link Text" or "Link article title" or or "Link article subtitle" * 0=off = no jump to the next/prev category if the article is the last/first one * 1=on = next/prev category follows last/first article * 2=loop = last/first article follows first/last article in list mode * * * Filename: rt_xbrowse_neprup.php * Folder: /template/inc_script/frontend_render/ * Switch: $phpwcms['allow_ext_render'] = 1; (/config/phpwcms/ * * Forum: -- *******************************************************************/ // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // obligate check for phpwcms constants if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) { die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day."); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // Tag available // Tag im Content gesetzt? Z.B. {XBROWSE:NEXT:^^^^} if(strpos($content["all"],'{XBROWSE:') !== false) { // ************ CUSTOM VAR *********************************************** $up_no_linktext = '--'; // +KH: if no link is available $up_max_char_count = 30; // +KH: max chars in link text $up_max_char_affix = '…'; // +KH: affix if > max_char_count $up_prefix_no_link = '<span class="xbrowse-unolink">'; $up_sufix_no_link = '</span>'; $next_no_linktext = '--'; // +KH: if no link is available $next_max_char_count = 30; // +KH: max chars in link text $next_max_char_affix = '…'; // +KH: affix if > max_char_count $next_prefix_no_link = '<span class="xbrowse-nnolink">'; $next_sufix_no_link = '</span>'; $prev_no_linktext = '--'; // +KH: if no link is available $prev_max_char_count = 30; // +KH: max chars in link text $prev_max_char_affix = '…'; // +KH: affix if > max_char_count $prev_prefix_no_link = '<span class="xbrowse-pnolink">'; $prev_sufix_no_link = '</span>'; // ************ END CUSTOM VAR ******************************************* // UP ========================================================== function xget_index_link_up($linktext, $no_linktext, $max_char_count, $max_char_affix,$prefix_no_link,$sufix_no_link) { $link = ''; $cat_id = $GLOBALS['content']["cat_id"]; if (empty($linktext)) $linktext = '^UP^'; // In detail view if article listing mode is set // In der Detailansicht wenn Artikellisten-Modus aktiv if ( empty($GLOBALS['aktion']['3']) ) { // Jump to the category // gehe zur Kategorie $link = $GLOBALS['content']["struct"][$GLOBALS['content']["cat_id"]]["acat_alias"]; $link = '<a class="xbrowse-up" href="index.php?'.$link.'">'; // In category view if normal article- or listing mode set // In der Kategorie bei infachem & Artikellisten-Modus } // Jump to parent category // gehe zur Eltern-Kategorie elseif($cat_id && !$GLOBALS['content']['struct'][$cat_id]['acat_hidden']) { $upid = $GLOBALS['content']['struct'][$cat_id]['acat_struct']; $link = '<a class="xbrowse-up" href="index.php?' . ( empty($GLOBALS['content']['struct'][$upid]['acat_alias']) ? 'id='.$upid : $GLOBALS['content']['struct'][$upid]['acat_alias'] ) .'">'; $cat_id = $upid; } $linktext = str_replace('||','',$linktext); // +KH // Is there any placeholder in linktext and link available? if (!$link AND strpos($linktext, '|')) $linktext = str_replace('|', $no_linktext, $linktext); // generate the linktext $cat_name = $GLOBALS['content']['struct'][$cat_id]['acat_name']; $linktext = str_replace('|',((strlen($cat_name) > $max_char_count)? substr($cat_name,0,$max_char_count).$max_char_affix: $cat_name), $linktext); // +KH return ($link) ? $link.$linktext.'</a>' : $prefix_no_link.$linktext.$sufix_no_link; } // NEXT ======================================================== function xget_index_link_next($linktext, $cat_down=0, $no_linktext, $max_char_count, $max_char_affix,$prefix_no_link,$sufix_no_link) { global $content; // return the link to next article in current ctageory $a_id = isset($content['article_id']) ? $content['article_id'] : $GLOBALS['aktion'][1]; $linktext = trim($linktext); if(!$linktext) { $linktext = 'NEXT'; $no_linktext = $linktext; } $link = ''; $article = false; // +KH: article mode if(count($content['articles']) > 1) { $c = 0; //temp counter $f = 0; //+KH: temp id for first article foreach($content['articles'] as $key => $value) { if (!$f) $f = $key; // +KH: first article ID if($c || !$a_id) { $link = '<a class="xbrowse-next" href="index.php?aid='.$key.'">'; $article = true; // +KH: article mode break; } if($key == $a_id) $c++; } // +KH: loop is selected and last article in use if ($cat_down == 2 && !$link ) { $key = $f; // set up the right key from first article $article = true; // +KH: article mode $link = '<a class="xbrowse-next xbrowse-nlast" href="index.php?aid='.$key.'">'; // +KH: last article } } if($cat_down && !$link) { // go cat down or to next cat above if($content['cat_id']) { foreach($content['struct'] as $key => $value) { if($content['struct'][$key]['acat_struct'] == $content['cat_id']) { $link = '<a class="xbrowse-next xbrowse-ncat" href="index.php?'; $link .= empty($content['struct'][$key]['acat_alias']) ? 'id='.$key : html_specialchars($content['struct'][$key]['acat_alias']); $link .= '">'; break; } } } else { $c = 0; foreach($content['struct'] as $key => $value) { if($c) { $link = '<a class="xbrowse-next xbrowse-ncat" href="index.php?'; $link .= empty($content['struct'][$key]['acat_alias']) ? 'id='.$key : html_specialchars($content['struct'][$key]['acat_alias']); $link .= '">'; break; } $c++; } } if(!$link && $content['cat_id']) { $c=0; $temp_key = array(); foreach($content['struct'] as $key => $value) { if($content['struct'][$key]['acat_struct'] == $content['struct'][ $content['cat_id'] ]['acat_struct']) { $temp_key[] = $key; } } $count_temp = count($temp_key); if($count_temp) { $c=0; foreach($temp_key as $value) { if($value == $content['cat_id'] && $c+1 < $count_temp) { //$link = '<a href="index.php?id='.$temp_key[$c+1].',0,0,1,0,0">'; $key = $temp_key[$c+1]; $link = '<a class="xbrowse-next xbrowse-oho" href="index.php?'; $link .= empty($content['struct'][$key]['acat_alias']) ? 'id='.$key : html_specialchars($content['struct'][$key]['acat_alias']); $link .= '">'; break; } $c++; } if($c == $count_temp && !$link) { // back reverese to higher next structure level $current_id = $content['cat_id']; while($c=1) { $parent_id = $content['struct'][ $current_id ]['acat_struct']; $parent_struct_id = $content['struct'][ $parent_id ]['acat_struct']; $c=0; foreach($content['struct'] as $key => $value) { if($content['struct'][$key]['acat_struct'] == $parent_struct_id) { if($c) { $link = '<a class="xbrowse-next xbrowse-ncat" href="index.php?'; $link .= empty($content['struct'][$key]['acat_alias']) ? 'id='.$key : html_specialchars($content['struct'][$key]['acat_alias']); $link .= '">'; break; } if($key == $parent_id) $c=1; } } if(!$parent_struct_id) { if(!$parent_id) $link = ''; break; } else { $current_id = $parent_id; } } } } } } // +KH: replace article title/subtitle if | or || is available if ($link) { if ($article) { $linktext = str_replace('||',((strlen($content['articles'][$key]['article_subtitle']) > $max_char_count)? substr($content['articles'][$key]['article_subtitle'],0,$max_char_count).$max_char_affix: $content['articles'][$key]['article_subtitle']), $linktext); // +KH $linktext = str_replace('|',((strlen($content['articles'][$key]['article_title']) > $max_char_count)? substr($content['articles'][$key]['article_title'],0,$max_char_count).$max_char_affix: $content['articles'][$key]['article_title']), $linktext); // +KH } else { $linktext = str_replace('||','',$linktext); // +KH $linktext = str_replace('|',((strlen($content['struct'][$key]['acat_name']) > $max_char_count)? substr($content['struct'][$key]['acat_name'],0,$max_char_count).$max_char_affix: $content['struct'][$key]['acat_name']), $linktext); // +KH } } else { // Is there any placeholder in linktext? if (strpos($linktext, '|')) { $linktext = str_replace('||', $no_linktext, $linktext); $linktext = str_replace('|', $no_linktext, $linktext); // $linktext = $no_linktext; // +KH: if no link is available } } return ($link) ? $link.$linktext.'</a>' : $prefix_no_link.$linktext.$sufix_no_link; } // PREV ==================================================== function xget_index_link_prev($linktext, $cat_up=0, $no_linktext, $max_char_count, $max_char_affix, $prefix_no_link,$sufix_no_link) { global $content; // return the link to next article in current ctageory $a_id = isset($GLOBALS['content']['article_id']) ? $GLOBALS['content']['article_id'] : $GLOBALS['aktion'][1]; $linktext = trim($linktext); if(!$linktext) { $linktext = 'PREV'; $no_linktext = $linktext; } $link = ''; $article = false; // +KH: article mode $c = 0; //temp counter if(count($GLOBALS['content']['articles']) > 1 && $a_id) { foreach($GLOBALS['content']['articles'] as $key => $value) { if($key == $a_id && $c) { $link = '<a class="xbrowse-prev" href="index.php?aid='.$prev_art_id.'">'; $article = true; // +KH: article mode break; } $c++; $prev_cat_id = $GLOBALS['content']['articles'][$key]['article_cid']; $prev_art_id = $key; } $key =$prev_art_id; // +KH // +KH: loop is selected and first article in use if ($cat_up == 2 && !$link ) { foreach($GLOBALS['content']['articles'] as $key => $value) {} // last artikle key $article = true; // +KH: article mode $link = '<a class="xbrowse-prev xbrowse-pfirst" href="index.php?aid='.$key.'">'; // +KH: last article link } } if($cat_up && $a_id && $c && !$link) { $link = '<a class="xbrowse-prev xbrowse-pcat" href="index.php?id='.$GLOBALS['content']['cat_id'].',0,0,1,0,0">'; } if($cat_up && !$link) { // go cat down or to next cat above $temp_key = array(); foreach($GLOBALS['content']['struct'] as $key => $value) { if($GLOBALS['content']['struct'][$key]['acat_struct'] == $GLOBALS['content']['struct'][ $GLOBALS['content']['cat_id'] ]['acat_struct']) { $temp_key[] = $key; } } if(count($temp_key) && $GLOBALS['content']['cat_id']) { $c = 0; foreach($temp_key as $value) { if($value == $GLOBALS['content']['cat_id']) { $prev_cat_id = (!$c) ? $GLOBALS['content']['struct'][$value]['acat_struct'] : $temp_key[$c-1]; $link = '<a class="xbrowse-prev xbrowse-pcat" href="index.php?id='.$prev_cat_id.',0,0,1,0,0">'; break; } $c++; } } } // +KH: replace article title/subtitle if | or || is available if ($link) { if ($article) { $linktext = str_replace('||',((strlen($content['articles'][$key]['article_subtitle']) > $max_char_count)? substr($content['articles'][$key]['article_subtitle'],0,$max_char_count).$max_char_affix: $content['articles'][$key]['article_subtitle']), $linktext); // +KH $linktext = str_replace('|',((strlen($content['articles'][$key]['article_title']) > $max_char_count)? substr($content['articles'][$key]['article_title'],0,$max_char_count).$max_char_affix: $content['articles'][$key]['article_title']), $linktext); // +KH } else { $linktext = str_replace('||','',$linktext); // +KH $linktext = str_replace('|',((strlen($content['struct'][$prev_cat_id]['acat_name']) > $max_char_count)? substr($content['struct'][$prev_cat_id]['acat_name'],0,$max_char_count).$max_char_affix: $content['struct'][$prev_cat_id]['acat_name']), $linktext); // +KH } } else { // Is there any placeholder in linktext? if (strpos($linktext, '|')) { $linktext = str_replace('||', $no_linktext, $linktext); $linktext = str_replace('|', $no_linktext, $linktext); // $linktext = $no_linktext; // +KH: if no link is available } } return ($link) ? $link.$linktext.'</a>' : $prefix_no_link.$linktext.$sufix_no_link; } $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{XBROWSE:UP:(.*?)\}/e','xget_index_link_up("$1",$up_no_linktext,$up_max_char_count,$up_max_char_affix,$up_prefix_no_link,$up_sufix_no_link);',$content["all"]); $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{XBROWSE:NEXT:(.*?):(0|1|2)\}/e','xget_index_link_next("$1",$2,$next_no_linktext,$next_max_char_count,$next_max_char_affix,$next_prefix_no_link,$next_sufix_no_link);',$content["all"]); $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{XBROWSE:PREV:(.*?):(0|1|2)\}/e','xget_index_link_prev("$1",$2,$prev_no_linktext,$prev_max_char_count,$prev_max_char_affix,$prev_prefix_no_link,$prev_sufix_no_link);',$content["all"]); } // END if {XBROWSE: ?>
Optional die Home Kategorie ausklammern, siehe 2x if ($content['cat_id'] == 0 ) ....;