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Random Images

Random Images Alias basiert

Tag: {GET_RANDOM_ALIAS_IMG_URL:image-path}

E.g. {GET_RANDOM_ALIAS_IMG_URL:picture/images/test}


Authors: tinoo, pepe(starter), RCS robin c. sherwood (adapting and mixing up the code)
Last modified: 23.01.2006 created/mixed up

Filename: rt_get_random_alias_img_url.php

Folder: /template/inc_script/frontend_render/

Switch: $phpwcms['allow_ext_render'] = 1; (/config/phpwcms/

Hier fehlt noch eine etwas genauere Erklärung. FIXME

Location: /template/inc_script/frontend_render/rt_get_random_alias_img_url.php


titel:          {GET_RANDOM_ALIAS_IMG_URL} Replacement-Tag
description:    {GET_RANDOM_ALIAS_IMG_URL:image-path}
    This Replacement-Tag is based on {RANDOM} tag. It started as a mixup of
    tinoos adapted random code and pepes strip-prefix.php. It creates the
    path info of random pictures related to your point of view in a website
    (like "picture/Image/structure- aliasname/pic1.png".
    This tag can be used at places like table background where no <img>-tag is required.
example:    {GET_RANDOM_ALIAS_IMG_URL:picture/Image} or
        <table style="background-image: url ({GET_RANDOM_ALIAS_IMG_URL:picture/Image});"
        or even <img src="{GET_RANDOM_ALIAS_IMG_URL:picture/Image}"> in an "HTML" contentpart.
        <a href="link-to-somewhere"><img src="{GET_RANDOM_ALIAS_IMG_URL:picture/Image}" border="0"></a>
    The directories "alias1" "alias2" ... are subdirectories of picture/Image
    (you have to create them according to your given aliases "alias1" "alias2"...
    in admin/site structure).
    The complete path to the random pictures is then:
    and so on.
    The advantage of defining the alias-dirs in "picture/Image" is that this dir is used by fckeditor
    and you then can upload pictures per FTP and/or per fckeditor.
    It will deliver the pictures of the appropriately defined dir according to where
    you are in the site.
notice:    name this file get_random_alias_img_url.php and copy it to
authors:    tinoo, pepe(starter), RCS robin c. sherwood    (adapting and mixing up the code)
last modified:  23.01.2006 created/mixed up
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// obligate check for phpwcms constants
if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) {
   die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day."); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
function get_random_image_url_based_on_alias($path)
// returns a random image url from the given path
// it looks for image of following type: gif, jpg, jpeg, png
    $alias = $GLOBALS['content']['struct'][($GLOBALS['aktion'][0])]['acat_alias'];
    $mypath = ($path."/".$alias);
    $imgArray = array();
    $imgpath = str_replace("//", "/", PHPWCMS_ROOT."/".$mypath."/");
    $imageinfo = false;
    if(is_dir($imgpath)) {
        $handle = opendir( $imgpath );
        while($file = readdir( $handle )) {
            if( $file != "." && $file != ".." ) {
            if( preg_match('/(\.jpg|\.jpeg|\.gif|\.png)$/', strtolower($file)) ) $imgArray[] = $file;
        closedir( $handle );
    if(sizeof($imgArray)) $imageinfo = is_random_image($imgArray, $imgpath);
    return ($imageinfo) ?   "".$mypath."/".$imageinfo["imagename"]: "";
    $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{GET_RANDOM_ALIAS_IMG_URL:(.*?)\}/ie', 'get_random_image_url_based_on_alias("$1");', $content["all"]);

Random Images Level basiert

Dieser Programmteil kann an Orten wie background in CSS-Konstrutionen verwendet werden, die kein <img>-tag erfordern.

Beschreibung: rt_get_random_level_img_url.php

Dieser Programmteil verwendet die Funktion des {RANDOM} Tag. Es sucht nach bildern im Pfad der in $_image_path like angeben ist z.B. picture/random[XX]/pic1.png”.
Wobei XX die ID der aktiven Kategorie aus der Seitenstruktur des vorgegebenen Levels ist. (Setup in $_level_base).

Wenn in $_level_base “false” gesetzt ist, dann ist $_image_path der Fallback Bilderpfad. Alle Bilder werden in diesem Ordner gesucht.
Wenn $_level_base z.B. auf “1” gesetzt ist und die aktive Kategorie ist eine Sub-Kategorie der Kategorie in Level 1 z.B.. “ID=43”, dann wird der Bilderpfad nach “picture/random43/” konvertiert.
Von allen Bildern in “picture/random43/” wird eins zufällig ausgewählt.

Beispiel: gegebene Struktur:

 home         (id=0)   level 0
 - cat01      (id=01)  level 1
 - cat02      (id=22)  level 1
 --- cat02_01 (id=45)  level 2
 --- cat02_02 (id=46)  level 2 - [aktive Kategorie]
 - cat03      (id=33)  level 1
 $_level_base = 1;
 $_image_path = picture/random;

Dieser Programmteil wird ein Pfad wie “picture/random22/” generieren und prüft alle Bilder in diesem Pfad.

Wenn “picture/random22/” nicht existiert, dann werden die Bilder im Fallback-Pfad “picture/random/” gesucht.
Das Gleiche wenn $_level_base = false;

Notiz: Benenne die Datei rt_get_random_level_img_url.php und kopiere diese nach phpwcms_template/inc_script/frontend_init/

  • $phpwcms['allow_ext_init'] = 1;

Autor: Knut Heermann (flip-flop)
Letze Änderung: 03.01.2010 created/mixed up


Ort: /template/inc_script/frontend_init/rt_get_random_level_img_url.php


This snippet can be used at places like background where no <img>-tag is required.
description:    rt_get_random_level_img_url.php
    This snippet is using the function of {RANDOM} tag. It search for pictures in the
    path you have setup in $_image_path like e.g. "picture/random[XX]/pic1.png".
    Where XX is the id of the active category in site structure of the given level
    ( setup in $_level_base).
    If you have setup $_level_base to "false", $_image_path is the fallback image path.
    All pictures will be searched in the folder.
    If you have setup $_level_base to e.g. "1" and your active category is a sub category of the
    category in level 1 e.g. "id=43", the image path is converted to "picture/random43/".
    From all the images in "picture/random43/" one becomes randomly selected.
    This tag can be used at places like table background where no <img>-tag is required.
example:    given structure:
            home         (id=0)   level 0
            - cat01      (id=01)  level 1
            - cat02      (id=22)  level 1
            --- cat02_01 (id=45)  level 2
            --- cat02_02 (id=46)  level 2 - [active category]
            - cat03      (id=33)   level 1
            $_level_base = 1;
            $_image_path = picture/random;
The snippet will generate a path like picture/random22/ and checks for all images in this path.
If "picture/random22/" does not exist, then the images will be searched in the fallback path "picture/random/"
The same if  $_level_base = false;
notice:    name this file rt_get_random_level_img_url.php and copy it to
author:    Knut Heermann (flip-flop)
last modified:  03.01.2010 created/mixed up
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// obligate check for phpwcms constants
  if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) {
    die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day."); }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ===== CUSTOM SETTINGS =====================================================================
$_image_path    = 'picture/random'; // path where the default (and fallback) images are
$_level_base    = 1;                // false = off | Level-No = on   e.g. 1 = TopLevel
// ===== CUSTOM SETTINGS END =================================================================
if ( ($_level_base !== false) AND (isset($LEVEL_ID[$_level_base])) AND (is_dir($_image_path.$LEVEL_ID[$_level_base] )) )
    $_image_path .= $LEVEL_ID[$_level_base]; // e.g. picture/random24 is the image path for images in category ID=24 and their subcategories
// $template_default['body']['id'] = 'bg-image';  // it will be produced always "bg-image[cat-id]"
$template_default['body']['class'] = 'bg-image id-';  // it will be produced always "bg-image[cat-id]"
   // Hm I want to write some default CSS
   $block['custom_htmlhead']['mycss']  = '  <style type="text/css" media="screen">' . LF . '  <!--' . LF;
//   $block['custom_htmlhead']['mycss'] .= '   #bg-image'.$content['cat_id'].' { ' . LF;
   $block['custom_htmlhead']['mycss'] .= '   .bg-image { ' . LF;
   $block['custom_htmlhead']['mycss'] .= '      background: transparent url('.get_random_image_tag("SRC:$_image_path").') no-repeat left top;' . LF;
   $block['custom_htmlhead']['mycss'] .= '   }';
   $block['custom_htmlhead']['mycss'] .= LF . '  //-->' . LF . '  </style>';

Ein anderes Random Background Images Script

Forum: {CSS trick: random body background image}

Es sind in diesem Beispiel nur bilder mit dem Namen “rand[0-25].jpg” verfügbar (Ordner “images/skins/”).

<style type="text/css" media="screen">
.bg-image {
   background-image: url(images/skins/[PHP] echo ("skins".rand(0,25).".jpg")[/PHP]) ;
<body class="bg-image id-33">

Setup in config/phpwcms/

$template_default['body']['class'] = 'bg-image id-';

Random Images aus Accountverzeichnis


Aus einem anzugebenden Verzeichnis des Accounts wird aus den dort abgelegten Bildern ein Bild zufällig ausgewählt und dargestellt. Dieser erweiterte TAG erlaubt die Größenvorgabe für Vorschaubilder (Thumbs) und den Aufruf der LighBox (SlimBox).

Wie {RANDOM:Pfad}, jedoch mit folgenden Eigenschaften:

  • Gibt ein zufälliges Bild aus dem angegebenen Pfad zurück
  • Schaut nach Bilder des folgendes Typs: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
  • {RANDOMX:path} gibt mit "path=path/rand_image/" –> <img src="path/rand_image/..." /> zurück.
  • {RANDOMX:SRC:path} gibt das Bild zurück mit der absoluten Adresse URI PHPWCMS_URL/path/rand_image/...
  • {RANDOMX:SRC-R:path} gibt das Bild zurück mit der relativen Adresse path/rand_image/....
  • {RANDOMX:SRC-LB:path:WIDTHxHEIGHT} gibt den kompletten html-Anweisungssatz für die LightBox mit WIDTHxHEIGHT für die Thumbs zurück
    • Die LightBox stellt die Bilder in der Originalgröße dar.
    • Die Thumbs werden lediglich verkleinert dargestellt, nicht neu gerechnet/abgelegt oder beschnitten (cropping).

Beispiel: {RANDOMX:SRC-LB:picture/upload/image/:200x150}


Datei: template/inc_Script/forntend_render/rt_randomX_img.php


// KH 19.06.11 flip-flop: Random image from normal folder
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// obligate check for phpwcms constants
  if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) {die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day.");}
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function get_random_image_tagX($path) {
    // returns an random image from the give path
    // it looks for image of following type: gif, jpg, jpeg, png
    // {RANDOMX:path} willl return <img src="path/rand_image" />
    // {RANDOMX:SRC:path} will return absolute URI PHPWCMS_URL/path/rand_image
    // {RANDOMX:SRC-R:path} will return only relative path/rand_image
    // {RANDOMX:SRC-LB:path:%WIDTH%x%HEIGHT%} will return a complete html set for LightBox with WIDTHxHEIGHT for the thumb
    $imgArray    = array();
    $path        = trim($path);
    $tagX        = false;    //+KH
    if(strtoupper(substr($path, 0, 4)) == 'SRC:') {
        $tag    = false;
        $path    = trim(substr($path, 4));
    // relative path/rand_image
    } elseif (strtoupper(substr($path, 0, 6)) == 'SRC-R:') { // +KH
        $tag    = false;
        $tagX    = 1;
        $path    = trim(substr($path, 6));
    // complete html set for LightBox with WIDTHxHEIGHT for the thumb
    } elseif (strtoupper(substr($path, 0, 7)) == 'SRC-LB:') { // +KH
        // %WIDTH%x%HEIGHT fallback
        $width    = 150;
        $height    = 100;
        $tag    = false;
        $tagX    = 2;
        $path    = trim(substr($path, 7));
        $data     = explode(':', $path);
        $path     = $data[0];
        if (isset($data[1])) {  // find WIDTH x HEIGHT
            $data[1]    = preg_replace('/[^0-9x]/', '', $data[1]);
            $attribute    = explode('x', $data[1]);
            $width        = intval($attribute[0]);
            $height        = isset($attribute[1]) ? intval($attribute[1]) : 0;
    } else {
        $tag    = true;
    $path        = trim($path, '/');
    $imgpath    = PHPWCMS_ROOT . '/' . $path . '/';
    $imageinfo    = false;
    if(is_dir($imgpath)) {
        $handle = opendir( $imgpath );
        while($file = readdir( $handle )) {
               if( $file{0} != '.' && preg_match('/(\.jpg|\.jpeg|\.gif|\.png)$/i', $file)) {
                $imgArray[] = $file;
        closedir( $handle );
    if(count($imgArray) && ($imageinfo = is_random_image($imgArray, $imgpath))) {
        if($tag) {  // normal output
            return '<img src="'.$path.'/'.urlencode($imageinfo['imagename']).'" '.$imageinfo[3].' border="0" alt="'.html_specialchars($imageinfo["imagename"]).'"'.HTML_TAG_CLOSE;
        } else {
            if ($tagX === 2) {  // SRC-LB
//                $x = '<img src="'.$path.'/'.urlencode($imageinfo['imagename']).'" '.$imageinfo[3].' border="0" alt="'.html_specialchars($imageinfo["imagename"]).'"'.HTML_TAG_CLOSE;
                $x  = '<a href="image_resized.php?format=jpg&q=85&imgfile='.$path.'/'.urlencode($imageinfo['imagename']).'" rel="lightbox" target="_blank">';
                $x .= '<img src="image_resized.php?format=jpg&q=85&imgfile='.$path.'/'.urlencode($imageinfo['imagename']).'" class="image_img" alt="'.html_specialchars($imageinfo["imagename"]).'" height="'.$height.'" width="'.$width.'"></a>';
                return $x;
            } elseif (($tagX === 1))  // SRC-R
                return  $path . '/' . urlencode($imageinfo['imagename']);
                return PHPWCMS_URL . $path . '/' . urlencode($imageinfo['imagename']);
    return '';
    // randomX Image Tag
    $search        = '/\{RANDOMX:(.*?)\}/e';
    $replace    = 'get_random_image_tagX("$1");';
    $content["all"] = preg_replace($search, $replace, $content["all"]);
//    $string = str_replace('&#92;&#039;', '&#039;', $string);
//    $string = str_replace('&amp;quot;', '&quot;', $string);


Identisch mit der o.g. Version jedoch erweitert durch die Darstellung aller Bilder im angegebenen Verzeichnis mit Hilfe der LighBox (Next/Prev).

  • {RANDOMX:SRC-LBNP:path:WIDTHxHEIGHT} gibt den kompletten html-Anweisungssatz für die LightBox mit WIDTHxHEIGHT für die Thumbs zurück und stellt alle Bilddateien aus dem angegebenen Pfad in der LightBox dar.
    • Die LightBox stellt die Bilder in der Originalgröße dar.
    • Die Thumbs werden lediglich verkleinert dargestellt, nicht neu gerechnet/abgelegt oder beschnitten (cropping).

Beispiel: {RANDOMX:SRC-LBNP:picture/upload/image/:200x150}

Das Thumb wird mit einer Größe von 200x150px dargestellt und verlinkt auf die LighBox, in der dann alle Bilder des Verzeichnisses in Originalgröße dargestellt werden.

PHP V1.1:

Datei: template/inc_Script/forntend_render/rt_randomX_img.php


// KH 19.06.11 flip-flop: Random image from normal folder V1.1
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// obligate check for phpwcms constants
  if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) {die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day.");}
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function get_random_image_tagX($path) {
    // returns an random image from the give path
    // it looks for image of following type: gif, jpg, jpeg, png
    // {RANDOMX:path} willl return <img src="path/rand_image" />
    // {RANDOMX:SRC:path} will return absolute URI PHPWCMS_URL/path/rand_image
    // {RANDOMX:SRC-R:path} will return only relative path/rand_image
    // {RANDOMX:SRC-LB:path:%WIDTH%x%HEIGHT%} will return a complete html set for LightBox with WIDTHxHEIGHT for the thumb
    // {RANDOMX:SRC-LBNP:path:%WIDTH%x%HEIGHT%} the same like SRC-LB with LightBox Next/Prev pictures from this folder
    $imgArray    = array();
    $path        = trim($path);
    $tagX        = false;    //+KH
    if(strtoupper(substr($path, 0, 4)) == 'SRC:') {
        $tag    = false;
        $path    = trim(substr($path, 4));
    // relative path/rand_image
    } elseif (strtoupper(substr($path, 0, 6)) == 'SRC-R:') { // +KH
        $tag    = false;
        $tagX    = 1;
        $path    = trim(substr($path, 6));
    // complete html set for LightBox with WIDTHxHEIGHT for the thumb
    } elseif (strtoupper(substr($path, 0, 6)) == 'SRC-LB') { // +KH
        // %WIDTH%x%HEIGHT fallback
        $width    = 150;
        $height    = 100;
        $tag    = false;
        $tagX    = 2;
        if (strtoupper(substr($path, 0, 9)) == 'SRC-LBNP:') {
            $path    = trim(substr($path, 9));
            $tagX    = 3;
        } else
            $path    = trim(substr($path, 7));
        $data     = explode(':', $path);
        $path     = $data[0];
        if (isset($data[1])) {  // find WIDTH x HEIGHT
            $data[1]    = preg_replace('/[^0-9x]/', '', $data[1]);
            $attribute    = explode('x', $data[1]);
            $width        = intval($attribute[0]);
            $height        = isset($attribute[1]) ? intval($attribute[1]) : 0;
    } else {
        $tag    = true;
    $path        = trim($path, '/');
    $imgpath    = PHPWCMS_ROOT . '/' . $path . '/';
    $imageinfo    = false;
    if(is_dir($imgpath)) {
        $handle = opendir( $imgpath );
        while($file = readdir( $handle )) {
            if( $file{0} != '.' && preg_match('/(\.jpg|\.jpeg|\.gif|\.png)$/i', $file)) {
                $imgArray[] = $file;
        closedir( $handle );
    // RANDOM
    if(count($imgArray) && ($imageinfo = is_random_image($imgArray, $imgpath))) {
        if($tag) {  // normal output
            return '<img src="'.$path.'/'.urlencode($imageinfo['imagename']).'" '.$imageinfo[3].' border="0" alt="'.html_specialchars($imageinfo["imagename"]).'"'.HTML_TAG_CLOSE;
        } else {
            if ($tagX === 2 OR $tagX === 3) {  // SRC-LB OR SRC-LBNP:
//                $x = '<img src="'.$path.'/'.urlencode($imageinfo['imagename']).'" '.$imageinfo[3].' border="0" alt="'.html_specialchars($imageinfo["imagename"]).'"'.HTML_TAG_CLOSE;
                $x  = '<a href="image_resized.php?format=jpg&q=85&imgfile='.$path.'/'.urlencode($imageinfo['imagename']).'" rel="lightbox[NextPrev]" target="_blank">';
                $x .= '<img src="image_resized.php?format=jpg&q=85&imgfile='.$path.'/'.urlencode($imageinfo['imagename']).'" class="image_img" alt="'.html_specialchars($imageinfo["imagename"]).'" height="'.$height.'" width="'.$width.'"></a>'.LF;
                $random_image = $imageinfo['imagename'];
                // LightBox with Next/Prev: Read all available images in path
                if ($tagX === 3 ) {  // SRC-LBNP:
                    foreach ($imgArray as $key=>$value) {
                        $imageinfo = @getimagesize($imgpath.$value);  // is it an image?
                        if ($imageinfo) {
                            if ($random_image != $value)  // No double image entry except the random image
                                $x .= '<a href="image_resized.php?format=jpg&q=85&imgfile='.$path.'/'.urlencode($value).'" rel="lightbox[NextPrev]" target="_blank"></a>'.LF;
                        //        $x .= '<img src="image_resized.php?format=jpg&q=85&imgfile='.$path.'/'.urlencode($value).'" class="image_img" alt="'.html_specialchars($value).'" height="'.$height.'" width="'.$width.'"></a>'.LF;
                return $x;
            } elseif (($tagX === 1))  // SRC-R
                return  $path . '/' . urlencode($imageinfo['imagename']);
                return PHPWCMS_URL . $path . '/' . urlencode($imageinfo['imagename']);
    return '';
    // randomX Image Tag
    $search        = '/\{RANDOMX:(.*?)\}/e';
    $replace    = 'get_random_image_tagX("$1");';
    $content["all"] = preg_replace($search, $replace, $content["all"]);
//    $string = str_replace('&#92;&#039;', '&#039;', $string);
//    $string = str_replace('&amp;quot;', '&quot;', $string);

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