{{indexmenu_n>200}} ====== Recommendations ====== It's everything more or less self explaining here.\\ {{:3rd-party-modules:social_plugins:social-plugins-docu:social-plugins-docu-facebook:screenshot_sp-23.jpg|}} ===== Plugin Name ===== //(Required)// see Like Button for how to. ---- \\ ===== Domain ===== //(set by system)// only the base url of the page the module is installed can be used here, it will show all recommendation for all pages from that website. ---- \\ ===== Customizations ===== //(Required)// you will find your way through this. [[http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/recommendations/|here to play with it]] ##**New in v1.0.5**##\\ Border Color is deprecated! ---- \\ ===== Output Type ===== //(Optional)// see Like Button for how to. ---- \\