Image Rotator

Description: With this Module you get all the scripts to run the JW Image Rotator inside phpwcms and feed it easy in backend with single files or playlists.

Version 3.0.0
Release date 24. April 2011
Author breitsch for
License GNU General Public License (GPL)
Language en, de
Type Free (but note the donation button on the left!)
CMS Version >= V1.3.3


Release notes and change log
3.0 - 2011-04-24
[UPDATE] mootools 1.2.5 in backend
[UPDATE] swfobject loaded from phpwcms template
[UPDATE] JW Image Rotator 3.18.
[FIX] several bugfixes

2.0 - 2008-12-27
[FIX] Link target option global for all files of a playlist.
[ADD] Allow fullscreen option
[ADD] GUI for the xml files in backend module section. View, Update, Edit, Delete.
[ADD] Player loads with or without javascript. No mootools needed anymore.
[CHANGE] JS API changed to fit swfobject 2.1.
[UPDATE] swfobject 2.1.
[FIX] wmode now set by the user and applied correctly to the FlashPlayer.
[ADD] User can add entire filecenter folders to a playlist.
[CHANGE] Module now uses its own filebrowser.php.
[CHANGE] All media files are loaded with stream.php because of the since phpwcms1.3.5 blocked filearchive folder.
[CHANGE] All pictures are loaded from “content/images/” because of the since phpwcms1.3.5 blocked filearchive folder.
[UPDATE] JW Image Rotator 3.17.

1.0 - 2008-02-08